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Messages - aggghgmom

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Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Happy Birthday, aggghgmom
« on: January 31, 2009, 03:38:06 am »
The birthday board and your profile doesn't say its your birthday, but if it is...Happy Birthday. :-* :-*

Yes it really was my birthday!!  I never put it on BPO not because I didn't want to but because I never remembered to.  Lin is a facebook friend and saw it there!!

Thanks everyone for the good wishes and thanks Lin for remembering!!!


Oh my goodness - he is sooooo adorable I looked at the pictures and my heart melted - honestly he is one of the cutest pups!!

I can feel your excitment from your post!!

Congrats, of course, more photos will be required!!!


Big Dogs with Jobs / Re: Big Dog Service Dogs
« on: January 25, 2009, 01:26:21 pm »
Welcome to BPO - I'm sure you will like it here - it is very addicting and the people and pups are wonderful - your pups are beautiful. 

As I have mentioned my next door neighbor has a service dog for her son.  When Rusty has his vest on he is working and we can't pet him.  Next year Rusty and Zach will be attending the school I work at - I know I can't pet him and talk goofy to him the way I usually do - I hope he understands why.

My neighbor politely tells people not to pet Rusty while he is working - he needs to stay on alert at all times.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Good thoughts please
« on: January 24, 2009, 02:06:48 pm »
This is a copy of the e-mail that my neighbor sent to her friends and contacts in her address book.  I have chosen to post it here because it does have good information and because you were all so AWESOME in your good thoughts and prayers for Rusty:

As some of you already know, Rusty is at the hospital. He will be fine but we had a scare for a day due to Rusty eating a handful of raisins.  Raisins and Grapes are toxic to dogs and can cause renal failure.  Rusty does not usually eat people food so this would not have been an issue. However, I was stupid and gave him some of the raisins I was eating last night.  He began passing gas (and Rusty has never had gas) and for some reason it triggered me to look up “dogs and raisins.”  (I am sure this is because someone had mentioned this to me before but I had forgotten.)

The 24 hour Emergency Vet had me call the poison control for animals.  The vet at poison control said we needed to take Rusty in. Rusty had to have his stomach pumped last night and will have an IV for 48 hours to ensure his kidneys are flushed of whatever the toxins from raisins are removed from his body.  We are blessed that Rusty will be ok but this was a very costly lesson learned.  Our vet bill will be about $1,500.00…all because of a handful of raisins that cost less than 50 cents.

Please share this with your friends. I would hate for this to happen to someone else.  (As much as we hate to have these types of emails because many are myths, I  assure you this is not a myth.)

Well Rusty is holding his own - he is very tired and
calm (his Mom thought he would be nervous being away from Zach).  He has to stay in the animal hospital until at least tomorrow at noon.  But things are looking good

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to all the well wishers for the thoughts and prayers I think the BPO good vibes worked again!!


Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Happy Birthday, Litte Grace
« on: January 24, 2009, 09:07:39 am »

Grace we hope you have the very best, most awesome birthday!!  Have fun being spoiled you deserve it!!

Randy and Harley

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: BIG BIG REQEST
« on: January 23, 2009, 06:31:15 pm »
All fingers and paws crossed!! 

How exciting when will you know?

Oh puppies!!

Randy and Harley

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Good thoughts please
« on: January 23, 2009, 06:29:18 pm »
Good morning everyone!!

I just got a phone call from my neighbor and really good friend that they just had to leave Rusty their 6 year old dog at the emergency vet because he has eaten some raisens.  Rusty is not only Harleys very favorite friend (except me) but a beloved family pet and her sons service dog (Zach has autism - Rusty is trained to find him when he wanders off and so many other jobs).

The emergency vet said the amount injested makes it boarder line - they are pumping his stomach and giving him charcoal -

I know the power of BPO thoughts and we could really use some - I can't believe anything would happen to sweet Rusty so I am being upbeat and positive in my thoughts that he will be OK.

Yeah I vote for kicking the mean tow truck drive and a second drink (And I don't even drink!!)

Regarding the dealer - I believe your in Canada so I don't know if this holds true but I had 2 lemon cars in a row and was constantly having problems - 2 differend dealers told me that they traditionally will grant 2 "free" or highly discounted fixes if a car breaks down within a reasonable of time after the warranty expires.

Actually my car now which is a good almost trouble free car, was granted a "free" fix when my airconditioner went a couple of months after the warranty expired.

You have to be professional and assertive. Hopefully they can cut you a deal.


Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Sad news about Gilligan the Newf!
« on: January 15, 2009, 11:56:02 pm »
I'm sorry things didn't work out the way you originally intended.  But I believe things happen for a reason and this baby girl was meant to be yours!!  OMG look at that oh so adorable face I would just want to sit and hug her all day long!!  Congrats on your new baby.  I vote for Dory also!!

Randy and Harley

You are definately being a protective mother - thats great and Sadie deserves your protection.  I agree with the others, perhaps they were just loving people who couldn't deal with what they weren't prepared for and just want to know she is doing well.  I would e-mail them with the basics.  Sadie is going well in our home, with our other dogs and family.  Thats pretty much it or I would add that she is still overcoming some puppy like issues.  Just so they remember there are always issues with puppies that it isn't all Rosie with a young dog.  That way you have updated them but also shown that she isn't perfect so they don't think well now she is all fixed we should try to get her back....OK I have a suspicious mind.

Randy and Harley

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Promises Broken
« on: January 12, 2009, 12:46:21 pm »

I'm sorry for you, your friend and of course the dog that would have had a great home.  Lets hope the home it was placed in works well.

Have you ever looked at the Scottsville Animal Hospital and adoption website?  They are in Rochester - only an hour from you (I can generally help transport).  I would have to check the site to see if they adopt outsider our area.  Anyway, I have been checking with there site frequently looking for grown dogs and pups; they travel to high kill shelters and pull dogs they feel they can adopt out.

I think this is their site:

They had a dog I had my eye on; but it found a good home - yeah Ginger!!  and then a puppy my daughter, hubby and I all liked, we decided to wait a week because this is quite possible the very worst time for us to get a pup - but decided the pup needed a home for the holidays - but it was also adopted (by a vet tech who lives on a few acres - her name was Happy and I think she will be).  We know that eventually there will be a dog/pup for us and it will probably be from this organization.

Anyway just a thought.


Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: I've got water front property!
« on: January 10, 2009, 02:49:42 am »
Now THATS a puddle!!


We've purchased two new vaccuums.  A Shark rechargeable for the tile and a Dyson Animal for the carpet.

How does the Shark rechargeable vacuum work?  We pulled up our carpet and have wood laminent.  We had a rechargeable but it died after only a few months - would be interested in trying a different one?

We are pretty much natures miracle, windex and the dreaded amonia family.


Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: Just wanted to introduce myself
« on: January 10, 2009, 02:43:31 am »
Welcome to BPO - if noone else has warned you be careful it is VERY addicting.  My name is Randy and I have one of the smaller big paws - a 74 pound, 7 year old, pain in the neck Flat Coated Retriever named Harley.

As most people on the board know I desperately want a mastiff but hubby won't go for it : (    So I enjoy at all of your pictures.  Your pups are truly adorable!!

Enjoy BPO

Randy and Harley

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