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Messages - Maggie's Mom

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Great Dane Pictures / Re: Some new pics of Maggie- SHE'S SO CUTE!
« on: January 31, 2006, 10:05:55 pm »
She has a "who, me?"  look at all times, no matter what.  She's so funny.  Thanks everyone for all the wonderful compliments.  I love posting pics, it's fun to hear your comments. ;D

Great Dane Pictures / Some new pics of Maggie- SHE'S SO CUTE!
« on: January 31, 2006, 07:47:53 pm »
We just love our "little" girl.  She's just now starting the puppy-stage thing though, where she runs off and by the time you find her, something's ripped up all over the floor!  Not my favorite thing.   :P

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Stupid In America?????
« on: January 14, 2006, 01:22:56 am »
    I'm from a small town in Connecticut that has the best school system in the area.  We don't have a high school so I went to a semiprivate high school that is one of the top in the nation.....we have our own museum that's filled with one set of two plaster sets of the Greek originals currently in the UK.  So yeah our school had money, but some of the kids had learned nothing from grade school.  I was in all the advanced classes which were challenging on occasion because they were college courses. 
   But going to college and seeing how bad other students are is eyeopening.  I mean I had choice of any college because of my grades and such but chose the state university due to the expensiveness of the other schools. So I see so many kids work themselves to death and can't do well because they weren't prepared properly.
    I agree to the fact you are taught how to test well in most schools and when some hit colllege where you have to think they fail miserably and that's talking about in New England where the school systems are very good.  I've heard horror stories about schools in the South.

I can speak first-hand to what you've said about kids being un-prepared for college.  All through high school I took all honors classes and did fairly well (for never studying one time all through school).  Yes, now I know that that was really stupid, especially since when I got to college I had a very rude awakening.  I found that I didn't know HOW to study!  I know that sounds retarded, but I never had to do it before b/c the classes (yes, even all the honors classes) were too easy, and I coasted through them.  It's very sad that I wasn't challenged, they just don't seem to care.  It's really very upsetting.

What a doll.  I think I'd wait to see what's going on health-wise before you start trying to make her gain weight  (As long as you're getting her checked out very soon).  Once you know why she's so skinny, you can start there.   Just my opinion. :)

The pics turned out great!  How cute!  I love the one of all 3 sitting!  Can you believe mom got everyone's head in the shot all at once? :D

Great Dane Pictures / Re: Howdy! I'm new here
« on: January 13, 2006, 11:05:56 pm »
Beautiful babies!  I just love blue danes!  Welcome, and send more pics! :)

97 m is a good website.  They have info. and also lots of breeders.  They also have links to many different Dane rescue sites.

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Finally, new pics of Maggie!!!
« on: January 12, 2006, 12:41:33 pm »
A hot pink couch, huh?  Maybe that would match my tie-dyed room and the other room with the rainbow in it?   :D  LOL  I can't do the pink couch, hubby would kill me! :D  I'll bet it looks cute though with the pup on it.

Have I mentioned how much I (we) love our little Maggie?  She's the best dog ever! ;D

Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Re: Monogramed Dog Beds for Fundraiser
« on: January 12, 2006, 12:16:24 am »
Definitley let us know, we're looking for a bed for Maggie now.  Those beds look really nice, how big is the large one?  I need it for a growing Dane. :)

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Finally, new pics of Maggie!!!
« on: January 11, 2006, 11:59:32 pm »
Oh my gosh, that was such a fast response.  LOL.  Thanks, she's the best.

Great Dane Discussions / Finally, new pics of Maggie!!!
« on: January 11, 2006, 11:56:19 pm »
People have been asking, and I finally got the computer fixed!  Here you are, our beautiful little girl.....

Oooh, Sawyer is cute!  I like Clayton Bigsby too.  It is really hard to name a dog for some reason.  We just went through the same thing.  Good Luck! ;)

Great Dane Discussions / Re: What is going on with my ears???
« on: January 11, 2006, 03:52:18 pm »
Maggie is young too, and she's been holding her right ear differently lately.  They both used to be rather uniform, but now she flips the right ear up and holds it weird, and most of the time it's hanging over her eye.  She doesn't seem to be irritated by it though.  I don't know what to tell you.  Silly pup. ;)

Great Dane Pictures / Re: Further Proof
« on: January 04, 2006, 03:15:29 pm »
what a cute puppy.  that's hilarious that yours sits on everything too.  Maggie needs to have her butt touching something, anything, or she's not happy :D

Well, so far there has been no re-occurance of the weird eye thing :) :) :)  I hope it stays that way, that was not a fun night! 

Yes, she's getting really big now.  When we got her she was only 11 lbs, and as of a week ago she's now at 30 lbs.  I still think she's small for her age- I think she's a runt.  But that's ok, b/c even if she's a little smaller of a dog, she'll still be well over 100 lbs, so I don't  think we'll mind that much ;).  Thanks for all the help and for the happy thoughts.  As soon as my stupid computer gets fixed (we've taken it to two repair men and neither can fix it), I'll get pics up of Maggie.  Promise.

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