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Messages - brandon

Pages: 1 ... 62 63 [64] 65 66 67
Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Another Hurricane - Nooooooooooooooooooo
« on: August 28, 2005, 07:24:59 am »
Wonder if this will do like the last two and swing further east right before landfall?  ::)

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Pet Palooza
« on: August 27, 2005, 10:44:50 pm »
It was good, bava had doggles, so he was stylin'! He got microchipped, and didn't even flinch.  We saw the biggest great dane we have ever seen in our life.  Bava got growled out, etc a bunch of times by the mojos, and the big dogs were nice to him.  He's just a little fellow for now, but little dogs still don't like him.. But he seems to really like the little dogs...I don't get it?

We didn't really click with any of the adoptees, so it's still just a one dogbert family.  He's been pretty much sleeping since all of the excitement of the day. 

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Another Hurricane - Nooooooooooooooooooo
« on: August 27, 2005, 07:16:05 pm »
Good luck ya'll....been watching this thing and it's never a fun thing to do. Always seems to stress you out. Jim Cantore is not helping either...catas trophic, etc. Very dramatic :S

Lisa, did you evacuate with any of these last ones we've had? We boarded up and hunkered down with everyone in the hall for Ivan.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Another Hurricane - Nooooooooooooooooooo
« on: August 27, 2005, 06:40:26 am »
I love the dog fishing! That's too funny, good snacks for dogs.

Hey, the 2 best pages I know of for info on current hurricanes are these:

For those of you that don't go through these, people get real interesting when they start getting close.  All of the milk, eggs, bread, little debbies snack cakes, and batteries dissapear off the shelves of wal-mart as if by magic.  Why eggs and milk?? I have no idea, and wonder if it is just a southern thing.  I have actually seen people push and shove over a loaf of bread.  Getting gas is tough, and people have really short tempers trying to get things done in a short amount of time.  A lady in an rv tried to run over another motorist last year after she broke in line to get gas and someone tried to stop her.   It's all kind of funny really, Mel and I usually are ready at the mention of a hurricane.  I went and bought $100 of gas for the generator on Tue or Wed, when we heard katrina was coming our way.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Another Hurricane - Nooooooooooooooooooo
« on: August 26, 2005, 02:29:11 pm »
Thanks Brandon,
I have to add the ABC store to my to do list.    ;D Maybe is will be about like the last one and not Ivan.   

Lets hope so! Dennis was easy, we sat on the breezeway and drank beer and watched the trees the whole time for it.

I still have a case+ of MRE's from Ivan, and red-cross will provide food and ice, but they won't provide the liquor... darn them!:)

This one looks like it might get kinda hairy the way it is ramping up and the eye is getting better organized. 

We were going to go to Pet-palooza sat after our puppy class, and were thinking about renting a couple of kayaks for Sun.... Grrrr Stupid Hurricanes!  :-[ :-[ Now it'll be a rush to board up and secure stuff instead.. such is life in paradise, eh?

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Another Hurricane - Nooooooooooooooooooo
« on: August 26, 2005, 01:41:40 pm »
I know I can hardly wait to spend sunday boarding up the windows, picking up everything, moving all the deck stuff to the basement, etc..  again.. If this keeps up I will not have any trees left :) We lost 3-4 oaks and a pine or two for Ivan, and 3 Oaks for Dennis.

Hrm...... Gotta go to the ABC store  ;D

Treatment & Preventative Meds / Re: ? About Diatomaceous Earth for Fleas
« on: August 26, 2005, 01:01:13 pm »
I've used it a lot, it is a good deterrent.  But it doesn't really work very well to kill ants/fleas.  And I don't think you would want to be sprinkling this stuff in your carpet or anything if you value your lungs at all.  It is composed of tiny little sharp fossils that will actually cut the fleas/ants or make them not comfortable.  Also, if it gets wet, it is no longer any good.  You can get it at any farm or garden shop.

Here is the MSDS on it:

Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Re: This is Heartbreaking!
« on: August 26, 2005, 12:46:33 pm »
That's sad Nicole.  I don't know, I really like old dogs, I guess because our two dogs were senior, Casey our sheltie was 15, and he died last may, and our lab was 12 when she died last year. 

They deserve to be treated well, and to be able to take things at their own pace, and loved on even though they may have bad breath and poor eyesight, and maybe they can't play like a new puppy... they've been there for you for soo many years, the least a person can do is give a little back when they are at then end of their years.

Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Re: This is Heartbreaking!
« on: August 26, 2005, 07:11:53 am »
The owner could have died or had to go to a nursing home. It's not always bad owners.

But dogs have no pockets to hold your keys when your out and wearing something that has no pockets.

I think that's why I suggested Canine Health Foundation, because it isn't specific. It is associated with the akc somehow, but I don't know how. It looks like some of the breed specific orginazation give to this also.. said in the research section that the bernese mountain dog fanciers contributed $40,000 for cancer research, and the grant total is $200,000

Not trying to push them, have no personal experience, not related, blah blah, just heard about it and it sounds like a good thing.

i also think this concept has the potential of starting breed wars...

I vote for Canine Health Foundation: They fund research grants for all sorts of canine health ailments.
More info here:

Lol - yep I have my poop picking up outfit..all in black with the flashlight..I look like the poop burgler...lmao ...

The Poop Ninja!!

This may be totally irellavant.. but here goes.  Our macaw Cookie Monster is scared of stuff a lot of times, like a new toy, a new appliance, or whatever.. usually something odd.  Mel & I totally ignore Cookie and interact with the item .. whooping and hollering and acting like we are having the best of times, with our back turned to him.  He can't stand it! and curiosity will get the best of him, fear or not, he will have to come check it out... and hey, its not so bad.  Thats how we get over his fear stuff anyways, but hey he's a bird, so maybe wouldn't work the same.  We just don't coddle him when he is afraid, so that his fear is not rewarded.

The obedience trainer in our class says that pups go thru a couple of terror phases usually , and get over them pretty quickly.. it's no biggie. 

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