Author Topic: Finding a boyfriend for my english mastiff  (Read 30173 times)

Offline sierra

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Finding a boyfriend for my english mastiff
« on: August 16, 2005, 01:26:00 pm »
I have a 7 month old AKC english mastiff and was looking for any information on studs and all of that jazz that some one could give me. It is my first time with a puppy mastiff, but have had 3 from the rescue society which are all fixed. We are looking to have a litter of puppies with this beautiful gal. Again any information would be great to have!!


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Re: Finding a boyfriend for my english mastiff
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2005, 08:54:30 pm »
Please dont take this the wrong way but why do you want to breed your dog?  How old is she going to be when you want to breed her?  Are you OFAing or Penn Hip for xrays.  Does the dog have any working , temp or show titles?  What are you looking for in a male dog? 

« Last Edit: August 16, 2005, 09:41:24 pm by jabear »


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Re: Finding a boyfriend for my english mastiff
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2005, 12:57:53 am »
Please dont take this the wrong way but why do you want to breed your dog?  How old is she going to be when you want to breed her?  Are you OFAing or Penn Hip for xrays.  Does the dog have any working , temp or show titles?  What are you looking for in a male dog? 

Yeah, just what Babs asked...Is your dog up to breed standard?...Are  you breeding to maintain or better the breed?...I got my 1st Great Pyrenees from a back yard breeder & had many issues with his temperment.... I ended up with a dog that I was afraid at times would not make for a dog that would ever make a good pet...Through many many months of trying to earn his trust & socializing him he got over the "hump" but I still have to make provisions for him...My 2nd Pyr I got from a repitable breeder & made a 2 day trip to get him...He is a joy!!!....He came with a health & temperment gauruntee...I can relax & enjoy him & never worry about what he might do next...Same breed, same sex, same working gaurdian background but totally different dogs!...I am just saying that if you want to breed your dog do it right, take the time & spend the extra money & make for a dog that the next person down the line can enjoy & have the peace of mind that comes with a quality bred pup! :)

Offline brigid67

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Re: Finding a boyfriend for my english mastiff
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2005, 02:35:47 am »
Are you thinking of breeding now  she is only 7 mos....seems young to me.  I would let her get through at least her 1st heat.  And I also agree with babs and gyp..just make sure the motivation for the breeding is right.  There are so many great dogs alreay on the planet.


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Re: Finding a boyfriend for my english mastiff
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2005, 07:38:23 am »

   i would contact you local akc dog groups and ask them about a stud dog from a reputable breeder and also if you want to breed find a good mastiff breeder and have him/her mentor you ..thier are so many ways to do it wrong but one way to do it right......... ..good luck ann
« Last Edit: August 17, 2005, 08:28:40 am by ann »

Offline sierra

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Re: Finding a boyfriend for my english mastiff
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2005, 01:48:26 pm »
I am thinking of breeding her in about a year and a half maybe two. She is way too young now. I too went to great lengths to get my little Sierra. We live in Chico, California and she is from Arkansas, but she is worth it. She gets her xrays when she is one year to make the requirements. We are not breeding for any selfish reasons that is for sure. Sierra is such a great manored, smart and trained loving dog that I think that others would be so lucky to have a dog like her. Not that I am biased because I am her mom.  :)  I am looking early so that I can find the right male with the right temperment. Plus I think that she is a bit picky so who knows what might actually happen. I appreciate your concerns and the input. Thanks


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Re: Finding a boyfriend for my english mastiff
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2005, 02:00:19 pm »

i'm glad your doing reserch before breeding and can i add to please watch her close when she is in heat.......... .....



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Re: Finding a boyfriend for my english mastiff
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2005, 02:52:45 pm »
It sounds like you are definitely on the right track  as far as breeding her goes! :) I wish you the best of luck in finding a stud that matches her sweetness!...Temperment is so important!...I would wait until she is at least 2 yrs. old though...Giant breed dogs aren't considered fully mature unti they are three...Keep us posted on your sweet "little" girl! :)


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Re: Finding a boyfriend for my english mastiff
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2005, 02:53:47 pm »
please oh please gimme one for free!!!!!

and FYI, i know it's a ways off.....BUT POST PIX!!!!!!


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Re: Finding a boyfriend for my english mastiff
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2005, 04:07:45 pm »
See, I am still in a bit of disagreement.. .just because you feel the dog is good doesnt mean it is breed worthy.   Just think about home many people think they have the greatest dog (pure or mutt) I am a harsh very harsh critic on breeding...Her hips should be done at 2 years for OFA certification or Penn Hip from a year on

I think she should have some sort of title or certification saying that your dog is least a CGC along with a ATTS and the stud dog should as well

Maybe not have a show title but to be rated by a judge that is an expert in the find faults and therefore find a stud to correct those faults

Besides Hips, elbows need to be xrayed

The point of breeding is to better the breed as a whole

I know I am harsh and I am not trying to sound rude but with all the homeless dogs and dogs in rescue...breed ing should have a soild goal in mind for the breed


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Re: Finding a boyfriend for my english mastiff
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2005, 07:18:59 am »

  babst, i agree with you about breeding thats why i suggested her local kennel group and finding a reputable breeder for mentor.....the re is a thread going right now about dade county and animal control it breaks my heart because if everyone was responsible for thier own animals things like this would not happen i'm not saying that  the op is not a resposible person .i just think anyone who thinks about breeding needs to be aware of the over population of animals in this country....... ....

« Last Edit: August 18, 2005, 08:19:38 am by ann »

Offline rv581

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Re: Finding a boyfriend for my english mastiff
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2005, 09:52:49 am »
I can TOTALLY empathize with the desire to breed your dog.  I wanna breed mine, too!  My American Mastiff has so many qualities that I'm sure others would covet: superior size, perfect health, unbelievable temperment, etc. 

Plus, a good portion of the rationale behind neutering/fixing your dog strikes me as prima facia unfair.  Why should I mutilate the anatomy of a perfectly healthy animal... just because other people are careless with their dog's breeding habits?  Leon didn't do anything wrong.  He wasn't even alive when most of that careless breeding took place!  Why should he suffer for the negligence of others?  Hey, if someone told ME that I shouldn't have any children because the world's population is too high -- or there are already too many unwanted children in orphanages -- I'd tell that person that I'm gonna do whatever I want to do with my reproductive system -- and if they don't like it, well, that's just too bad!

But I fought through those impulses & had Leon neutered anyway.

There's an old legal principle that places MAXIMUM liability/ strict scrutiny on people who introduce a dangerous entity into the general population -- and I believe that not only is this a sound legal principle, but it's also a moral principle.  (And what this means is, you may have the *right* to build a careless fire in your backyard for a BBQ -- but if this fire gets out of control & burns down your neighbor's house, YOU are culpable for being willfully negligent towards the handling of a hazardous entity.)

The same principle applies to "dangerous" dogs -- legally, and I believe morally.

Mastiffs are BIG.  Leon is only 30-weeks old & already pushing the 120-pound mark.  He's expected to weigh about 180 at the end of his first year, and max-out at 220 - 260.  A dog with that size can do SO MUCH damage if not well-trained, socialized, and nurtured.  If motivated, a dog like that could kill a small child in the blink of an eye -- and kill an adult that lacks the strength or mobility to defend him/herself as well.  And while Leon personally doesn't have any history of violence or aggression -- nor is there any history of violence or aggression in his family tree -- I honestly don't know how his DNA would co-mingle with another's.  I also don't know how much of his temperment is environment or heredity.

There are lots of good reasons to breed -- and perhaps this poster has all the good reasons in the world.  But for me, I wouldn't feel comfortable doing that without a more far-reaching rationale than merely hoping to pass along your dog's DNA to others.  JMO.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2005, 01:33:53 pm by jabear »


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Re: Finding a boyfriend for my english mastiff
« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2005, 10:11:54 am »
I am in agreement with the neutering and spaying...If you are responsible there is no reason to neuter....My dog is intact and will be regardless if he becomes a stud dog or not....and yes I will hold my dog to the same standards that I posted above...


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Re: Finding a boyfriend for my english mastiff
« Reply #13 on: August 18, 2005, 02:02:19 pm »
I am in agreement with the neutering and spaying...If you are responsible there is no reason to neuter....My dog is intact and will be regardless if he becomes a stud dog or not....and yes I will hold my dog to the same standards that I posted above...
I respectfully have to disagree Babs...There are reasons to spay & neuter even if you are a resposible dog owner...Health reasons...prev entative measures against cancer & pyrametria (sp?) is one that comes to mind...Also, an unaltered animal battles the natural instinct to breed which causes temperment issues & I can't imagine that the natural desire or instinct left unattended makes for a mentally happy dog...& no matter how responsible one is there is of coarse the natural desire to find a mate which I am sure has left many responsible dog owners with a dog that has become escape artist & gone missing to add to the problem of accidental breedings or getting injured or hurt while loose...Just my 2 cents worth here. :)


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Re: Finding a boyfriend for my english mastiff
« Reply #14 on: August 18, 2005, 02:10:57 pm »

   very well said chelle, i want to add that a unaltered male will lift his leg and a female in heat is messy......... .