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Messages - Tulsas' Dad

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Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Fireman Drake
« on: October 31, 2005, 09:34:26 am »
Look Out!
You're gonna end up on a Calender with Hunky Men!
Lose the hat!

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Photo diary of my first pumpkin mutilation
« on: October 30, 2005, 11:56:11 am »
Prescooped Pumpkins!
Entrepreniural thread here.
More Pumpkin Pies! Nah! Need more cows to make 'Real' whipped cream!
More Roasted Pumpkin Seeds. Nah! They're to dry to begin with.
More Roasted Pumpkin Seeds in Trail Mix? Nah! Need too much cocoanut to counter the dryness.
Anyone want to raise cocoanuts on a South Pacific Island with lots of white sandy beaches to counteract the dryness of the trail mix?
Bet we could get a Government Grant!
They're giving away everything else!
Hopefully we could raise the cocoanuts on an island that makes Rum!

I agree with you that females are more high maintenance.
A male goes out into his 'space' and pees on everyting. Says to himself, "OK, I've marked everything that is mine!" And goes into 'Siesta' mode.
A female comes along, takes a sniff, and says, "I'll deal with that issue later!"
Dogs lives are based on a 'Matriarchal' Society.
The female rules, and the males take their place until they are needed.
It's not unlike our own society when you think about it.
Behind every good man, stands a great woman.
That is why I prefer female dogs!
They make sure that other dogs respect their 'space'!
Just my humble opinion.

Saint Bernard General Discussions / Re: Is it wrong???
« on: October 30, 2005, 10:48:59 am »
Your 'Leap of Faith' is the securing bond.
He will know that you love him when you meet.
I did the same thing with my girl, 'Tulsa'.
I traveled 170 miles to meet her, but I knew in my heart that I would be taking her home, and I know that she felt it.
Good Fortune with your new dog, and enjoy!

Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Re: Saint Bernard Mix ????
« on: October 30, 2005, 09:40:44 am »
Can definately see the Rotti face.
Body looks like it could have some Boxer.
Rott x Boxer + uncropped tail + Swiffer Duster = Clean House!
Talk about genetic engineering serving ALL of Mankind!

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: What? Daylight Savings Time is Over??!!
« on: October 30, 2005, 09:34:04 am »
What's the clue?
Spring Back, Fall Forward?
Sounds like something I'd do with a new bartender!
Hope I don't miss Happy Hour!

Great Pyrenees Pictures / Re: I can't move on!
« on: October 30, 2005, 07:23:20 am »
I don't think I'd recognise your posts If I didn't see Donut!
I once lost a favored Pet in a divorce.
Instead of a new girlfriend, I got a new pet!
Worked out Great.

Great Pyrenees Pictures / Re: Princess fun!
« on: October 30, 2005, 07:09:02 am »
And Yes, Bennie and Joon is worth the rental fee!
It's in my Private Collection.
The hat scene alone is worth the fee.

Rottweiler Pictures / Re: Whisper in her ear
« on: October 29, 2005, 12:41:31 pm »
There is a Visla pup that makes a beeline to Tulsa whenever he comes to the park. Starts licking her mouth and submitting. Tulsa backs up in every conceivable direction to avoid the attention. You can almost hear her spit and say 'Phooey'! The pup persists, and Tulsa puts a paw on him and gives a low growl, and the pup runs.
The funny part, though, is when the pup confronts a dog that can hurt it, Tulsa is there to protect the pup!

Malamutes are notorious for their independence, as well as their aloofness, and intelligence.
If they get away with something once they will test you, again and again.
You noted that she destroyed things even when supervised.
Don't let your dog get away with anything!
The attention that you pay to her when she has this behavior is reinforcement for that behavior.
She wants your attention, and when you react, she will continue that behavior.
Has she been to obedience training? Does she have issues with other animals or people?
Is she trained to a crate? Is this your first puppy?
It is sometimes too easy to question a breeder about the behavior issues without looking into the work that is required to make a 'Great' dog "Good".
I don't want you to feel that I'm being judgemental, but when you bring a dog into your home you have to be ready to be the 'teacher', and set the 'Rules of Behavior' in your classroom.
A dog takes a place in our heart the moment we bring it home, it becomes a part of our soul when it listens and responds to us, it becomes our heart and soul when it anticipates, and knows our expectations.
I think you need to spend some time with her, and find out what she needs from you.

Old English Mastiff Pictures / Re: Cheese! ???
« on: October 29, 2005, 11:02:04 am »
Now you need another pup and name it "Crackers"!

This is our first Halloween here.
I'm expecting lots of Ghouls and Goblins! Since we live across the street from a school.
Tulsa is easily excited, but it's usually by other dogs.
So unless the kids don't dress up as DOGS on SKATEBOARDS, I think she will be alright!
Guess I'll have to buy candy that I like if she FREAKS!

I think I may have posted this story before, but here we go again.
I grew up on the Russian River in Healdsburg, lived in the trailer park behind the Veterans Mememorial Beach.
I reckon I was "Trailer Trash"! But , HEY! I didn't know any better!
My brother and I were walking along the road, dragging a wagon, I think it was a 'Flexible Flyer', or one of those now coveted contraptions, we had liberated it from someones front yard. They weren't using it so...
As we were walking down the road, a man stopped his car beside us.
We didn't even think that he could be a perv. That didn't happen in the 50's.
He came around to my brother and I, and asked if we wanted a Dog! He opened the trunk of his car, and there sat the most beautiful dog my brother and I had ever seen!
As soon as it saw us he started giving us kisses and wiggled like you couldn't believe!
We loaded him into the confiscated wagon and headed home.
When we pulled up to our trailer, Mom wanted to know where we got the wagon. When she saw the dog, she said Oh My God, your Daddy's gonna beat you!
It took all of 15 minutes for Mom to love the dog!
When Dad got home from work, he didn't have a chance!
I know the name is a bit lame, but we decided on "Sparky"!
Our parakeet would drive him crazy, calling his name and whistling for him.
Sparky would charge out from under the trailer and give that bird the most hateful look you could ever imagine..
One day, Sparky and I were walking down the beach to go fishing.
Now it was early in the morning, about 9:30 and there are not a lot of sunbathers out there, there not being a lot of sun!
There sat this woman, she was, to be politically correct, HUGE!
Sparky, being curious, sniffed around, hiked his leg, and peeded on her back!
The look on his face when this 'big rock' started screaming was hilarious.
I took off running to the lower river, with Sparky in hot pursuit.
We managed to outrun the "fat lady", but I can still hear her sing!

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: My Zeusie Boy
« on: October 28, 2005, 01:26:55 pm »
My Gawd! What a Sweet  face!
If there was a mean bone in him, it would be the one he just ate!
My next dog will be a Rotti, they are such characters, and so misunderstood!
Good dog Zeus!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: How'd ya find it?
« on: October 27, 2005, 03:52:28 am »
I found it on a poster at our dog park in Fresno.
The rest, is, well, history!
Love this place!

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