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Messages - Jason

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Ugh! Sorry to hear that Nickers. I've been there and I know it ain't pretty. From both dogs?
You are probably gonna need a Rug Doctor to get that out.


I know someone who uses "Rescue Remedy"  on their psychotic cat and they say it works wonders. My boy is a bit jumpy too, and I've been considering it for some time. If you can find it, check it out.


Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Storm Area?
« on: June 12, 2005, 09:51:55 am »
Hope all is well. We are in Atl, GA and get the trailing  rain and wind. Looks like the worst might be over.


Saint Bernard General Discussions / Re: back foot issue??????
« on: June 10, 2005, 11:32:28 am »
Hey nickers,
I'm not sayin' it's a hip thing, and I'm not sayin' it's not, but check one more thing. I think I remember you saying that Angus licks his paws alot. Well, Oreo was rolling his feet a few months ago when he walked. Of course he's a compulsive foot licker and I noticed the area between his pads/toes were all red and sore especially in front of the large pad. It seemed it was so raw that he would walk/stand goofy to keep from putting max pressure on it. Kinda lke if you had a bad blister, you might dance different. Well,... I guess you might dance different anyway, Nickers. The picture doesn't show the redness I'm talking about, but check behind the front toes for anything.

Regardless, it is probably best to have a vet check the little one out.

Also, and you probably did this already, check for anything stuck in the toes (spinters of wood, pieces of glass, loose legos, etc). Remember the Lion and the Thorn.


Sorry you are still having problems. I've been there with the loose stool before and you definitely don't what it at the next level. I have actually had some success by adding boiled rice to Oreo's food when he gets loose stool. It seems to help add some bulk. Of course my picky eater won't touch the rice though unless I boil it in chicken broth. Actually, I just add a bullion cube or 2 to the boiling water.

Oreo has had this problem on several occasions and I think I eventually ended up changing his food. He has been fine lately (knock on wood).

Good luck.

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Gas pains or Bloat?????????
« on: June 08, 2005, 10:15:13 pm »
Hey everyone. I wanted to pass this link on to everyone concerned about bloat and torsion.

As some of you know, Oreo had emergency surgery a few years back for Bloat and Torsion, and I credit the info in this article for saving his life. Print it out and keep in nearby. Make sure anyone who has a hand in taking care of your big dog (dog walkers, sitters, spouse, etc) knows the symptoms.

Now, Oreo has a 14 inch scar to impress the ladies and a tacked tummy to prevent bloat from happening again.


I think selective hearing thing is a "guy thing" :P 

Did someone say something? ;)


Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: Timid Dog
« on: June 04, 2005, 07:05:23 am »

How old is Jasmine? She looks fairly young, but does she have a history?

Oreo has been timid since I got him (he was almost 2 though). I didn't know much about his past history and there were no external signs of physical abuse/neglect, but it did take him a bit to warm up to me. He's 8 now and he is still very timid around some new people, bold dogs and loud noises. I swear he will jump at every marginally abrupt noise he hears. Not just thunder and doorbells and stuff, but the toaster popping, cabinet doors shutting, a dropped shoe, crying babies etc. Maybe the noise of the door abruptly opening is scaring her. Does she hang her head or jump back  when all this happens?

On the other hand, if she is wagging her tail and prancing during this event, she could just be messing with you. If this is the case, she needs the treat as incentive to come in.


Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Triple Pelvic Osteotomy
« on: June 04, 2005, 06:37:48 am »
A distant friend of mine (who I seemed to have lost touch with) had this surgery performed on her Newfy. Her pup couldn't have been more than a year or two old at the time, but I believe the surgery was a success. Sorry but I really don't have much information beyond this. It has been many years, but I remember it because after the surgery she talked about driving 100 miles away three times a week so her Newf could go to rehab at a pool specifically for canine rehab. Kinda cool that her Newfie could go to water therapy class, but THAT too was rather expensive.

I know most vets will generally work with you on financing, but I'm not sure about fairy godmother organizations. Is the surgery an immediate thing? In the next month? In the next 6 months?

Wish you the best of luck.


Treatment & Preventative Meds / Re: Cost of hearworm prevention
« on: June 01, 2005, 09:49:37 am »
i have been using
Ivomectin 1%
for cattle
1 cc per 110 lbs(oraly)

for 20 years
i never had heartworms
we give our dogs every month year round
since we live in a hot state

it's kind of ,,,,,,,,,,,up to you thing

oh  jeffers had a 50 CC  bottle on sale now  28.00
lasts me about a year

I was actually using the Ivomectin for years with my dane, Oreo. Never had any problems either, but I've had vets try to steer me toward a "package" product. I assume some of that was profit driven, but I guess the packaged products do usually come with some type of guarantee (or they pay for treatment....s ome restrictions apply). I finally gave in and started using Heartgard. It is kinda insane that you have to double up for dogs over 100 lbs though. They should just add an XX-Large size. Hmmmm, maybe we should start a petition. ;)


Food Discussion & Information / Re: Raised water and food or not?
« on: May 27, 2005, 08:50:42 pm »
They tacked Oreo AFTER his bloat and torsion surgery. We haven't had any problems since. I understand that dogs who had bloat before are more susceptible to have it reoccur. So they usually tack the stomach while they are in there. I can't speak for getting it done early as prevention, but I imagine it is worth looking into if there is a history in the dog's family/bloodline.


Saint Bernard General Discussions / Re: He finally lifts his leg!!
« on: May 27, 2005, 03:00:55 pm »
From a guys perspective... .

I am completely embarassed because my male Dane squats to pee. The only time he lifts his leg is when he is aiming at something he can't squat over (i.e. the truck of a thorny bush or large pine tree). I really tried to get him to pee like a man, but I have learned to accept him for who he is and not for how he relieves himself.

Food Discussion & Information / Re: Raised water and food or not?
« on: May 27, 2005, 02:40:55 pm »
I have always fed Oreo from raised food and water bowls. He had bloat and torsion 3 years ago and I can honestly say I don't believe there is any correlation between dish height and bloat. Bloat is more unpredictable than the weather.

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Shedding Like Crazy!!!!!
« on: May 26, 2005, 12:36:11 pm »
Welcome to Big Paws, SirBronson. Yes, we are in the middle of shedding season. If you can brush your dane a few times a week, you will notice great improvements with his coat. Otherwise, they get that dusty look like they've been sitting on the shelf for too long. Plus, you see dog hair tumbleweeds rolling across the wood floors.

I'm not sure what you mean by "his coat looks all pitted." Is he losing hair in circles or patches? Do you see bare skin?


Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: 1/2 dog topic, 1/2 not....
« on: May 26, 2005, 08:56:28 am »
The Toyota Matrix is a tempting car. I work on some advertising for Toyota and apparently, the Matrix was marketed towards the young, hip, 20-something, just out of college crowd. They found out after a few months that alot of senior citizens were buying them because they were affordable, roomy and lower to the ground (easier to get into). Sounds like a good car for big dog lovers too.

Oreo likes our 2000 Dodge Ram ext cab. He gets the ext part all to himself. My girlfriend and I have taken him on 12 hour trips without any compomise. Dodge trucks are not known for fuel efficiency though at 13 mpg. We also have a 2001 Prius and a Miata, but Oreo doesn't fit in either of those.

A friend of mine has a Dane/Lab mix (90 lbs) and just bought a Mini Cooper. It is a hatchback and the seats go down so there is a surprising amount of room in the back. Very good mpg too.

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