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Messages - TINKSMOM

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Go get him!

I have a russian blue named Boomer and they are the best! They are extremely social and full of personality. He comes up to all our visitors, he doesn't hide like most cats. He isn't afraid of anything. He and my basset were best buds, even slept together. He was a little but out when Tink arrive, because he thougth he would have us all to hisself, but has adjusted well and now likes to torment her by going places she isn't allowed to go (i.e. furniture). Boomer is alot more like another dog than a cat.

He is absolutely adorable, go get him (no pressure, lol).

Try not to anticipate his reaction to the boy next door. If you anticipate a negative response, he will feel it and tense up, bark, etc.

I use a prong collar on Tink for her training. It is actually more humane than a flat or chain collar when training. A short jerk on the prong is better than a constant pull on her throat. Also, constant pulling on the neck/throat can do damage long term. She knows that when I put it on her it is time to go to school and shape up and we are "probably" going to go for a car ride! She gets very excited.

You can't expose your dog to enough new things, the more he is exposed, the more subtle he will become. But he must respect you as his leader. If you tell him a behavior is unacceptable he needs to correct it immediately and then you must give immediate praise or treats when he stops barking, growling or whatever the bad behavior was. It needs to be immediate so he will associate the reward with his correction or the bad behavior. Repitition is the key.

My dog trainer says that when you are training a new behavior 15 minutes on the subject is the max. You have to give the dog a break and do something fun like fetch or play with a tug toy. Then resume the training. A dog's attention span can be like that of a 5 year old especially with younger dogs. They can become aggrevated with long training sessions. Try limiting his new exposures to 15-20 minutes, then remove him from the situation and give him a break. Reward him for doing good and then repeat. The more you practice and the older he gets you can lengthen the sessions.

Doberman Discussions / Re: Kingston the Dobie rescue
« on: July 01, 2008, 05:41:12 am »
How long has your ex had him? Stability is important. He needs to know his new home is his forever home. When I first brought Tink home from the shelter, she wasn't sure if she was staying or going. Between the 1-1/2 hr ride to our house, the vets the next day, etc.We kept her home for two weeks, no car rides, parks, etc, so she would know she was home. We even limited visitors so she could really get comfortable with her new home before introducing her to a lot of new things. I think once she realizes she is home and safe she will calm down and settle in. Did you leave her at a class or were you there with her? I would not leave her in a new environment like that at first until she gains more confidence it still feels like abandonment. Try taking a class together, she will look to you to see how to behave if she has confidence in you as her pack leader. I think time and consistancy is all that she needs.

Hope this helps.

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Is My Dane pup odd? suggestions
« on: July 01, 2008, 05:33:30 am »
Sounds like she is just "reserved" with new things.

Pillow - try placing treats on it or feeding her near it. Do your other dogs like it? Have them sleep on it, the more they do, the more it will smell like them and less like a new pillow.

Husband - Pet and hug her together, walk her together and then make him her primary care giver for awhile. He feeds, give treats, walks, pets, etc. Remove yourself as her care-giver for awhile and she should warm up to him.

Try not to anticipate her being fearful. Dogs sense what we think/feel. Potray confidence and calm when introducing new things/people. If her pack leader is confident and unafraid, she will eventually pick up on it. She will look to you to see how to behave.

Hope this helps.

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Prayer request for Magic
« on: July 01, 2008, 05:26:10 am »
Tink and I are thinking of you.

Get a camcorder and record him. My brother is a cop, you need to document his activity so they know you are not over reacting. Have your friends who were over at the time file complaints. Some cops are complacant with domestic calls (its not right but true)If you can prove he is a threat it can go a long way. A picture is worth a thousand words. Try not making it seem "all about the dogs", he obviously has issues even when they are not outside. No one has to live in fear of being shot. Tell them you are in fear for YOUR lives.

Also be very careful with your dogs. Believe it or not he has the right to do anything he wants to if they are in his yard. Be extremely careful.

I think I can convince Tim. He wasn't quite ready for TINK (our other dog had to be put down 2 mos earlier) But they are inseperable now. That is him in the pict with her.

She is soooo needy when we get home, she is only 6 months old. She got fixed Friday and is on restricted activity and she is going crazy. She wants to run and jump and get rowdy and she isn't allowed. I think she is going to explode soon.

My problem is going to be picking the new fur baby. I just can't walk the line at the pound/shelter without feeling guilty about leaving someone behind. When I got Tink I made them bring her outside to me, because I knew she had 6 more litter mates. That definately would have got me divorced! lol.

I would like fate to just step in and let my next fur baby find me. Tink is the first dog I actually sought out and picked from the shelter. Needy dogs have always just found us.

I definately appreciate your advice and I will think about it some more. When I am ready, you can all call Tim and we will gang up on him! lol

Are you 100% sure he is bred with wolf? Sometimes people talk about things they know nothing about. Is it possible he is mixed with german shephard? Has your vet confirmed his wolf heritage? You may be over-worrying. I have know shephards all my life and some of them can have strong prey drives, but be fine with kids and people. My uncle had a male that weighed well over a hunderd pounds. He was a big baby, but I have seen some pretty large shephards.

I am a huge advocate for obedience training too. I have seen awesome things happen with perserverance and love. I believe any dog can be trained if his human is dedicated and patient. Now maybe he won't be the best livestock dog, but he can become a trustworthy companion and family member. I definately wouldn't give up on him.

Find out for sure if he is a wolf hybrid.

I have been thinking about adopting another dog, to keep TINK company while I am at work and to help "wear her out" and expel some of her endless energy. If I could I would have 100 just like her.

Financially we can afford it and we have plenty of room outside, but my husband is not crazy about the idea - I am working on him though.

I know most of you have multiple dog households, are two easier than one? Other than the obvious financial costs and extra poopy pick up in the yard.

I origianlly was going to wait until she was a year old and then maybe adopt a young adult dog. Two puppies in the house of her size would definately be too much with me working full time.

I need advice, share with me your pros and cons of multidog living and adjustments. I know for sure the cat will run away from home! lol.

Puppy school for 4 weeks was 49.99, on class per week. Basic obedience 6 weeks for 79.99, one class per week.
Advance obedience 6 weeks for 79.99, one class per week or if you took his basic class you can go monthly unlimited for 35.00 (great deal!)that's what I am on. Once a week it is at the vet's office and once a week we go on a field trip to a park, Outdoor world, etc.

his website is

He also has protection class and scent tracking. He trains dogs for therapy, fema, etc.

He also does personal at home training for $50 per session.

Check him out he is great if anyone lives in southern Ohio.

Any dog can become anything you want it to be if you are educated and willing to spend the time to teach them.

I researched koms before adopting TINK and because she was a LGD breed know to be independent thinkers and determine for themselves what was acceptable or a threat, I knew I had my work ahead of me to insure she would be a well adjusted young lady.

She started puppy school at 9 weeks and is in advanced obedience now at 6 mos. Not because she is hard to train, but because the socialization and exposure to different environments helps to make her well adjusted.

In unfamiliar territory she needs to look to the pack leader (me) to see how to react. If she is confident in that fact, it comes naturally to her.IF I am relaxed and having fun, she will too.

She is a big fat baby and I have no fears of her becoming defensive of our home or belongings. She  loves visitors small or adult. She loves all animals even our cat.

Pups and adult dogs, no matter what their breeding or life experiences can be trained and if they trust you, they will learn to live in your world under your rules and be all the happier for it. All dogs need boundaries, but we need to teach it to them. They really "want" you to take the responsibility as pack leader, but if you don't they will assert theirselves to be the leader out of necessity. They are pack animals and this is a natural instinct.

Love um and train um and anything is possible.

It sounds to me like he could also benefit from some inter-dog socialization.

I take TINK to a group advanced obedience class (she passed basic)two times a week. She learns to obey commands amongst various distractions and other pets/people. My trainer will work with each dog's individual needs, but no matter what you are teaching your dog, your voice and temperment must remain calm if you get anxious or excited or yell,  "however you feel will travel down the leash" it is amazing but true, I have seen it in class.

There is a guy in class that has a mix of some sort, medium sized dog and she is quite the bully and very mouthy. Although he is not yet allowed to perform any off leash exercises with her she has made great progress in the few weeks I have seen her at class. Our dogs are learning to deal with her and she is learning that class isn't so bad. THe owner is a little embarrased and some people get aggrevated with the dog for being so disruptive, but the owner is doing exactly what he should be doing to help his dog overcome its anxiety and become a more obedient companion.

As you work with your dog and she understands you are the pack leader she will start to look to you to see how to behave. She will trust that your instincts are correct and if you are not anxious or upset, then there is no need for her to be. It takes time and patience but she will get there.

My trainer lists on his website that he does "temperment testing", you might try and google that??????

He is great, I love his class and he is very inventive for each dog's issues. Make sure you find someone that doesn't just recite things out of a book, but can come up with original techniques for unique issues/dogs. Everyone is different, being able to isolate the issue is half the battle. 

Let me know how it goes.

Treatment & Preventative Meds / Re: Tink is at the vets.
« on: June 20, 2008, 11:18:45 am »
I just called the vet and Tink is awake and doing great! No licking so far. I will pick her up in a couple of hours.

Thanks for all the good thoughts.

Treatment & Preventative Meds / Tink is at the vets.
« on: June 20, 2008, 06:24:23 am »
I dropped TINK off this morning at the vets to get fixed. It was really hard to leave her there. I love my vet and trust him totally, but I had to put my beloved basset down this past January (12 yrs old) and still have bad memories.

I am sure she will be just fine. My vet actually does a pre-op blood test to make sure there is nothing out of the ordinary going on and that the dog can handle the anesthesia, but I worry about my big girl. She hates cages, so I am going to go pick her up as soon as they will let me.

Anyway, keep her in your thoughts today and cross your paws for her - it couldn't hurt.

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: new to forum from Australia
« on: June 20, 2008, 06:20:08 am »

I just found this site myself last month and everyone has been great. You will love it here! My new pound puppy is "Tinkerbear" or "Tink" for short. She is a komondor/black lab mix. She is 6 months old and weighs in the upper 80's. She is a total joy! I dropped her off at the vets this morning to get fixed and microchipped. It was really hard. I had to put my beloved basset of 12 years down this past January and it was really hard leaving Tink there this morning, anyway Welcome!

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