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Messages - Ken

Pages: [1]
Border Collie Discussions & Pictures / Re: BC Puppy, Question about No Bite
« on: November 29, 2007, 05:37:03 am »
One of the books I purchased on BCs said to growl loud and deeply like the dogs mother would. It worked for our dog. Give it a try.


Border Collie Discussions & Pictures / Re: our first BC
« on: November 18, 2007, 09:14:22 pm »
Two good books are:

"The Complete Border Collie" Barbara Swann


"Understanding Border Collies" Barbara Sykes


Border Collie Discussions & Pictures / Re: our first BC
« on: November 09, 2007, 01:17:08 am »
A new Picture.

Border Collie Discussions & Pictures / Re: our first BC
« on: November 08, 2007, 09:14:55 pm »
My regards to all of you that have welcomed me! I have not replied because of my obligation/love/time spent with Katie. When I say love I remember it is a special love. One where I we need to take charge and train her or she will train us.
   I have noticed, I think, that Katie is a little less “active” <grin> with my wife and daughter then with me. My wife says it is because I interact with her more then the rest of the family. I think that it may be something to do with the “energy” I put off. Now I make sure I don't go out of my way to excite her. (When I was a kid our family had a Boxer and we would wrestle and so on. I don’t do anything like that with Katie. In fact I try to calm her down)
   Anyway, what experiences have people had with female or male BCs and male or female owners?


Border Collie Discussions & Pictures / Re: our first BC
« on: November 03, 2007, 12:27:36 am »
Can anyone recommend a good book on BCs? I live in Japan so I will need to get one over the Internet. My bilingual daughter purchased one in Japanese and it had some useful information. I am more interested on training. No bad dogs just bad owners.


Border Collie Discussions & Pictures / Re: our first BC
« on: November 02, 2007, 07:25:03 am »

   I am doing the agility training now! I need to keep an eye on the little scamp. Will be happy when she is on the other end.


Border Collie Discussions & Pictures / Re: our first BC
« on: November 02, 2007, 07:20:34 am »

   Yes I have noticed the way Katie looks at me is most interesting. As you say “almost human quality”. I feel like a new father telling stories about their child. <grin> however I will go on anyway. I had to do some laundry and therefore needed to kennel up Katie for a short time. I told her what I needed to do and she went straight over to a bed we had set up for her, but she had not used. My first view of the intelligence BCs have.

BTW I keep reading about giving your dog “tasks” to do, but people don’t say what sort of task they are talking about. Now if that were to wash the dishes I could live with that! <haha> Anyway, any ideas?


Border Collie Discussions & Pictures / Re: our first BC
« on: November 01, 2007, 10:19:17 pm »
kathryn;  yes her world is expanding! <grin>


Border Collie Discussions & Pictures / Re: our first BC
« on: November 01, 2007, 04:19:40 pm »
Tina, point well taken, Thanks for seeing what I did not! I sure know there are abandoned dogs out there because people did not know what they were getting into. I think along with the energy comes a lot of love and affection. On the other hand, I will need to keep reminding myself who is training who. No bad dogs, just bad owners.

Pyr4me, I got up this morning and there was Katie ready to go. I had to laugh and think about what you wrote, always ready to GO.. She is like a young kid just full of energy for life. Made me feel good. I took her out and let her explore her new word and give her love and attention.


Border Collie Discussions & Pictures / our first BC
« on: November 01, 2007, 07:42:29 am »
My wife and I recently got a five-month-old Border Collie. This is not our first dog, but it is our first BC. To tell you the truth I am looking for some positive feedback about our decision. We knew this was an active dog that would need exercise and attention.  What good experiences, long term, have you had?  Most of the information on the Internet comes off sounding so negative about this breed as a pet.
Although we have only had Katie a few days I don’t see any more problems then I have with other dogs I have had during my life.
To tell you the truth we are looking for a little handholding. Don’t have any pictures yet, but will post one soon.

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