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Messages - pndlake

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General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Locked
« on: July 10, 2005, 12:55:34 am »
Ok why is the tail-docking thread locked ??? ???  Is my computer acting up or is my big mouth beging shut and locked ???

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Bear and the squirrel
« on: July 10, 2005, 12:27:10 am »
Great shots, I love his collar and leash, how cute.

When we first moved here, I thought the squirrels were cute.  Then one day I looked up and our 3 story barn was leaning to one side!!! The squirrels dug holes underneath it and it was losing its main support posts.  We got rid of them and the barn is still there with a little lean, thank god.  It is the only creature Niki is allowed to chase.


Oh come on.  If labs weren't smart then they would not use them for quide dogs or handicap helpers.  I have seen great, smart labs and great, not so smart.  Even had an airhead one that hated water (not like a lab at all).  But this is often true for many breeds, some smart and then some not.  You are right Gypsy we do not need smart aleck posts like 2 dogs.  If we all liked the same type of dog then a walk in the park would be pretty boring with all dogs looking the same. 


General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / What next?
« on: July 09, 2005, 01:56:09 pm »
I just read on the internet that a state (I believe Maine) is trying to make it a law that a driver cannot allow his dog to stick his head out the window.  I don't need an arguement that it is not a safe thing to do - I believe that is probably true.  I just believe we do not need another law.  If this keeps up then there will be so many laws that you will be totally confused when you walk out the door with your dog.  (should I go down the blue path or the red one, hmmm red ones could damage the feet and I think it is illegal).  Silly I know but there is a little truth to it. 


I do not disagree with any of you in regards to docking.  I do believe that it is not the governments place to get involved. 

Oatmeal shampoo for dogs? HaHa ok, I am an old grotchety okee at heart.  I have always used baby shampoo so eyes will not burn and they got good and clean.  Flea dip is a different story but good old cheap baby shampoo for all the time is good.  My dogs get clean by jumping in the irrigation ditch.  What a simple uneducated umph I am.


"I don't think the government has anything to do with that nor that laws are needed in either case"

Right Sobe, I agree but attempts are being made for the government to become involved.  In Europe, it is illegal, in America there are bills being introduced and so forth and so on.  There is no end to it.  I agree with you, I don't want silicone breast implants but my neighbor does.  I dont crop my dog's tail because I do not feel it is necessary, not because the government told me I couldn't.

ok I agree trimming probably doesnt hurt much.  Should it be against the law to circumcise our male human babies?  I am sure it hurts.  Should the government tell us in their great "wisdom"what we should do about that? They are always "right" about everything else. :-\   

Marit, I love your knowledge and welcome all that you have posted that is beneficial but still - is that why sheep's tails are not cropped in Europe - is that against the law???

I do not personally agree with cropping tails or clipping ears but 1) I respect the rights of others to do so and 2)I am an animal lover but also feel that there are other issues in humanity that are more important than cropping or clipping.


Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Newf Lover
« on: July 08, 2005, 10:16:52 pm »
jabar knows all hee hee.  thanks now I feel better.  :)

Hey Jack would have looked great on the fire truck - just tell them he is a dalmation mix. heehee

Anything Non-Dog Related / Newf Lover
« on: July 08, 2005, 09:48:35 pm »
Where are you Newflover, I miss your posts. ??? ??? ???

Marit, is that why sheep's tails in Europe are not docked - because it is illegal?  I feel that certain animals are healthier because of cropping and the pain they may feel is a lot better than infections a problems resulting from not being cropped. As an example, sheep naturally thrive in mountainous regions.  Their feet are in the wild kept short because they are always walking on rocks.  People put them in pastures so now their feet become infected because the hooves grow around the pads and they need to be clipped by hand.  Is that cruel?  It hurts. A horrible death by infection is stopped.  Do we need a law that says we can't do that.   

I personally do not like dog cropping, however, in most cases such as tails, it is a minor adjustment that does little pain to a pup even if a few inside vases are all that is saved.  I know you can't compare sheep to dogs but it is still the same thing.  What I hate and I mean HATE is the government telling me what I can and cannot do.  I kick and fight all the way to jail. 


Comeon Nicks, love your posts, its ok.

Anything Non-Dog Related / A cat story
« on: July 08, 2005, 08:54:59 pm »
Since some of you said how you enjoy different stories, I have some cat stories that are true and since this is a dog board, I can probably get away with it.

When my kids were little and the fruit orchard was a bloomin, I would make freezer jam and store it in (guess what) my freezer in the garage.  We had baby kittens at the time and it was late at night when I opened the freezer door and pulled out a jar to thaw overnight.  I did not notice that one of the kittens climbed in (it was an upright freezer).  The next morning (really) I heard this faint meeewwwee coming from the garage.  I opened up the freezer and out popped this kitten but its tail was as straight as a board!!!!!!!!!!  It ran off and later the tail fell off so I got a home for it right away as a max!!!

I have more that I need strength or a few beers to tell.


Oh, he looks so sad forgotten on that couch.  He is cool looking.  How many are there, approx.?

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