Author Topic: Ear Infection question  (Read 10702 times)


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Ear Infection question
« on: April 19, 2007, 07:14:15 am »
Ellie and Blu were both diagnosed with ear infections two weeks ago. This is the first for both of them and the vet said Ellie's was worse than Blu's. I have been giving them both drops and cleaning twice a week for two weeks as prescribed by the vet. Here is my question. Is it normal for their ears to be bright pink inside and warm to the touch? I noticed it both pups last night, but thought maybe it was because I was cleaning their ears... but Ellie's were still warm and pink this morning.

Thanks Y'all.


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Re: Ear Infection question
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2007, 08:04:22 am »
I've never had a dog with an ear infection so I'm probably going to be no help!  I just checked Koby's ears and they're a very pale pink, and they're warm but the same temp. as the rest of his body.  Do they look swollen?  If you don't think the meds are working you might want to go back to the vet and see if they have something a bit stronger.

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Re: Ear Infection question
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2007, 08:13:43 am »
personally, i'd imagine it'd be like with people.  how the ears are red and tender.  i know my nephew's ears get a tad bit swollen when his get infected, and they're a little warm b/c of it, also.  how long have you been on the antibiotics and how long do you have left?
« Last Edit: April 19, 2007, 08:16:36 am by schelmischekitty »
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Re: Ear Infection question
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2007, 08:24:32 am »
hmmmmm - I wish I could tell you what medication the drops are - all I can say is they have to be refridgerated. The two weeks of drops will be completed this Friday. Should they be taking an oral antibiotic as well?

Also - with Ellie's ears.. on the inside of the tips of her flaps (does that even make they had been crusty before starting treatment and that is better, however - she has a few tiny bumps that seem to be under the skin in the same spots.


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Re: Ear Infection question
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2007, 08:42:28 am »
One of my cats gets chronic ear infections, and they get red and hot like that.  This isn't really a medical tip, just a comfort one, but he likes to have his ears gently tugged on when they act up.  He'll put his head on my lap and I'll kind of pull a little and he'll purr.  Maybe that would at least help the kids feel a little better until everything clears up!

Interesting that you say that Jenn... cause Blu has been shockingly good while I've been fussing with his ears... I wonder if that is giving him some relief... either that or its the fact he knows there is always a treat coming his way at the end of my fussing! ;D

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Re: Ear Infection question
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2007, 09:08:21 am »
It sounds like there could still be an infection there, so i would take 'em back to the vet, they may need an oral antibiotic too. Is it Malotic that you are using on their ears?
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Re: Ear Infection question
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2007, 09:54:37 am »
It sounds like there could still be an infection there, so i would take 'em back to the vet, they may need an oral antibiotic too. Is it Malotic that you are using on their ears?

I will look on the bottle when I get home... and report back.   Hmmmmm I can tell you - it seems to be oil-based. Does that sound right?
« Last Edit: April 19, 2007, 09:58:08 am by EllieAndBlu »

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Re: Ear Infection question
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2007, 10:06:21 am »
yes, very greasy. lol is it a grean tube?
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Re: Ear Infection question
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2007, 10:18:53 am »
it is greasy... but came in a white bottle with built-in dropper on the end.

Offline raygoza6n510

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Re: Ear Infection question
« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2007, 10:28:30 am »
Ok these are this things I like to reply to!!!
All ear cananls of dogs are hot their normal body temperture is 100.0-102.5 degrees. With that said the paws and ears are the places where they release their heat to stay cool.

Now in general dogs with ears that stand up and have no hair on them seldom get ear infections. However once one develops and not treated correctly and a routine to clean the ears is not started then you will have problems.

Now for  dogs with flopy ears!! Beacuse the canals are hot and ears develop wax it becomes moist and things grow. The most common ear infections in dogs and cats are either a yeast or bacterial overgroth. For the most part they do not get inner ear infections like us people. Their disconfort comes from being itchy and well.... ever had a yest infection??? That is how it feels.

I have seen pups as young as 5weeks have an infection. The key is to always smell the ears there should never be an odor. Always look at the ear it should never be RED pink is ok but not bright. Touch the ear it should never be painful. If any ONE if these are going on see your VET they can take a sample of the wax or discharge and determine if it is yeast or bacteria then get started on the right meds. 2-4 weeks or longer to clear up an infection is to be expected.

Now this is going to vary depending on each situation. Some treatment will include a deep cleaning with sedation or anesthesia if it is severe. If this is needed most Vets will wait until severe swelling goes down and the canal is open. Then at home you use antibiotics. Some vets send home an ear cleaner if they can see the ear drum and the canal is not shut from sweling.

Using a good ear cleaner with a drying agent in it is best! They clean the ear and dry up any remains. There are one and two step ear cleaners available your vet will be the best to figure out which to use. NEVER put q-tips in the ear! I have seen them get stuck and rip an ear drum!

If your dog swims or plays in the water or gets a bath often they can get infections as well. Using a good ear cleaner will help prevent this.

I am going to try to put a video together showing how to clean the ears. There is a right way and a wrong way.

Well sorry for the long reply I hope it helped. Feel free to ask away.


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Re: Ear Infection question
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2007, 11:20:48 am »
Thanks Monica - that helps me a alot!  The vet did say the infections are yeast based... and funny I've just noticed a smell in Ellie's years since using the drops. Is that normal? 
Also - I do have a question... should I be focusing the drops in the canal or spreading around the ear?

The vet did give me some cleaning solution... of which I dumped half out yesterday when I knocked the bottle over - I am such a spaz.

Thanks everyone for  all the help... I swear I would be a basket case without BPO!  :)
« Last Edit: April 19, 2007, 12:06:23 pm by EllieAndBlu »


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Re: Ear Infection question
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2007, 11:39:37 am »
Ellie and Blu were both diagnosed with ear infections two weeks ago. This is the first for both of them and the vet said Ellie's was worse than Blu's. I have been giving them both drops and cleaning twice a week for two weeks as prescribed by the vet. Here is my question. Is it normal for their ears to be bright pink inside and warm to the touch? I noticed it both pups last night, but thought maybe it was because I was cleaning their ears... but Ellie's were still warm and pink this morning.

Thanks Y'all.
Lady was the worst for yeast infections.  with treatment her ears would dry out and flake inside.  we switch medicine right before i moved out and that one seemed to be less abbrasive on her skin.  but during treatment they were always hot pink and warm inside.  and sensitive.  not a bad idea to keep up with the treatment with what you can find for wax buildup at the pet store. 

Offline raygoza6n510

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Re: Ear Infection question
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2007, 11:59:22 am »
Good guestions!
No you should not worry about the smell right now some medications stink!!

Now For the ear cleaner do what I do, I always have one in use and another in the doggie box. If I could I would buy stock in this stuff. I like to use epiotic. If your in a pinch you can use a vinegar solution this is used when the ear canal can not be seen and or a large amount of discharge. It breaks it up well.  please use only 5% vinegar dilute 4 parts warm water to 1 part vinegar. fill the canal and rubb the base of the ear to hear a suction.
Now the medicine should be placed in the ear as far down as you can get it in. This should be done after the ear is cleaned and all the head shacking is done. You can also place a thin layer on the inside of the pinna (ear flap) The medicine will get there as well. **** ONE very important thing if any long hair is around the base of the ear such as a dog wth long hair...BRUSH!!!!!!!! The medication will cause the hair to knott up and become a huge ball and possibly a hotspot!!

All topical medications or medicine that is placed on the skin or in the ear MUST come in contact with the skin to work. If there is lots of yellow creamy or blackish brownish stuff then clean those ears.

Do go back after two weeks for a recheck! Even if it was not scheduled. Have the doctor look in the ears again to see if there has been good progress other medications may be needed.

I have had to do Special how to classes for our clients. It's ok, cleaning ears is not an easy task but if done right the dogs love it and smash their head right in to you instead of WWF and the Rodeo!
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Re: Ear Infection question
« Reply #13 on: April 19, 2007, 12:03:32 pm »
Good timing for me...Bo is having problems with her right ear today.  The ear is always goopy with red-ish wax (?) in it.  I was cleaning it out today with a vinegar/water solution (alcohol hurts...) and she cried out.  I looked in her ear & there was a small red sore-like she'd scratched it or something.  I haven't noticed her scratching, but she was shaking her head a lot, which is what prompted me to clean them out.  This must be said: Bo HATES having her ears cleaned.  She once knocked over 3 vet techs who were trying to hold her down so the vet could administer a cleaning solution!  It was quite a site to see, three grown women knocked to the floor like bowling pins!  Her performance is so notrious that the vet's office would prefer that I treat her at home!!  I know that for a deep cleaning, it would require anesthesia, which I'm not too excited about.  Perhaps a Valium or Xanax would help?  Anyway, I digress.  How do you treat yeast infections in the ears?  I don't want to put her on oral antibiotics becuase I'm working to rebuild her immune system from a serious food algery issue.  Any suggestions?
Jenn & Bo (with a sore ear) in CA
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Offline raygoza6n510

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Re: Ear Infection question
« Reply #14 on: April 19, 2007, 12:16:46 pm »
Sorry to hear!!!
Your choices are clear either take her to a new vet who is more that willing to treat her anytime good or bad or,allow the sores and canal to become so enlarged that she looses her hearing. Surgery may be needed to cut away the the base of the canal to try to restore the hearing and ease the pain from the infection.

The only medication that works is the ones from the Vets! Trust me nothing at the pet stores work. Those ears need to be looked at first and tested to know what you are dealing with.

Getting knocked over like a bowling pin is all in a days work! I know!! I love the challenge!! Once the problem is fixed the pain will be gone and cleaning the ears should become a snap.

Good luck
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