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Messages - greek4

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It looks like she is an outside dog.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: 8Below
« on: August 30, 2006, 03:53:13 am »
According to my friend's 4 year old daughter, Maia is in that movie.  When I tried to tell her it was just another dog named Maia in the movie she kindly let me know what in movies even dogs can look different.  Granted Maia is a 130lb brindle english mastiff and the dog in the movie is a sled dog. In the world of a 4 year old Maia is famous.

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: What'd we do wrong?!!
« on: August 29, 2006, 08:01:29 am »
You did what you had to do.  Your kids are your kids, no matter what did happen, you have to protect your children over an animal.  I don't have kids yet but I know when I do it will be an adjustment for the dogs.  They have been exposed to kids from day one, but never one that lived with us, hogged their mommy, and terrorized their space.  But you better believe I will be on their butts nonstop so they understand that my kids, any kids for that matter, come first. 

I have always said "one bite and down" for my dogs.  Unless they are in mortal danger, if either one bites a human child (I feel adults are more able to judge a situation), I will most likely get them put down for the fact that I would hate to pass a dog on that is capable of biting a child.  But I also don't have a breeder that would be able to take either back and rehome them.

I don't think anyone can judge or even understand how hard the decision was on your until they walk a day in your shoes.  Don't be hard on yourself, Soloman is safe and seems happy and so are your kids. 

Transporting & Traveling With Dogs / Re: Traveling without your dog
« on: August 28, 2006, 04:22:11 am »
I'm lucky that my cousin lives with me so she will usually stay with the dogs when I travel for work.  I think having someone stay in your own home with the dogs is easiest for the people and dogs.

I also have a great place to board my guys when I got back to Cincy for the weekend.  The key was that they are already familar with the people there and it is a place out in the country so they are not stuck in cages all day.  It is more like a camp than boarding.

Where do you live?  I'm sure there is another BPOer near you that could recommend a place or person.

Groans, Gripes, Brags & Boasts / Re: I Just Bit My Tongue...
« on: August 07, 2006, 08:57:26 am »
That cracks me up.  I don't have a mother in law and have yet to have one so I just can't wait.

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Newfies and water
« on: August 07, 2006, 08:13:33 am »
I keep my dog's water outside, I don't keep any water for them inside.  They drink everytime I let them out so it is not like I am withholding water.  I am just saving my hardwood floors.  This only works for us because we are in and out every hour or so from when I get home until bedtime.

Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Re: Tell me I don't need one....
« on: August 07, 2006, 07:31:36 am »
I have college friends coming into town on Thursday for the weekend so I would not be able to go get one this weekend.  The test will be if there is still one there on Monday, then I will probably have to go get one.  My cousin of course wants to name it Sir Henry Ketzel.  No one knows where she comes up with 90% of what comes out of her mouth.

I would like to individual pictures with names and ages.  That way I feel more part of the family.  Who's with me?

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: Did you know that Dogs Bark?
« on: August 07, 2006, 06:28:09 am »
I think that if the dogs scare people then they shouldn't come in your yard.  If the kids in your neighborhood are so stupid that they will go in anyone else's yard that has any dogs then they are probably stupid enough where the neighbors should put huge fences up to block the kids from the street.  Definately file a report.  Not that bring a 2x4 would work at my house Rocco would try to take it because he loves to carry around wood and Maia would be scared because she is scared of big anything.

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: Did you know that Dogs Bark?
« on: August 07, 2006, 05:26:34 am »
I had some trouble with my neighbor not liking the fact that Rocco was always barking at him so I introduced him to the dogs and they now love him but they sometimes still bark at him.  He now shows them off to his friends and talks about how they are his buddies.  It probably won't be that easy for you but you can always try and make the dogs seem more approachable like I did.

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: Did you know that Dogs Bark?
« on: August 07, 2006, 05:25:15 am »
I had no idea that dogs barked.  At least mine never bark except when....
-they see something on the other side of the fence no matter how far away it is
-they think they see something on the other side of the fence no matter how far away it is
-they smell something so they think there might be something on the other side of the fence no matter how far away it is
-they hear something so they think there might be something on the other side of the fence no matter how far away it is
-they imagine any of the above.


-simply because it pleases them to hear their own voices. 

Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Re: Tell me I don't need one....
« on: August 07, 2006, 05:18:19 am »
I figure most people on here won't be much help with avoiding getting him but what would another dog hurt??

Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Tell me I don't need one....
« on: August 07, 2006, 05:12:58 am »
I saw these guys on Petfinder, they are Newf/Lab mixes and look just like Rocco did as a puppy.  I would love to have one but I know with my work schedule it wouldn't be fair and it would probably just cause more stress but they look so much like Rocco did as a pup.  The top three are two of the boys, the bottom two pics are Rocco as a pup.

Ok, I am really not supposed to cry at work, so I couldn't watch the whole thing.  I guess I better look at Petfinder again, in case there is a dog out there that needs to come home with me.

I just think it is funny that Binky chases the goats.  She wouldn't know what to do when she caught them, would she?

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