Author Topic: More feeling sorry for Ang  (Read 12411 times)


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Re: More feeling sorry for Ang
« Reply #45 on: November 19, 2005, 09:02:58 pm »
I have no room to offer you advice, as I rarely know you. So i wont offer advice but share story a lot like yours. My Brother was dating this girl for 8 yrs. He wanted to marry her but she always had an excuse for not marring him. They broke up a few times, but not for very long. They lived together for the most part. Finally, last year on her birthday, my Brother asked her to marry him and she said yes, rng and all. She was excited and showed the ring off to everyone. Well not even a month later she broke up with him and moved to Minnsote, he lives in S. Texas. He never called her, but waited for her to call him. He gave her the space she wanted. He even talked to other girls. Well almost a year went by and I was informed they are back together. You know the say Absent makes the heart grow fonder? Again no advice from me