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Messages - Newf Lover

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Oh yeah, I almost forgot, Vanilla Vodka and Coke is another fav and very popular.  Watermelon Margaritas at Chevy's (with their intensely addictive salsa and chips) are to die for as well.  But you know, as much as I like cocktails, there's something to be said for an ice cold Budweiser, Asahi or Czechvar served in a frozen glass after a hard days work in the sun.  Honestly, I can't think of another drink that illicits that heart felt "aaahhh!" after that first swallow.  I know Drake agrees!  8)

Have Fun!!! My personal fav is a Ketel One Gibson, straight up with extra onions.  Mmmmm!  So smooth!  But for mixers I usually get a Long Beach Iced Tea (cranberry juice instead of coke) or a Salty Dog (grapefruit+vodka+salted rim).  Always nice, especially with ruby red juice.  A good rule of thumb to remember when drinking cocktails, especially in larger amounts, is to use juice instead of carbonated mixers.  The carbonation opens up the Pyloric valve in your stomach and the alcohol gets into your system faster, thus you get drunk faster than you might have wanted to.  Just a little bartender knowledge I picked up while I was one in college.  Enjoy Myrtle Beach, Cheers!  ;D ;D ;D

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Labor Day in Mendocino
« on: September 08, 2005, 04:51:07 pm »
Oh wow! I miss seeing pictures of Drakey!!! Loved every one of them!  Great pics of Drake! You need to come on more often and post...we miss you two around here.

Thanks guys, I try to stick my head in every once in a while.  I know Drake would love to see Bear again too.  We gotta do that Napa Wine tasting trip we have talked about soon, while the good weather lasts.  I just remembered that I haven't posted the Carmel Soccer match yet on BPO.  :-\  What is that sevice people have been using on here to post videos?

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Labor Day in Mendocino
« on: September 08, 2005, 03:39:49 pm »
I love the beer one.  You should send it to the maker on the glass (can't make out what it says, 40 year old eyes.)

That's the free "tasting" glass you get with the $20 admission fee you pay to get into  the beer festival.  It's misleading, you think "god, I could drink a bunch of these".  Well after 20 "tasting" glasses of beer from some of Nor Cal's finest breweries, you are feeling no pain.  It's great, all of the proceeds from the beer fest goes to a local Ft. Bragg Senior Center.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Labor Day in Mendocino
« on: September 08, 2005, 03:08:09 pm »
Sarah, Drake and I went on our annual trip to Mendocino with our friends and their Snauzer Mix named Paris.  We have been renting the same house for the last 5 years.  It is a little slice of heaven on Earth.  The following are some pics I took and most are around the house property.  So many photo ops, I was cracking up while taking the one of Drake, Kristi and Paris passed out on the couch.  There are a few from the Blue Ox Beer Festival that is part of the Paul Bunyan Days celebration in Ft. Bragg, the oldest festival on the West Coast.  The one of Drake with the beer was taken by lots of other people as well.  The last one was during some wine tasting on the way home.  Most of the wineries welcomed Drake which was really nice, but not a surprise.  Who could say no to a Newf?!!  He got molested by lots of buzzed wine "tasters".  We can't wait until next year!!! ;D

Food Discussion & Information / Re: Doctoring up Kibble
« on: September 08, 2005, 02:54:50 pm »
This is great, I knew other people did it too.  We just get cheap lunchmeat like Carl Buddig and like I said before, chop it up in warm water and add that.  Whenever we get doggie bags at restaurants or have leftovers, Drake gets his share.  Dogs are such a good way to get rid of excess food.  And a little bit goes a long way.  Some of you add all the healthy stuff, which makes sense, but between the extra healthy kibble and the few supplements I add, that seems like enough nutrition for Drake.  At least at this stage of life for him.  The other stuff I add is purely for flavor and for Drakes enjoyment! ;D ;D ;D

Food Discussion & Information / Re: Doctoring up Kibble
« on: September 08, 2005, 10:15:44 am »
I do this pretty much every day...parmesan cheese, cottage cheese, regular cheese slices ripped up into small pieces, boiled ground beef, Chunky soup, etc...etc...& a little warm water...Whatev er it takes to get them to eat what I consider an "appropriate amount"!

MMMMM!!!!  That sounds pretty good!  You know, we buy Flint River Ranch kibble which is like $50 a bag and is really, really healthy.  But I think it tastes like shit to Drake so he doesn't like it too much.  Just a little meat in warm water goes a long way because the water coats the kibble with the meat flavor.  We sometimes use Parmesan Cheese too.

Food Discussion & Information / Doctoring up Kibble
« on: September 08, 2005, 10:03:11 am »
Because we love Drake so much and we want him to eat well, we chop up a slice of lunchmeat or left over steak or chicken and put it in some warm water and then mix it into his Kibble.  Sometimes we just put a little warm chicken broth in.  He loves it and now wont eat dry kibble unless he is absolutely famished.  It helps in getting him to eat his vitamins we put in his food as well, otherwise he picks them out.  Does anybody else do this?  Or at least doctor up their dog's food?  When we travel with other people and their dogs, they have to do the same for their dog because we do it for Drake.  Their dog will try to eat Drake's food if they don't and Drake is VERY protective of his food.  Fair is Fair!!!  I'm curious to hear other people's concoctions.  Some of our friends have had to continue doing this afterwards because their dog has been converted. ::) ;D

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Need Newf smells awful!
« on: September 07, 2005, 09:43:46 am »
Need help.. my Newf smells soooooooo bad I can't breath.  S.O.S send help!

We had a smelly problem with Drake and found out it was his ears.  He has been swimming alot lately and as you know, Newf ears take a long time to dry.  Well that's just on the outside.  If any water gets inside their ears, it can grow fungus or bacteria and begin to smell.  Washing with soap and water isn't enough.  You need to get an ear flush solution, like Hexadine, from your vet.  And you need to get some of that Swimmer's Ear stuff at your local drugstore, that will dry out the inside of your dog's ears.  I swear this works if you use these items every time your dog swims and may be the solution to your problem.  Hope this helps!!!

Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Katrina Donations via J&J
« on: September 07, 2005, 09:38:28 am »
My wife works for Ortho Biotech which is owned by Johnson & Johnson.  J & J will match people's donations so, if you donate $100, J&J will make it $200.  I thought I would let everyone out there know about this.  If you know anybody who works for J&J, hit them up.  You have to write them a check and then it will be sent to J&J and they will double the amount to be donated.  If anyone is interested in this, let me know.  This isn't a scam, we have done this several times in the past, for 9/11 and for the Tsunami.  It's a good way to get more money for disaster victims, humans and animals alike.  :)

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Hurricane Katrina Pet Gallery
« on: September 07, 2005, 09:29:02 am »
Thans for sharing! ;D  It wasn't anything too sad but I'm sure there's a lot worse to see.  I love the pic of the little dog that's covered in oil but seems to be happy and content to be around people.   This whole event is such a sad story....

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Prong collars
« on: September 01, 2005, 10:02:13 am »
Those collars look painful and mean, but I guess for some breeds it's a necessity.  Drake doesn't lunge at other dogs or people or pull on his lead, so I don't need to use one.  I don't feed him anything I wouldn't eat (aside from kibble), and I don't use anything on him I wouldn't want used on me.  Did that come out right?   :-X  Uh, you guys know what I mean.

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Another Newf Stolen!!!
« on: August 31, 2005, 08:56:49 am »
OK!!!!  Time to put locks on my gates.  Pretty sad, the old days are so over.  You can't trust anybody anymore and you have to lock everything you own down or it WALKS!  Our laws are far too leinient on theives and these scumbags don't think twice about taking things hard working people paid for.  If they catch this person or people, Sharon should be allowed to kick the piss out of them.  I think it woulc be fair and she might feel a bit better...

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Petrock Fest in Mass!
« on: August 29, 2005, 02:22:15 pm »
What a fun event! Music, dogs, & food. I wish something like that was here in Ca.

Oh but there is Jaime!!!   ;D  Next weekend up in Fort Bragg is the annual Paul Bunyan Festival, the oldest celebration on the West coast! Street Party, Parades, Logging Show, Ugly Dog Contest, Belle of the Redwoods, Kiddie Games and Tricycle Race, Beer fest and Craft show, Fireman's Ball and Waterfight! And it's all happening on the cool Mendocino coast.  We go mostly for the beer festival and the ugly dog contest.  The beer festival makes the dog contest that much funnier AND the best thing is that all proceeds from the beer festival benefit the Redwood Coast Senior Center.  Along with the ugliest dog there's Dog & Master Look-alike, Smartest Dog, Best Frisbee Dog, Smallest Dog, Largest Dog, and Prettiest Dog.  We have been going to Mendocino for the last 6 years on Labor Day weekend and we never miss this festival.  Drake has a blast!  I'll post pics next week. Here is the link to the event:

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Messed up story
« on: August 29, 2005, 10:00:14 am »
Just as much as I understand and accept the way some live and subsist, or those who hunt, or so one, I also understand and accept those who do not agree.

Newf Lover, I want you to know I could never rightly say you are wrong.  You have the right to believe what you believe.  In this case you are right.

Sometimes a different perspective is good to look at whether accepted or not.  I hope I have not offended any of you at all.  None of us are wrong and that is actually the wonderful complexities of issues.

WOW!  That was quite a mouthful.  I hope you understand that I am completely understanding of Native people hunting whale and seal in order to just survive.  But even that can be abused.  My uncles in Kenai told me that a lot of Natives up there abuse the "no limit" allowances they are given by the state and use nets to catch lots of Kings in order to make a profit.  This doesn't always happen, but it does go on.   An unfortunate human characteristic is "give me an inch and I'll take a mile".  As nice as it is to think that modern day Natives are as noble as their ancestors, most are but many are not.  Look at the situation with Indian gambling here in the states.  Initially it was believed that it would improve whole tribal communities and it does.  Yet with the billions they pull in only a select few are REALLY benefitting from the casinos while they only give a small portion to their communities.

A person cannot insist on living somewhere and then claim hardship.  If you love to live in a land where you lose the sun for 6 months and there are very few modern conveniences, so be it.  But if life is so hard, why live there if it isn't necessary?  I know it is not easy to relocate, especially if you and your family have lived somewhere your whole lives.  But it is not impossible.  I have lived all over the U.S.A. and have had not had much of a problem finding work or a place to live.  Anything is possible if you are strong minded.  If you want to work, there is work to be found.  Why do you think so many people illegally cross our borders every day?  This is the land of opportunity!  There is work to be found here.  You asked who would give the jobs and education to people who relocate?  It's called finding them yourself.  There is nothing wrong with washing dishes or cleaning yards.  It is hard honest work and I have done it myself.  One of the problems in modern day society is everybody has their hands out and it is killing us!  I don't want to get off topic but to each his or her own.  I love where I live and I hope you do too.  Life is too short to be miserable.  I'm not trying to cast judgement on something I don't know everything about.  I prefer to live in a place where I can grow my own vegetables year round and get my meat from a private rancher so I don't have to rely on supermarkets or worry about eating, where the weather doesn't trap me in my house in utter darkness for months at a time, where I can work on improving my finances and my career so I don't have to struggle my whole life.  But that's me and what I want and I don't expect anyone else to want the same thing out of life.  Like Luv said, I hope I didn't offend anybody, I just was giving one point of view.  I think we beat this topic to death and actually agree with one another.  ;D ;D ;D

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