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Messages - PennyK

Pages: 1 ... 59 60 [61] 62 63 64
Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Pics of my horses
« on: March 23, 2006, 10:03:17 am »
Bee is a 3 yr old quarter horse who is currently at the trainers.
Maggie is a 12 yr old belgian mare and she is my current riding horse.

Sue is 23 this year and is Bee's mom.

Sparky will be 1 in May and he as a Friesan/Arab cross.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Pics of my horses
« on: March 23, 2006, 09:59:58 am »
These are my other babies (not quite as snuggly as Teddy, but just as lovable!) 

Puppy cuddles all around! 

Just please don't blackmail me with this priviliged information!  LOL!  ;)

Look at that widdle could I not cuddle him???

Saint Bernard Pictures / Re: Like father, like son?
« on: March 22, 2006, 01:14:13 pm »
He always seems to look somber and serious - it so funny to see a face like that on a puppy!  LOL!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: The Odd Couple
« on: March 22, 2006, 10:46:08 am »
Thats so cute!

Teddy met a mini dashound puppy from around the corner from us.  Poor Teddy wanted so much to be freinds but the little guy just stood back and kept barking at him.

That is sooo cute!!

Is he really a "big" dog in a little dog suit?  LOL!

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Humor me...because I gotta say...
« on: March 22, 2006, 09:57:37 am »
Beth......I TOTALLY read you!!  LOL!

I'm not a dog person. (or I thought I wasn't  ;))  I've never had a dog but always thought I'd like to get one.  I picked a Saint because of one I knew as a child and because of everything I've read about them.  But it's just a dog, right?


I love my "widdle snuggle butt" too!  LOL!  Whoda ever thought we'd be excited by drool and solid poopies outside!  LOL!

Hope Chester gets his "bounce" back soon!  :)

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Shhh!! Don't tell Hubby!
« on: March 22, 2006, 07:38:40 am »
Hubby has been away for a few days and its just me and the kids and Teddy.  I have been dutifully putting Teddy into his room like Hubby and I agreed (yes, our puppy has his very own bedroom  :)) each night just after I put the kids to bed.

Hubby gets back todays so....last night, I put him on the couch with me for a few hours instead of to bed!!  I just couldn't help myself!!  He's a widdle baby and needs some Mommy love!  LOL!  He was just in his glory (and so was I!)

Shhh!!  Don't tell Hubby!!

Saint Bernard Pictures / Like father, like son?
« on: March 22, 2006, 07:32:56 am »
I think its fun to speculate what Teddy might look like when he's all grown up.  (I absolutely love the "Now and Then" post/game!!) I find myself looking back at the pic of Teddy's father that the breeder sent us all the time!  I thought it might be fun to let you all see what Teddy might look like someday.....

Puppy love coming from Teddy to Day-Z.

My thoughts are with you and Day-Z.

Wow!  She's gorgeous!!

Two beautiful girls.

Congrats on the new addition!

Poor Day-Z.  Poor Mom!!

A girl I work with is going through kidney disease with her Bichon, but she is an older dog.  She said the dialysis/fluid flushing is making the world of difference in her pup.  She said she hasn't seen her pup this active in years!

I hope you can keep ahead of Day-Z's illness.  At least knowing is half the battle.  Teddy and I will be wishing for the best news when she comes home on Thursday!

Poor Day-Z!  I sure hope she can come home tonight (for her and for you!)

Rottweiler Pictures / Re: Comfy or not?
« on: March 21, 2006, 10:17:03 am »
I love that silly puppy!  She's a cutie!!

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