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Messages - Newf Lover

Pages: 1 ... 41 42 [43] 44 45 ... 55
Collars, crates, & other cool things / Re: Dog Fur Sweater
« on: September 25, 2005, 11:30:14 pm »
Thanks!  I'll check it out, hopefully it's not too expensive!

Collars, crates, & other cool things / Dog Fur Sweater
« on: September 25, 2005, 11:17:14 pm »
Has anyone ever thought about making a sweater out of their dog's fur?  We get so much fur out of just one brushing of Drake and I was thinking, this stuff is pretty thick and soft and might be good material to weave with.  My wife thought I was weird so I dropped that idea.  But then we've had several strangers on the street suggest the same thing to us, so now I'm thinking about it again.  How could I go about doing this?  I think it would be a neat thing to do and be a great thing to have when Drake is no longer with us. :'(  I don't want to think about that day but it's going to happen and it would be good to have something physical to remind me of the best dog I could ever have wished for.  Do I just contact a local weaver?  Would the fur have to be mixed with wool?  Any suggestions or comments would be appreciated.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: What's your favorite cartoon?
« on: September 25, 2005, 11:10:11 pm »
i like family guy , robot chicken , futurama & spongebob  :P
I've never heard of robot chicken but the others you mentioned are also my favs along with South Park.

I've loved the Simpsons for years but it's getting a little tired.  Family Guy makes me laugh so hard and South Park still does too.  But have you guys watched the movie Team America yet?  It's made by the makers of South Park and it is just so wrong and hilarious.  The music, like "So Rone-ry" and "America, F**k Yeah!" are freaking hilarious.  Not for kids or the overly PC and sensitive.  Get the unrated version.

Drake gets stinky ears a lot, I'm not sure if it's a yeast infection, but it seems to get really bad when he swims a lot. So, we found this works.  Rinse his ears with a product called Hexadine, it cleans them out and you have to make sure to squish the liquid around in the ear canal towards the back of the ear.  You can get this stuff through your vet and it's not too expensive.  Once he shakes his head and gets all the excess liquid out, we put a product in his ears called "Swimmer's Ear".  It's for people who swim a lot and get water stuck in their ears, it dries the whole inside of the ear out.  This method seems to cure the ear stinkyness and keeps his ears clean.  I would go to your vet and go over all these different methods people have given you and see which one they suggest.  Good luck!

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Does your dog do this too?!!
« on: September 21, 2005, 11:41:21 am »
I jump on the wagon.Spotakis s only does it in the morning.

Great picture Jules, looks just like Drake in the morning.  Spotakiss is too flippin' cute!  You just want to smush his face and hug him.  That first picture on his first Paw Print is irresistable!  Fuzz head!  Why 2 paw prints?  I'm pretty committed to Newfs but pictures like that make me think a Saint might be a good alternative for our second dog.  Although, if we foster a Hurricane dog, I'm sure we will bond with it and end up keeping it if nobody claims it.  And 2 dogs is all we can handle for now.

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Does your dog do this too?!!
« on: September 21, 2005, 09:00:32 am »
No explanation from me either, but my dog definitely does this all the time, it's the cutest thing ever! LOL

BTW I saw your website, you're an awesome artist, I'm an artist too, I dabble in everything but my degree is Graphic Design so most of my newer stuff is all digital. Very cool!

Thank you, but as you know, a career in the creative field is not the easiest.  I have really struggled to find work and actually work at Hertz Equipment Rental just to make weekly paychecks.  I HATE THIS JOB!!!  but I'm hoping I can make a change soon.  The creative companies in this area are very picky and just look for young talent to exploit for free.  Currently, I'm working on a graphic novel with a writer.  Sort of a Seven/Matrix/Constantine story.  Cool stuff.  Do you have a website?  Love to see your work.  I'm actually leaning towards the digital realm now, easier to find work.

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Does your dog do this too?!!
« on: September 19, 2005, 11:39:54 am »
So nobody has still given an explanation for this odd yet hilarious behaviour.  Is it just more comfy for them?  Is it a sign of comfort in it's environment.  Hmmm....  I'm just dying with curiosity!

Saint Bernard General Discussions / Re: PEEING!! OMG
« on: September 19, 2005, 10:59:18 am »
Two words, "Outside Dog".  We keep Drake outside as much as possible and that keeps him from mischief.  If that's not possible for you, I guess it's crate time.   :(

It's for the best, you're doing the right thing.  We thought maybe we wanted to breed Drake, but he got so agressive after a while and that wasn't fun.  So he got snipped and he is a happy dog.  But they never forget where they got snipped, he still is hesitant to get out of the truck every time we take him to the vet.  He's like, "I ain't going in there!  Everytime I do something seems to get removed or I get probed in places that are supposed to be exit only!"  ;D

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Does your dog do this too?!!
« on: September 19, 2005, 10:48:14 am »

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Does your dog do this too?!!
« on: September 16, 2005, 09:38:40 am »

Glad to oblige!  :D  Tenchi just loves little things, kittens, guinea pigs, ferrets, even a hedgehog at the Pet Rock Fest! 

Sad story about those kittens, makes me so sad to hear about kittens and puppies dying.  :'(  Bad Momma Cat!  Why did she drag her babies out into the rain?  Regardless, at least one survived.  We got our cat Kenai because some scumbag threw him out of a truck right in front of us.  Poor little kitty!  Who knows if any of his litter survived the same treatment.  Enough of that, it is great to see cats and Big Dogs interact.  Drake loves our cats but likes to grab them by the scruff and play with them.  Boo, our Black Bombay, puts up with it for a little while and then let's him have it.  And I know what you mean about hissing kitties.  The tail is puffed, the back is arched, machine gun hisses and spitting and they're hopping around like bunnies.  Hilarious!!!  :D

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Does your dog do this too?!!
« on: September 16, 2005, 08:37:43 am »
Oh man, I'm glad I started this one, all of these pictures are great!!!  I guess Gypsy was right, it's a sign that a dog is content and comfortable in his environment.  I like that some of your dogs do it when they're sitting with the family.  Almost looks like a submission pose.  Drake only does it when he's sleeps on our bedroom floor at night.  I hope some more pictures come in.  I love the one of Rufus as a fuzzy little butterball puppy, crashed out on his back in the kitchen after a big dog meal.  And Moni, your Avatar is awesome!  Tenchi and that little screaming kitten is just great.   What a great dog!  A closer view of their faces would be hilarious!!! ;D ;D ;D  Also, I think this resolves the "should dogs be allowed on the couch" debate.  Looks like most of you don't mind the fleabags up there.  Neither do we.  ;)

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Meet Rocky
« on: September 15, 2005, 10:40:45 pm »
Welcome!  You have a beautiful dog!  And I love Cairn Terriers too, don't tell me his name is Toto!

Newfoundland Discussions / Does your dog do this too?!!
« on: September 15, 2005, 10:31:18 pm »
Ok, my dog is a dork.  Many mornings I wake up and I look on the floor and Drake is on his back with his legs in the air!  It is so hilarious, my wife and I laugh and laugh, it's actually a good way to start the day.  Why do they do this?  Are they airing things out?  Stretching?  Does it just feel good?  It kind of like how some dogs lay on their belly with their back legs flat on the ground.  Someone, please inform me!  I gots ta know! ??? ;D

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Posting movies online
« on: September 15, 2005, 12:11:57 pm »
Thanks!  That was what I was looking for, I'll checked them out.  ;D

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