Author Topic: 3 big paws & a baby-help!  (Read 6408 times)

Offline CalistogaPyr

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3 big paws & a baby-help!
« on: April 13, 2009, 07:18:05 am »
I tried posting this earlier...let me try again!!  Well, it looks like the family is going to expand.  I am now 6 weeks pregnant with a VERY unplanned pregnancy!  As you can understand, I'm overwhelmed with feelings, fears and a TOTALY LOSS OF CONTROL!  Needless to say, my husband & I want to keep our fur family intact during and after the transition to a skin child being in the house.  I wanted to hear from others how they facilitated this transition.  Bo (our Pyr girl) has no exposure to newborns but does not like toddlers (they make her nervous).  Floyd does well with toddlers but has no exposure to newborns, and Ripley, we just don't know yet!  I welcome support and feedback...fee ling a little flummoxed by this big change in life-plan.
Jenn in CA
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Offline CalistogaPyr

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Re: 3 big paws & a baby-help!
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2009, 10:08:13 am »
Thanks, guys.  It's a big adjustment and we're going through lots of mixed feelings right now.  Haven't gotten to the acceptance & excited stage just yet...but I'm hoping it'll come!  Regarding Bo's reaction to toddlers...she mostly acts fearful of them and then barks at them.  Because she's so big, it's usually pretty scary for the kids (understandably) and for me!!  She's NEVER bitten anyone or anything, and is typically a dog that is louder than anything.  However, I don't want to put her in a bad position if she's fearful of the child (I attribute it to their height-eye level with her- and their unsteady gait).  I wish I had some brave friends with unflappable children...I'd certainly do some exposure work with her!!  Needless to say, this whole thing is uncharted territory for me.
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Offline CalistogaPyr

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Re: 3 big paws & a baby-help!
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2009, 10:56:37 am »
Thanks, Jenn.  I appreciate your thoughts.  The WTH stage is definitely here...keeping me up all last night.  We really talked about the whole concept yesterday so it is really fresh on my mind.  I've got my first doctor's appointment on Friday and I will know more then.  I think I'm about 6 weeks along, though.  It's really surreal...cons idering I didn't think I could have kids nor did I plan to have them.  I'm a psychotherapis t and, frankly, I parent people for a living.  The idea of bringing a child into this world and possibly creating another client scared the beejeezus out of me!  Well, I guess I will have to work hard to not be the parent I always feared I would be!! =)  Thanks for the suggestion about household volume...with three big dogs in the house, quiet time is a rareity!!! =)  My husband thinks that once Bo figures out that baby is part of the pack, she'll protect & guard he/she as much as she does me.  Here's to plunging in with both feet...
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Offline Laureada

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Re: 3 big paws & a baby-help!
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2009, 12:23:17 pm »
Congratulation s. I only have fur babies but I have seen some episodes of Dog Whisperer and he worked with a family who was expecting. They did a follow up and things were going really well. You might search the archives. Best wishes.

Offline vmimom2006

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Re: 3 big paws & a baby-help!
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2009, 05:02:03 am »
I am here to say I have raised both and the only difference in the begining is you can give your fur kids away and people won't talk about you and it is legal! Be consistant and fair and follow your gut. You know you don't let your dogs get away with things so don't let the kids do it either. It really is the tuffest job but the most rewarding one you'll ever have. Good luck and Congrats!!
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Offline CalistogaPyr

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Re: 3 big paws & a baby-help!
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2009, 09:42:57 am »
Thanks, everyone!  I VERY MUCH appreciate everyone's feedback and support.  I know, common sense is always the best way to roll, right?  I just don't want to be one of those people who "have" to give up their dogs when they have children.  I have cared for and trained all three-including my Pyr, who is a CGC and retired therapy dog!  I just want to make sure that they aren't neglected in the whole transition.  I am hopeful that with time and patience, we can all be a big happy family.  On a side note, I have my first sonongram on Friday!  Cross your fingers for a healthy, beating heart!
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Re: 3 big paws & a baby-help!
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2009, 10:39:51 am »
Congratulation s! First, the WTH feelings should start to subside once the out of control hormones slow down a bit, usually around the end of the first trimester. Then you can tackle some of the issues you are concerned about from a starting point of relative sanity. Second, if you got a Pyr through CGC training, you are going to find parenting a human a piece of cake :) Parenting any baby, either human or canine requires a capacity to love unconditionall y, look beyond your own needs, and be consistently patient and steadfast. 
  I have a 29 year old daughter, a 22 year old son and an almost 11 year old son. While my two older children were growing up, I ran a day care center and had numerous German Shepherds, Malamutes, and multiple rescues. While some of my day care charges were dog familiar, others had no exposure at all. And some of the rescue dogs were not socialized around kids. Most (and I stress most) dogs that already know their boundaries with you are going to accept your new baby as part of your family before they even arrive. My Shepherd knew I was in labor with our youngest even before I had a single contraction. She whined and wouldn't leave my side for several hours before labor pains started! When Patrick came home, we too put him on the floor and let the dogs sniff and investigate thoroughly with both of us right there as well. We have never had a problem at all, and Patrick has become a terrific ambassador with his friends about how to approach an unfamiliar large dog and how to properly pet and greet dogs you do not know. Just remember that there is never a single moment to leave dogs and babies together unattended, and that one rule should be absolute. And remember, there are lots of people here to help with the tough times as well as the silly ones, the exhausted ones, the stressed ones, etc etc etc..


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Re: 3 big paws & a baby-help!
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2009, 10:51:45 am »
Wow this is all great advice. I have nothing to add since I haven't had skin kids yet, but I will print this out and let Joe look at it since, he has been a little apprehensive about the whole baby/dog thing.    Congratulation s with the upcoming little one!!!   Everything will be fine and your pups will accept it into your pack  ;D


Offline CalistogaPyr

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Re: 3 big paws & a baby-help!
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2009, 04:12:01 am »
Thanks!!  I'm so happy to have this added layer of support.  I don't know if the dogs can sense that I'm pregnant...Bo seems to be more guardian-like, but she's like that normally so I could just be reading into it!!  My boys are love muffins all the time, so them being clingy is nothing new!!  I'll keep you  all posted on the progress and if you have any other pre-baby conditioning suggestions, I welcome them!
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