Author Topic: Unsure of my options  (Read 15084 times)

Offline choralone

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Re: Unsure of my options
« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2007, 06:16:23 am »
Well the evening so far. They are a no show they were supposed to be here at seven to collect there stuff from our porch and back yard we waited until about eight and my wife called them
the dogs were not mentioned as my wife didn’t exactly have the opportunity to mention them. She was pretty much only able to say a few words regarding the stuff on our porch he was apparently rude about it im not sure what he said exactly. And before she could say anything regarding the dogs he hung up on her. So now  they are pretty much acting like we are putting them out by even talking to them in the first place regarding anything. So possibly tomorrow or next weekend they will “” be here.
This whole thing has me knotted up like a rope under water. So as far as I am concerned it’s pretty much done they wouldn’t even so much as offer to come over and feed them through out the phone conversation or even mention them at all.
Thank you all again.. I will still keep you all posted on how things are progressing. Im still hoping they will just simply go away and never return..


Offline Duramax

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Re: Unsure of my options
« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2007, 06:37:49 am »
just for extra mesure, it may be a good idea to have neighborhood people see you taking care of the dogs. so if the previous owners try to come back with legal action you can have eye whitnesses that state how long and how much you've been providing for the puppers while 'they' were no where in site.
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Re: Unsure of my options
« Reply #17 on: August 08, 2007, 01:58:19 pm »
Good - this shows that they dont really care- Just do not leave the dogs out unattended. They have abandoned the dogs- and dont deserve them. I would call them today and tell them that they have one last opportunity to collect the belongings from your porch and if they are a no show this time then all of the stuff will go out to the curb for trash pick up. Also file a restraining order to keep them away from your property. Let them know that you are done with them and that they are no longer welcome at your home. A restraining order should be fairly easy to obtain and even though they are usually not worth the paper they are written on, you have a court document that can be referred to in case they ever try to break into your home etc.
Also as far as Mr.Big eating. Pyrs arent like a lot of big dogs, their metabolism is different, so they actually eat less than a lot of other big dogs, also in the heat, food is not such a major priority.
Post some more pics- he is gorgeous, and keep him safe. And again thank you for having such compassion for the big guy.

Offline choralone

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Re: Unsure of my options
« Reply #18 on: August 09, 2007, 01:02:10 am »
well as for pic's were getting a new camera  today so we can document the heat rash and other skin problems mr. big has so there will be lots and lots of pictures we were even thinking of making a massive screen print deco image of him to put in the living room would be a fun project i think , also there was some bursar office stuff to deal with today so the vet has to wait another day sadly. i am hoping there are no serious problems he seams fine much happier at any rate now that almost all of the matts are gone and he can move about with out them puling on his skin in im sure some really uncomfortable ways. we found some new stuff though he has some red circular burn/rash looking patches all over his underside from the bottom of his neck to his tail, i guess i will know tomorrow what those are. and the family is yet again not making any contact as to exactly when if today or next weekend they are coming i don't really care any more though mr.big is home now and that is that. and we talked it over last night and i do think that would be for the best to tell them that today is there one and only day to collect there things and be done with that part.
in the really good news part i am going to be starting a web-cast the first of next month it's supposed to be for my mixing thing but i don't see why i cant have mr.big on the air with me as his favorite spot is right next to the mixers anyway :D


Offline choralone

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Re: Unsure of my options
« Reply #19 on: August 09, 2007, 01:09:26 am »
oh yeah almost forgot here are some more of the grainy images we took hopefully with the new  camera they will look much better 

Offline Sillygoose

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Re: Unsure of my options
« Reply #20 on: August 09, 2007, 01:44:24 am »
He seems so sweet and gentle. Thank Gof you're there for him. These people obviously don't give a rats A&% about this dog and as far as I'm concerned they don't deserve him. I hope it all works out and you become his forever home.


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Re: Unsure of my options
« Reply #21 on: August 09, 2007, 03:11:42 am »
Whoo Hoo, Mr.Big the mix dog. Good for you and he is such a good looking dog- Yes, I am ready for you to get a new camera- we need more of Mr.Big. If I havent already said so, welcome to the board.

Offline Newly Newfed

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Re: Unsure of my options
« Reply #22 on: August 09, 2007, 05:07:11 am »
I'd like to make a suggestion:  It's not something that has to be done, just a bit of info.  In rescue, when a dog has come from an abusive or less than good home, it is suggested that the new family change the dog's name.  The old name can harbor bad memories.  If any of that makes sense?


That's a good idea.  I was reading a book on dog training and the trainer specialized in rehabilitating abused and neglected dogs.  He used to change his client's dogs names because the dogs would associate someone speaking their name with something bad happening to them.

As for the suggestions on what to do...they are all great advice.  I am a little leery about the advice about hiding the dogs or lying about where they are...  I'm just worried it will backfire.  These people apparently don't care about their dogs and if you have the help of your local humane society, I should hope you don't have too much trouble getting custody of them.  Good luck and I hope you get the sweethearts...
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Re: Unsure of my options
« Reply #23 on: August 09, 2007, 01:51:46 pm »
Newly Newfed, I dont think that the Humane Society avenue is available in Oklahoma. The largest network for dogs in Oklahoma seems to be the individual rescues. It seems that maybe the dogs can be considered abandoned, at the very least there was abuse and hopefully since these people are not so interested in picking up their additional belongings from the porch, the dogs may not even be a listed on thier list of priorities.

Offline choralone

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Re: Unsure of my options
« Reply #24 on: August 10, 2007, 01:19:25 am »
we have about 30 minutes until we get to have our first vet visit. so in the mean time here are some images of jezabell i have been looking through picture databases and have not found one yet to match her. she'll im sure be a really obvious breed as that always happens to me lol i get asked a question and it's something obvious but i can't think of the answer at the time... also here are some images of the house where mr big was kept i figured the more people that see the place the better. and no they have not once mentioned the dogs i dont think they even considered them once when my wife was talking to them.. i still don't really care any more though, from the moment they started putting him away like a piece of luggage is the very moment they lost there right to call him a companion of any kind.. eek sorry still very bitter i suppose.. anyway i will keep posting new info as things happen as well if it's ok here on the board i'll put a link here when my broadcast starts so you can all see him live (it would be awesome if i could teach him to mix j/k)   

Offline happiday

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Re: Unsure of my options
« Reply #25 on: August 10, 2007, 02:07:16 am »
That's my vote:  Pug or Pug/mix?  That 'house' doesn't look fit for anything to be in it but a lawnmower!  How awful it must have been for that sweet boy to have to stay in there all alone.  I'm SO glad you've made him part of your family, Shane! 
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Re: Unsure of my options
« Reply #26 on: August 10, 2007, 03:46:33 am »
ok the little paw is a cutie pug, frenchie kinda dog... umm can we have more pics of Mr.Big?? he he he he
How did the appt go at the vet?

Offline choralone

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Re: Unsure of my options
« Reply #27 on: August 12, 2007, 08:58:48 am »
thank you endlessly for the help today paige and also sorry about the phone thing our phone kind of suck's and hangs up for little to no reason. to update everyone else here they took him today the police were here to help them and not us even though we called the police ourselves first.. i hate this state everyone is so indifferent in the law enforcement field 
one would think they are more then human the way they act. not to be unfair though i know that dealing with people and there problems can be very tiring. it still all hurts very badly though he looks better now because of us so even if someone did go and look at him they would only see how much we have cared for him and how much better we made his life instead one would think that they gave that to him. anyway we even gave him a new name we wracked our brains until we came up with the perfect one and this just last night sorry im rambling i miss him as much as if i lost my arm. i hope that it will all be made right tomorrow and he will come home even if he does not come here i would rather he go any where else in the world even if it is to some kennel on the other side of the world i woudnt care so long as he is safe and has love ..  sorry i'll be back soon and i will call you tomorrow paige thank you again for being there. 

Offline London_Pyr_Lover

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Re: Unsure of my options
« Reply #28 on: August 12, 2007, 10:25:15 am »
I'm so sorry they took that beautiful boy away from you!  The police are fools, and you should absolutely try to take this all to a higher level.  Maybe write to your local newspaper.  I don't know what the laws are in your area, but could you maybe file some sort of ownership suit??  With all the vet bills you've accumulated, and food, and shelter, and how long you've had him, and how they just left him there, you could maybe take it to a small claims court and either sue for the money you've put into him or ownership of the dog himself??
My heart goes out to you and Mr. Big right now.
I'm hoping for the best.
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Re: Unsure of my options
« Reply #29 on: August 12, 2007, 01:52:57 pm »
Shane, I am so sorry I couldnt get you back on the phone last nite, I was on the phone with the Oklahoma contact kinda late- she has a great network in your area and lots of really good contacts. We just have to find out exactly where he is and then we start the process and let them investigate. Chances are he is back outside and with out shelter or aedequate water etc. So lets find out where he is and then we start to work- this group is a very compassionate group, they are not going to allow him to be mistreated or abused. So dont give up.