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Messages - Kermit

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Great Dane Discussions / Re: Ear Cropping
« on: February 28, 2007, 07:11:26 pm »
I adopted a 6 month old Dane who already had cropped ears. I tried to tape them. He had severe anxiety whenever he was wearing the tape, and would only settle down after I took the bandages off. His anxiety made him lose about 15 pounds and have diarrhea every day. I finally gave up and we've got floppy ears most of the time unless he is alert. He absolutely hates having his ears touched now, and I simply cannot clean them without a fight. Seems to me like he is never going to forget about that experience. :(

Saint Bernard General Discussions / Re: We got our second Saint
« on: February 27, 2007, 09:25:14 am »
Congratulation s on your new addition. Pete is a lucky dog. And you are wonderful for adopting him and giving him a new chance at a good life.

YAY for rescuing!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!! RESCUED DOGS RULE!!!! ;D ;D ;D

Collars, crates, & other cool things / Re: indestructible toys?
« on: February 25, 2007, 08:40:32 pm »
 ;D There are only a few toys that have lasting power at my house:

1. Kong. The big one.

2. Nylabone. I think it's called the Wolf size. It's pretty dern big. They do eat it eventually but it takes a few months. There's also one that is shaped like a rawhide bone, and that one is very much still intact after a year! I got it at Target.

3. These really cheap fire-hydrant-shaped toys from Walmart. I don't know who makes these things but the dogs love them, and they are hollow so you can put peanut butter in them. :) They come in blue, green, and red I think.

4. The rubber tire-on-a-rope that also comes from Walmart. They tear the rope off the first night but then the tire lasts forever.

Good luck!!! :D

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: Great website on Aggression
« on: February 21, 2007, 07:34:35 pm »
Thanks for posting the link. I am looking forward to reading what they have to say. 

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: newfie breeder website
« on: February 21, 2007, 10:00:46 am »
WOW  :o I cannot believe they are trying to pass off those parents as purebred Newfs!!! As long as they are scamming people they should have stolen some real pictures of Newfoundlands and posted them to be the parents!

BUYER BEWARE!!! (I CAN'T believe all the puppies are sold!)

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Guess what!!!
« on: February 20, 2007, 09:25:56 am »
Congratulation s, Blair! That is VERY exciting news!! :D You are going to have one full house!!!! :D :D :D Your kids are so lucky to grow up side by side with dogs. I think I am making up for lost time now, since I didn't get my first dog until I was 8 or 9 years old. ;)

Great Pyrenees Pictures / Re: My adopted "PYR" ?
« on: February 20, 2007, 09:21:26 am »
Great Pyrenees dogs are mostly white, but there are some who have that "biscuit" colored tone. Looks to me like your dog is probably at least half Great Pyrenees. I have a Pyr mix who doesn't even have fluffy hair, but she is definitely a Pyr mix. She has the personality and temperament, 100%. 

If you feel that your dog has the Pyr temperament, you can use that knowledge to your advantage and study up on Pyrs and what it's like to try to train them. ;) I went through the same thing when my Pyr mix started showing serious guarding behaviors.

You have a very beautiful dog there!!! Congratulation s!!! He is very lucky to have been adopted by you. ;D

Here are pics of my Mokey just so you can see that Pyr mixes can look very different from one another. Mokey was born with double dewclaws. :)

Collars, crates, & other cool things / Re: X-pens? Which kind?
« on: February 20, 2007, 09:10:05 am »
I have one that's made by Four Paws, it's called the K9-Keeper. It has been great for me. It folds up really easily and locks closed, so it's easy to tuck away or take with you when you travel. The only thing is I wish it had a handle for carrying it. I used to have a different one a long time ago that had a handle, so I kinda miss that feature. But otherwise it's awesome. And really it's not that hard to carry without a handle. :)

Group Discussions & Photos / Re: Pics of Jaspa, Tiny n Murphy
« on: February 20, 2007, 09:05:48 am »
HOLY COW I nearly just fell out of my chair when I scrolled down and saw that little Landseer fuzzball!!!! :D Murphy!! What a little doll!!!!!!! :D
Jaspa and Tiny look like a couple of sweetie-pies too. ;D Thanks for posting pictures!!!!

Steffanie I just sent you a PM, and I may have sent it three times, so if I did, please forgive me! I kept getting that stinkin error message! ???

I'm so sorry to hear that it hasn't worked out with Scout. :-[ I can surely understand why you wouldn't want her living with you anymore.

As for the people interested in her, I'd ask for veterinary references... and you might even want to get applications from people. It's not "easy" to place a Dane in a good home just because there are people who "want" a Great Dane. (I used to answer emails for a Dane rescue group, just so you know where I am coming from). There is a rescue group here in Athens with Dane experience if you get too frustrated with trying to find a home for Scout yourself. How many homes has she been through?? The next one should be her last, so it will be worth whatever it takes to get her matched up with the right people.

Best of luck... hehe looks like you got pretty lucky with thta lottery thing ;) and I hope your other dog is feeling better!!!

Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Pyr in SC shelter
« on: February 14, 2007, 10:21:37 am »

This is my attempt at giving this beautiful boy as much exposure as possible. He looks like such a sweetie.
Anyone looking for a big lovable new Great Pyrenees??

For more information about this animal, call:
York County Animal Control at (803) 628-3190
Ask for information about animal ID number A011588

What an amazing little puppy! I wouldn't have been able to resist either! :D So how many is that at your house?? ;) You don't have to answer that!!! :D

YAY! Congratulation s!!! Geez I want a puppy!!!! :D LOL! :D

Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Re: I'm a good dog *commercial*
« on: February 04, 2007, 07:31:31 pm »
They have been playing that commercial on Animal Planet all day today. I think I have teared up every time it has come on. :'( What an important message they are sending out.

Saint Bernard Pictures / Re: Wrestling in the snow!
« on: February 04, 2007, 11:13:02 am »
Those pictures are so awesome!!! They make me... A) want snow, and B) want a Saint Bernard. ;D And poor me I will have neither one this year. :P ;)

Thanks for sharing!!! By the way, your Bubba has the most gorgeous head I have ever seen!!!! WOW!!! :o :D

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