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Messages - Kermit

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Awww! I just got word of this thread from Holly and I feel so honored (again!) to have done a portrait of a BPO loved one. I'm so glad you like it, Heather, and you should know the photo of Zoey made me smile the whole time I was working on the portrait. :)

I'm so glad to have been a part of her memorial, and I sure do wish I could spend more time here on the board!


Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: Hi there
« on: March 06, 2008, 02:20:29 pm »
Aw, what cute puppers you have! And I love your avatar picture! :D
Welcome to the board.

Borzoi Discussions & Pictures / Re: Guess What?
« on: March 06, 2008, 02:15:36 pm »
OOOOOHH!!!!! I am so jealous!!!!! I have always wanted a Borzoi ever since I saw Legends of the Fall!!! :D I absolutely adore sighthounds. They have such a different nature from other dogs, somehow they are so easy to live with. My dog Patrick is a cross of two sighthounds, the woman I adopted him from thinks he is Deerhound and Borzoi. He is such a dream. :)

I don't have any name suggestions, but congratulation s, what an exciting time!!! You'll have to post loads of pictures because Borzoi pups are pretty much the most precious!!! :D :D :D

German Shepherd Pictures / Re: Phaorah at the park :)
« on: March 02, 2008, 11:50:10 pm »
What a beautiful dog. Geez I just love dogs. You can just look at their face and know that you have a great friend. :)

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: Hi Everyone!
« on: March 02, 2008, 11:48:20 pm »
Oh my goodness that's a cute pup! Geez the last thing I need is puppy fever! :D ;)

Welcome to the board! :)

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: What a big boy I have
« on: March 02, 2008, 07:19:55 pm »
Geez Clifford is a cutie!!!!! :D

Great Pyrenees Pictures / Re: 205 Pound Great Pyrenees(Pics)
« on: March 02, 2008, 07:18:40 pm »
Wow I can't imagine what it must have been like to be in the presence of that dog!! :o He looks like a big gentle sweetie but I bet he takes his guarding job seriously! Guarding his mommy that is!! ;)

As for the pink nose it looks to me like he just has a bunch of dirt on it or a scab. Who knows. Either way sounds like it's best to have him neutered. :) Someone else would be trying to make a bunch of money off him by breeding the heck out of him like the people with that monstrous Great Dane who is the biggest one in the records. :P

Great Dane Pictures / Re: Pictures from Brutis's 9th Birthday
« on: March 02, 2008, 02:07:21 am »
Aw, what a sweetie pie! It's great to hear about a healthy 9th birthday for one of our big paw dogs. :)

Saint Bernard Pictures / Re: haven't been here in awhile.....
« on: March 02, 2008, 02:04:31 am »
Your dogs are just beautiful!! I'm glad your rescue is fitting in well, that's wonderful. I love stories about rescued dogs that end up in loving new homes. Your three dogs look fantastic together!! :D

Treatment & Preventative Meds / Re: New puppy Great Dane Mastiff mix
« on: February 25, 2008, 05:34:09 am »
Welcome to the board! Can't wait til you post some pics of that big puppy!!! :)
I agree that nutrition is KEY to keeping your big paw healthy. Adult dog food worked really well for the pups I have raised, kept their growth rate slow and steady. Also you'll want to be careful not to take your pup on walks that are too long for those growing bones to handle. Rough exercise is best kept minimal for puppies who grow really fast like Mastiffs and Great Danes.

Best of luck! Um, pictures now! ;) ;D

~Rebekah and crew

Bills & Other Legislative Acts / Re: number of dogs allowed??
« on: February 25, 2008, 05:29:29 am »
Wow, thanks for all the input you guys. Looks like I am going to have to be careful! Honestly I wouldn't mind paying an extra fee to keep all my dogs with me. Kinda like how I have come to expect paying HUGE security/pet deposits whenever I move into a new rental. :o But I am excited about the prospect of leaving the southeast, at least for a while. It's gonna be hilarious when I drive my van full o' dogs across the country!! :D

I'll be doing some research! I want to find a place that will be just right for me and the pack. :)

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Blue Great dane owners
« on: February 23, 2008, 09:30:43 am »
I have a blue dane! :D His name is Connor. I certainly don't find him to be diluted in personality!!!!!!!!!!!!  :D :D :D
As for health, let's see... when I first adopted him, he was very sickly. I got him from a shelter when he was about 6 months. He had terrible digestive problems and skin problems that started after he had been home with me for a few days. (It was probably a result of the stress of him living in a shelter for over a week.) Soon after, he needed surgery on both of his eyes- he had cherry eye issues due to deformed third eyelids. Honestly I am not sure if all this had to do with him being blue or not, I see a lot of Danes with the eyelid problems.

Around that time, I asked a lot of people about skin problems in blue danes, and I got mixed opinions. Connor's skin is AMAZING now, I never would have guessed he would heal so well, but it did take a lot of food trials before I found something that agreed with his system. I feed him California Natural Lamb and Rice, and sometimes I switch him to the Chicken and Rice just to offer him a slight variety. He does really well on both. :)

So, in conclusion, yes he has had his share of problems, but I don't regret taking care of him through it all- not for a second. I love the big guy. He's an amazing and loyal friend to me. A Dane in every sense, I just don't see how anyone could suggest a diluted personality!!! Out of the five other Danes I have shared my home with for various periods of time, Connor is just as much if not more of a character. ;D And really the vet fees I was faced with were minimal, I don't think I have spent over a thousand dollars at the vet since I've had him, and we're going on two years I think. :)

Good luck!!!
Here's a pic of me and my darling blue man. ;)

Wolfhound Discussions & Pictures / Re: Winter Fun
« on: February 23, 2008, 06:42:04 am »
Ooooooh wolfhounds are so pretty!!!!! I just never get tired of pictures of them. ;D I haven't seen one in so long. Post pictures of those beauties ANY TIME!!!!! :D

Bills & Other Legislative Acts / number of dogs allowed??
« on: February 23, 2008, 06:20:35 am »
Hey, does anyone know of a thread on this board or some information somewhere where I can find out about dog laws in different areas? I feel like we've had discussions like this in the past here. I know that in some places by law you are only allowed to have "X" number of dogs in your home or else you need a breeder's license.

I live in redneck Georgia where there don't seem to be many laws about how people keep dogs, which is good for me since I have 5 of them! But I am seriously considering moving out west and I want to make sure I can keep my babies.

Sooo... where is everybody, and what are the dog laws in your area?
Thanks... you guys rock. ;D

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: Hi everyone... a reintroduction!
« on: February 23, 2008, 06:10:46 am »
Thanks for the warm welcome back, you guys. It's really amazing to sign on to the board and see so many familiar people. It reminds me of where I was a few years ago when I first joined this forum! So many of the same folks are still around, it's amazing!
i was reading through some posts last night trying to play catch up... can't wait to read more! ;D

And I'll post new pics soon. I'll get out in the yard with my camera. Maybe for the first time ever I can actually get a group shot with everyone in it at one time!!! :D

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