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Messages - pndlake

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Book Club & Noteworthy Reads / Re: Books about dog aggression
« on: July 23, 2005, 01:20:47 am »
Please remember as I confess, I live on a ranch where pets and livestock MUST get along.  I only did in once in her life and have never had to do it again.  I love my animals and kindness is my best attribute.


Book Club & Noteworthy Reads / Re: Books about dog aggression
« on: July 23, 2005, 01:08:39 am »
I have had a similar problem.  My big dog, Niki, became extremely aggresive toward my little dog, a small australian shepard mix.  One evening after feeding my Rottweiler mix wanted to take away the little dogs feed and grabbed her by the neck and started shaking in order to kill.  Now, I have worked with dogs many years and have done some great things but there are some things I am not proud of, however,  felt I had no other choice.  I may get a lot of flack on this but there is one thing that just pushes my button where I lose it and that is the aggresive, kill action.  Sure this is a normal inbred action of a dog that is there because wolves had to kill in order to survive.  But humans have bred the wolf to be a pet and altered most of the instinctive behavior within them.  Some of this comes out and it is the job of the human to correct it for the safety of other animals, cats, chickens, rabbits and more.  Anyway, I totally lose it when a dog goes into the kill mode and I did what had to be done.  Grab a stick and end it quite rapidly in the most aggresive way needed.  I am not proud of it, but it works.  I never had to use that technique again on her and she knows where my breaking point is.  This has nothing to do with the "tough love" technique which I am very much against and I have only used it in VERY extreme circumstances.  Yell at me if you wish and I hang my head in shame but my dogs are alive and I never have to worry about it again.


Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: When I am old....
« on: July 21, 2005, 08:30:35 pm »
Great poem.  Sorry you young ones, I am already there but still a  ways to go.  Its not my fault.  I look at Niki and her muzzle is pretty grey, I noticed it getting that way a few years ago.  What breaks my heart is that I just noticed the grey starting to form around her eyes.  Its not her fault.  She went on her first speedboard ride yesterday and loved something new to do.  I learned to drive it while pulling a skier. What fun.  Even saw our first bald eagle with its mate.  So life is still good. 

By the way I have had several people say they could not see my avatar only a red X, can anybody else see it.  Thanks.  Peggy

hmmmm how old are these dogs?  Maybe you posted this but I did not see it. Age makes a big difference.   Each situation is different, each dog is different, each home enviornment is different.  You chose to have dogs that need a great deal of attention and you are in a city-type enviornment.  You are very wise by hiring somebody to walk them if you, for whatever reason, are unable to do so.  That is a great step.  You also seem to care a great deal which is an asset to your character - so many people don't care. 

OK,OK no you did not tell us your whole story, but I am curious, do you have a husband or a boyfriend (or both)  8)


General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: BPO Rescue
« on: July 21, 2005, 02:26:52 pm »
An awesome idea if somebody here could find the correct route to those who have the knowledge in this area.  I have the time and desire to help, so count me in.  Peggy

The placement of your hand gives me a very good feeling about how you feel when somebody disturbs you while on BPO.  :D


YOU are very talented, wonderful detail work.  Keep it up, I say you will go far  :)

So sorry Marit.  You have always been such an inspiration to us and now we feel your pain.  Peggy and Niki

Marit, I wonder why you are getting a red x/ On my ' puter the avatar is there but once in awhile I will get a red x on someone else's photo also. Frustrating.  Maybe Jamie knows.

I will send them some money and I am VERY against sending money unless I really feel strongly about something and this I feel strongly about.  We are getting buried in laws and so many people do not see it coming.  I am like you Gypsy, I do not trust anybody but I am going to stick my neck out on this one.  I am off to post my money and put it where my mouth is.


Marit, looks like the ACLU of the dog world.  Right up my alley, think I'll join.


General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Invisible Fence
« on: July 15, 2005, 04:21:12 pm »
Boy, you are all right.  Every dog and every situation is different.  It can be very frutstrating at times, but you have to do what needs to be done to keep everyone safe.

 My question is (since I have no experience with an invisible fence) can't deer, bears and elephants  ;D go through a fence where a dog is contained? How do they react when that happens?  Do they just chase them out and stay behind in their area? Can it sometimes create a hazard for the dog.   In developments that do not allow fencing of any kind, do all the dogs neatly stay in their designated fenced areas?  I assume some developments backyard areas are all open and you can see for miles. I have noticed that on the East Coast and the MidWest.   Here in California we all have fenced- in areas but in some of the newer developments, the houses are close together, are two story and have tiny, tiny fenced in areas.

My own expience with dog fences are hard-learned lessons.  I have a large fenced in area (fencing material is post and rail with hog-wire stretched tightly on fence).  Well one of my dogs started digging under and jumping over the fence.  I needed to put a hotwire on it so I got out an old horse wire charger and strung on along the fence line.  Pretty soon I was finding dead birds on the property which I hated because I love blue jays and finches.  Figured it out and went down to purchase a dog-sized charger and it worked fine.  I needed even then to position the wire away from the fence so birds could not put one claw on the wire and the other on the fence to create a bad situation.  After awhile, I did not even need to use it, but if I get a new pup, I will charge it again. . We are getting more and more traffic out here and we must be safe.  Lilke I say, every situation is different.


Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Could it be any hotter????
« on: July 13, 2005, 09:51:50 pm »
Wow 114 in Las Vegas.  OK I AM tired, it is hot, and I still have to feed the livestock, but it is too hot.  I live close to Jabear, my computer beeper keeps going off, so I am frustrated and tired.  So live with it.  heeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeee, it is over 117 in Phoenix so what can you do?

I believe the best way to do it is to make the dog WANT to come to you.  You know your dog, you know what he likes best and dislikes.  You know what faces and sounds you make that he likes better than other faces and sounds you make.
I personally do not use treats for such a basic command.  It is a command that shows he is your dog and will love to be by your side when he is needed.  I like to use tremendous personal praises that are between you and your dog that nobody else knows.  The leash thing sounds like it would work as long as you tie it in with your own personal touch. 

 I once trained three of my dogs to walk horizontally by my side without a leash, then stop, sit, and again walk step,step,step then stop again and sit as soon as I stopped.  I got them to do it without a verbal command.  They just loved it and it became a great game with all of them including me - they even seemed to compete with each other as who could sit the fastest when I stopped suddenly.  I know you can develop your own method. 


I hope what I posted was friendly, it was meant to be.  I am a lab mix lover myself,  they have been a great deal of help to the american public as well as world wide.


General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Locked
« on: July 10, 2005, 02:45:12 am »
I knew it, I knew it.  Now no more posting for me about all of the stupid laws we have. :-X  I must get off the soap box and walk away in defeat.  Oh well, I will walk down that road and Niki will be right by my side, she still loves me even if nobody else does.     :-[  :-\

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