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Messages - my3dogs

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Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: New Appliances...
« on: January 16, 2006, 07:53:31 pm »
I just tie my clothes to my dog and let her Romp in the River.
Ice Maker?
Who needs Ice for a Hot Toddy?
Come on Kids, where are your priorities?

You might be on to something..... .
I'm liking the dog-clothes-river thing....but everything is frozen here in the winter.  :-\
And I gotta have the ice for frozen daiquiris in the summer.
Looks like I better not cancel the order.

That's great!   She had fun and you had fun!
Hope you'll update us after the next lesson too!
It's always fun to hear about the progress made.

Good job Kate!

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Can we really fit THREE more in our house?
« on: January 16, 2006, 03:00:02 pm »
appliances.... hmmmm
 ??? ??? ??? used to be exciting to go to a sold out concert/front row/limo...get unexpected gifts of jewelry....... get wisked away on a surprise vacation.....
Some how I progressed to getting excited about sending my kids off to over night summer camp, new appliances  and when my lawn comes in nicely (there's a very short summer here in Maine) lol .

Hmmmmm.......I wonder what the means.......:-\


Anything Non-Dog Related / Can we really fit THREE more in our house?
« on: January 16, 2006, 02:49:35 pm »
YES!! Because they aren't pets!
They are new appliances.
New washer, dryer and refrigerator.
It's pretty bad when the Brady Bunch has newer appliances than what is on your own house. 
AND thanks to a recent discussion on BPO I picked out a fridge that has a LOCK feature on the ice/water in the door.  So no playing with the ice and water for the puppers.

Pics are below.  Fridge is also black but the pic didn't show the features very well so I posted this one.   I can't wait for 2/3 delivery. 

American Mastiff Discussions & Pictures / Re: Stan Lee is Home
« on: January 16, 2006, 02:41:48 pm »
Cute cute cute!!!!

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Halo's back in the Hospital
« on: January 15, 2006, 12:18:31 pm »
Oh no!
Hope you are home before the weekend and you're mom and dad will be waiting on you hand and paw.  you'll be sitting back on the couch watching animal planet and sippin' kibble juice.
Be sure to lay on the sad eyes and soft sighs.  gets 'em everytime.

Get well quickly!

jack, jilly, & daisy

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Stupid In America?????
« on: January 15, 2006, 11:05:06 am »
This one will be short, I promise. Both of my kids are involved in club hockey. My son has been heavily involved (as much as 5 days a week with some ice time, games or practices) since he was 4, my daughter is happy with 3 nights a week. They are not dropped off and forgotten. Every practice, and game has been attended fully by either Dale or myself or both of us. They have manners, standards, excellent work ethics and morals, instilled by parenting, not schools, or peers. The other things that they have had are the opportunity to travel, learned to get along with people of other backgrounds and beliefs, a team, not "I" mentality, organizational skills, lasting freindships, respect for others and a respect for authority, whether it be coaches or just adults in general. These are things that can be taught, but to be understood they need to be lived. They are not on drugs, have never had any issues with the police, and you can dress them up and take them anywhere. At this point, if you asked my son, who is ineligiable to play next year because of his age, I know he would tell you that he is devistated. He has already been in contact with some of his buddies from other teams that are in the same boat about getting a group together for rat hockey, just to stay on the ice. Sorry, I don't see a downside here.

Well said Stella. 
I agree.

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: icky ears
« on: January 15, 2006, 10:55:08 am »
oh no!   icky ears are the worst.   

We are currently dealing with a yucky ear.   I thought Daisy had yeast only to have the vet tell me it is bacterial.    Why is it that the yeast flush smells nice and clean but the bacterial flush make me want to gag?   We are doing ointment morning and night with the flush at noon and the ear is not better.  Recheck this friday.   

I hope Fumble's is a quick treatment and clears up in no time.   

Do you ever feel like using a clothes pin on top of the head to hold the ears open and to air everything out?  Of course, I'm joking.  But when Daisy's laying down I have flipped that ear open to let some air in there.

Good luck Fumble!  Feel better soon. 


Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: my sister named the puppy
« on: January 14, 2006, 09:03:30 pm »
Awwww.......Sw eet little Eddie is a good name. that Eddie has a name...don't ya think he needs a paw print?


Those pics are great. 

Daisy looks like she is in heaven.

Are you sure Jilly didn't want to pounce on the kitty when he had her jar?  The look on Jilly's face is precious.

I never thought to give Jack peanut butter jars till Moni mentioned it once.  He was in heaven the first time.


Believe it or not....Jilly would not touch that jar.   She did lick the same peanut butter off my son's finger.  Jilly's kinda weird.  She will NOT lick any food off of silverware.  No matter what it is.  But she will lick peanut butter out of a kong.  I figured that the peanut butter jar was like a kong. Jilly thought the jar was like silverware.  She would not stick her tongue in there to save her life.    When I rolled the jar close to her she started barking at it.   She gladly let the kitten have it. 
Jilly is a real sweetheart and I love her to bits but she's got some hangups.


Ok....I'm done laughing now.

Nature's Miracle works well for us.

We've also used worked really well on a doggie vomit smell that refused to leave. ugh!

I have found the best thing to mask the smell of urine is poop.  The more poop there is, the less you smell the pee.  Let me know if you have any more questions.  ;D


Thank you Nina!   You were my tester.  I wasn't sure the link would work.
The little kitty is Tweak the Toe.  lol.  We call her that because one of the toes on her back right foot is orange.  It helped us identify her when she was little.  She thinks she is a big dog.   

3 jars. 3 dogs. Digital camera. We were ready to roll.

This is also my first time trying the following.
Click this link if you want to see pic of the event. 
Hopefully they will appear.   ::)
Click play for the slideshow or advance with the arrow.
Let me know if the pics don't appear.

Games & Jokes / Re: Fun! but I thought I'd end up in China!!!
« on: January 14, 2006, 01:51:09 am »
Between Australia and Antarctica.
Think I'll just stay put.

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