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Messages - Tulsas' Dad

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General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Collars On? Or Off?
« on: October 26, 2005, 08:26:44 am »
Tulsa wears a prong collar when she's out and about, with the proper documentation.
When she's 'In the House'. I take it off. She sometimes 'argues' with me when I attempt to put it back on her, and I put her in a 'Sit, Stay', and it happens! And sometmes she resists.
She's staring at me right now!
I thnk she knows that I am talking about her!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Hubby cooked dinner.....
« on: October 26, 2005, 08:04:24 am »
Men are Grillers!
Stab it , slab it, throw it on the grill!
Baste it, Paste it, make it pallatable!
Ya don't like it, feed it to the dogs, they think we're Gods!
Gotta problem with that?
My dog turns up her nose at "Sissy" salads!
If it ain't got meat, keep it off the street.
What do you think Farley?
The can says Tuna, but don't you think...?

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: New to Big Paws Only
« on: October 25, 2005, 07:46:19 am »
Hey Zoo!
Love the New Avatar!
But it looks like Gunther is pimping out Keiko!
Hope it's 60-40 split.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: adding picture to profile
« on: October 25, 2005, 02:09:44 am »
Go to BPO General Forum.
It has all the info you'll need.
Welcome to BPO!
Looking forward to seeing pics of your dog.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Talking dogs
« on: October 25, 2005, 02:02:45 am »
That was Sweet!
But Dogs are like Kids, takes 2 years to teach them to talk and 16 years to teach them to shut up!

Age: 3 and 1/2 Years.
Fave Color: Red, Blue, Gold...I'm Black, everything looks good on me, even Mud!
Fave Treat: Jerky Treats, and/or Anything Chewy.i.e. Pig Ears, Bully Sticks, does not like Rawhide.
Fave Toy: Squeeky Toys, prefferably harder rubber. Tennis Balls, Kong (filled with Peanut Butter. See above.)
What I would like...World Peace in my Lifetime!
My Dad gives me everything I need so this question doesn't apply. Anything that I get will be cherished until it is unrecognizable, or starts to stink!

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: Dog Agressive
« on: October 23, 2005, 04:07:31 pm »
Hey Brandon!
I went through the same thing with Tulsa.
I adopted her at 1 year old and was warned about her leash aggression, her dislike for men and children, and her dislike for other dogs.
95% of it was the leash.
I took her to the dog park everyday, she could run off leash and approach people and other dogs on her terms, but I was never so far from her that I couldn't stop an altercation. Yes, she did have some, she wanted to establish herself as the 'Queen' of the dog park, and would bully other dogs to submit to her. She wouldn't fight or bite, she just used her size and attitude to establish herself. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't, sometimes the dog she was trying to dominate wasn't buying into the program and would jump on her and show their displeasure. It only lasted a split second, and there were no wounds to either dog. Tulsa would fall back, regroup, and show the proper respect to that dog. More often than not, they would be playing together before we, or they, left the park.
I'm thinking that Bava allows Mowgli to be the boss because it's the path of least resistance. (Newfs are so cool in this respect.) I got my food, I got my water, I got my water, I got my water...oh look! A toy I can drop in my water!
Obviously I am a proponent of 'Off Leash' dog parks, the dynamics of a dogs socialization and desensitivatio n are of extreme importance to dog owners.
When my 90+ lb. GSD mix can play with a 4 lb. Mojo, and let it chew on her neck, well, my job is almost done.
And Ang,
If your friends GSD doesn't learn some manners, it's not your fault. And I agree with your statement that dogs are not naturally aggresive. It's lack of socialization at an early age that causes fear in an older dog, and that fear can lead to uncontrolled aggression, or unexpected aggression. Tell your friend to be on his toes.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: What's your guilty pleasure?
« on: October 23, 2005, 09:59:20 am »
My Guilty Pleasures?
Cheap Cigars, Fast Women, Economy Cars!
Makes me sound Cheap.
So What!

Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Re: Who lives in California?
« on: October 22, 2005, 02:06:08 pm »

Good question Peggy!
I've heard many negative things about this site from other posts.
Have visited the site and have been led into an, "Oh! It's so wonderful!" feeling.
Their 'Testimonials' are always sterling, and their photographs are polished.
But I've never heard 'real life' experiences be anything but negative.
From their Photos they have the most adorable animals imaginable for adoption.
I will always be suspect of a 'supposed' rescue group that makes you sign a 'food warranty'.
Spay and/or neuter, no problem. Inspect my home for compatibility, no problem. Ask about my lifestyle and what I expect from my Dog, no problem.
Tell me what I will feed my dog forever, and the only place I can get it is through them! Errch! Both feet on the brakes, and a hard turn to the shoulder of the road!
If they had shown any intention to take back dogs that were improperly placed, if they had backed up their promises of paying for vet bills that were found to be lacking because of their diet, or disabled because of the diet, then yes, I may be able to support these people.
They have not shown that they are willing, able, or capable of backing their promises to an unwitting public.
They are in trouble with the State of California over their tax exempt status.
They are frowned upon by 'ligitimate' rescue groups.
I consider them at Best a back yard breeder, and at Worst a Puppy Mill!
Let the Buyer Beware!
I'm not afraid to slam them, I would love to hear their 'polished' response!

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: Hi!
« on: October 22, 2005, 12:57:22 pm »
Hi Briana!
Welcome to BPO.
Your Roxy is a Sweety!
Send more pics.
Tink and Rufus are cute too!
Don't be afraid to ask questions,
or to give your insights about your relationship with your critters.
Us old ones need to hear a fresh viewpoint, it helps to keep us young!

Solution! ;D
Have a 'Secret Ceremony' with only the people you want to be there.  ;)
Rent a BIG building. Hire a Shi^^y band, serve lots of chips and dip, and Beer, then charge the uninvited $10.00 a head to get out to go to the bathroom. Charge them $5.00 to get back in.
You won't have to get a job, cause you'll be RICH! :D
I'm enclosing a PayPal voucher for $30.00 to cover the cost of my Date and myself. ::)
Please advise me of the location of the pending celebration.
Oh Yeah! Congratulation s! :-*

Haw Haw Haw!
Dress me in pink!
I'm gonna smell like dirt!
Gotta problem with that?

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Need help can't find the dogs
« on: October 22, 2005, 01:26:29 am »
I found all 10 of them in just under 2 seconds!

Great Dane Discussions / Re: It was a BPO moment
« on: October 22, 2005, 01:21:47 am »
Tulsa will sleep in the sun by the front door and growls. Then jump up and run into the bedroom, barking her head off at my digital alarm clock, and it's not even going off!
I remember the first time she heard it go off, and she went off after it. She jumped on the bed, straddled my head, and was snarling, barking, and snapping at it like it was Evil Incarnate. She only does it once in awhile so it's hard to capture an image. But I keep trying.

Treatment & Preventative Meds / Re: Ear Taping Tips Anyone?
« on: October 21, 2005, 03:20:38 am »
I am sorry if I offended anyone with my previous post. :-*
That was not my intent.
And I agree with any physical manipulation to prevent 'Health Issues'! Spay and Neuter come to mind.
My concern is with the uneducated 'public at large' who perceive our dogs as aggressors because of their appearance.
We work too hard through training, and socializing our dogs to create an acceptable perception to the General Public.
If someone can't tell it's a Dane simply because of an ear crop, well, that signifies how far we have to go to educate the General Public.
Breed Specific Legislation is the wave of the future, and we, as lovers of Big Dogs do not need to add fuel to the fire by enhancing the appearance of our animals to satisfy our egos.
Again, I apologise for any feathers that I may have ruffled.
I've worked hard to make my dog 'acceptable' to the uneducated General Public.

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