Author Topic: Emergency Vet visit  (Read 9328 times)

Offline London_Pyr_Lover

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Emergency Vet visit
« on: December 26, 2007, 05:13:09 am »
Well Naja has had her first, and hopefully last Emergency vet visit.  Last night, while I was at work, my mother, sister and step-father were all sitting downstairs watching Christmas movies together.  My mother noticed that the dogs were being very quiet.  Moo was laying on the floor, but Naja was nowhere in sight.  So mum went upstairs and found Naja in my sisters room where she had gotten into my sisters closet, taken her purse off the top shelf somehow, and gotten a muffin out of a Ziplock bag that was in a zippered part of the purse.  The muffin had a full gram of Marijuanna in it.  By about 4 am, my girl began vomiting profusely, staggering, eyes fully dialated, and shaking uncontrolably.  Fortunately my mom and sister had the forsight to call the emergency Vet Hospital and bring her in.  $200 later, 5 doses of Charcoal, and a shot of something that I can't remember what it's called, she is back to her normal self, if not a little more sleepy and lethargic.  I found all of this out when I woke up at 3 this afternoon.  I am seriously PO'ed at my sister for having marijuanna in the house, and my mom for not keeping a closer eye on her as I keep telling her she needs to do.  For some reason, she keeps forgetting that Naja is still a puppy, a very well behaved puppy, and a very large puppy, however nonetheless, she is only 7 months old, she's a baby, that will get into things if left to her own devices.  If I could bring her into work with me at night I would, but I've already been warned like twice about it, so I can't do that.  But even though I might be p!ssed at them, I am so grateful that my baby is okay, they got her taken care of as quickly as possible, and I am thankful for that.   
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Offline GoldenPyrs

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Re: Emergency Vet visit
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2007, 06:29:03 am »
Yikes!!!  That must have scared you half to death.  :(  I'm so glad that Naja is ok and that your mom & sister took her to the ER vet.  I wonder if you give Naja some extra fluids via soupy canned food if that might help her kidneys flush the toxins out of her system a little faster.  I do that sometimes with my pups when they have anesthetic for dental cleanings and all.  Pyrs are notorious for overreacting to sedatives and although my vets have known that, it seems like mine have always stayed really dopey for longer than the vet expected.  Since I've started giving them the "soup" after anesthetic, they seem to get back to normal faster. 

I remember your post awhile back about your concerns regarding your sister and the tough spot that it's put you in.   :'(  I really hope that your family is getting the support that you need while you go through this tough time.  I'll be thinking of you and please give sweet Naja a kiss from me.   :-*

And my pups:
Daisy a 9 y/o Golden/Lab mix
Sammy a 6-7(?) y/o Great Pyrenees adopted 3/07
Cassie a 3 y/o Pyr/Mystery Snuggle Bunny mix adopted 2/07

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Offline jagersmom

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Re: Emergency Vet visit
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2007, 09:28:21 am »
I don't think I'd have a family after something like that. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I'm thinking about you and little Naja. Give her hugs and love from Jager and I.  :-*

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Offline People Whisperer

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Re: Emergency Vet visit
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2007, 11:32:51 am »
Poor Naja  :'( I am glad that everything worked out and she is all better now  :)
I second Tina...if you are not at home ask your family to keep Naja in one room confined with baby gates. I know with me, when I am home I always have to know where Lily is. If I don't see her around, I go and look for her and bring her back where everybody is hanging out. Those pups can have some crazy ideas about how to get in trouble  ;)
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Offline Gracie Belle

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Re: Emergency Vet visit
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2007, 04:30:19 pm »
YIKES!!!!  I'm really glad that Naja is okay and I'll be thinking of you and your family and Naja for sure.  Tina has some great advise and I completely agree.  Oh and the baby gates are totally worth it.  I really don't know how I would manage without them.  Take care and we are sending lots of get better vibes from my pack to Naja.. 
Misty slave to:
Gracie Belle, 2 year English Mastiff
Rosco, 1 yr Toy German Shettweiler (designer mutt of course)and toy cause he's not Rotti or GSD size AT ALL.  Though they said he was a mix of the two..  Tonka, 3 year Great Dane
And last and most certainly NOT least, Linus 5 year old cat.

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Re: Emergency Vet visit
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2007, 06:25:49 pm »
I'm so glad Naja is ok.Now she just needs extra cuddle time!!
Michelle, Butt, Tub and Everybirdie


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Re: Emergency Vet visit
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2007, 10:58:37 pm »
YIKES!!!!!  :o  :o That's really scary!

Glad she's OK.

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Re: Emergency Vet visit
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2007, 10:48:40 am »
Oh my god, Alex. That is soooo scary. I'm so glad Naja is ok.Give her lots of kisses from me :-* :-* :-*. Tell your mom that accidents happen (but to watch her closer!) and give her a hug....and tell your sister to never bring that stuff within a 10 mile radius of your house again >:( Anything else would be too close for comfort!
Milwaukee, Wi

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Offline London_Pyr_Lover

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Re: Emergency Vet visit - Update
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2007, 11:15:06 am »
Okay, well, Naja is back to her normal self.  Being cute and a pain in my butt, and I wouldn't have it any other way!  ;D  Sister is very regretfull, and will not be bringing that or any other illegal substance into the house ever again.  Mom, is aware that Naja is still a puppy, and will need to be kept a closer eye on.  The baby gates, although are a good idea, my farmer/volunteer-firefighter step father is kinda clumsy and unobservant and would end up taking them out with his shins in no time.  They just need to remember to keep the doors closed when in a room with the pups.  Almost every room in the house has a door, including the downstairs family room, so everybody has promised to be a little more vigilent.  Big babies have the ability to get into more trouble then little babies. lol  Thanks everybody for your concern and well wishes, Naja is back to full health, is back on solid foods, and back to her happy, goofy, energetic (or as energetic as a Pyr can be lol) self.
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Re: Emergency Vet visit
« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2007, 12:51:08 pm »
I'm glad she is OK  :)

Nina and Tim
Calgary, AB, Canada
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Re: Emergency Vet visit
« Reply #10 on: December 27, 2007, 12:57:01 pm »
I think your sister owes you $200 to reimburse you for the vet visit. If she can afford to buy the wacky weed muffins, she can afford to pay you back for that!
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Offline Gracie Belle

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Re: Emergency Vet visit
« Reply #11 on: December 27, 2007, 01:48:15 pm »
What good news.  I'm so glad she's all better.  Lucky you guys to have a door on all the rooms.  I would love that and then I wouldn't have to take out the gates with my shins either.  I'm not exactly twinkle toes myself.....   ;)   
Misty slave to:
Gracie Belle, 2 year English Mastiff
Rosco, 1 yr Toy German Shettweiler (designer mutt of course)and toy cause he's not Rotti or GSD size AT ALL.  Though they said he was a mix of the two..  Tonka, 3 year Great Dane
And last and most certainly NOT least, Linus 5 year old cat.

Offline London_Pyr_Lover

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Re: Emergency Vet visit
« Reply #12 on: December 28, 2007, 08:57:14 pm »
That's terrible, I'm glad that guy lost.  I'd love to make my sis pay for the vet visit, but she cannot afford it.  The muffin was a gift from a friend of hers, and well, she's still waiting for her first disability check from the Government.  She's unable to work because of her Crones, and Interstitial Cistitus.  Oh well though, the important thing is that Naja is okay, muddy as all heck right now from digging in the back yard though, and that Tammy will NEVER bring anything like that into this house again.
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