Author Topic: VERY naughty malamute!!  (Read 14321 times)

Offline shy-faiz

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VERY naughty malamute!!
« on: July 23, 2009, 04:56:47 pm »

     have a 6 month old mal pup 'zach'

     we have only had him 6 weeks and his behaviour is really bad , he thinks being told off is a game - he nips at us (its becoming a bit nasty). i know he is only a baby but we are struggling with teaching him manners- he sits on command and downs on command he also goes into his bed when told and comes in from the garden aswell - he resonds well to his name - but his food manners are bad he trys taking food from you and also stealing(especially socks) - he obviously does get tolf off for these thing but yet he still carries on - we also have a shepherd bitch (netured) and a springer bitch also netured - we really need some help can any one give some information as to how to train him manners effectivly.

                     thank you very much
thanks ,

owned by
gsd Reggie - dob 20/1/2011
alaskan malamute Zach - dob 26/12/2008
4 cats
Foster dog Crystal - whippet x staff
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and many fish

<3 RIP JOOP <3 15.09.2003 - 13.06.2012 forever walking with us

Offline newf_owner

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Re: VERY naughty malamute!!
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2009, 07:08:00 pm »
my aussie nips, hes actually bitten people pretty badly, and hes bitten me badly befor to, i took him to obedience lessons but still the nipping continues, hel jump up and bite your arms or your legs but only when hes really excited, my advice if he sits on command have some treats ready and in the situations when he would nip you have him sit instead and give him tons of treats, turn the sit command in to just as much fun as the nip, im sure he thinks its a game, make some thing else more fun

Offline patrick

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Re: VERY naughty malamute!!
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2009, 08:15:28 pm »
First off he needs some way to burn off that energy- your definition of enough exercise and the puppy's definition are not in sync here!  Remember a TIRED puppy is a GOOD puppy.  Secondly I am impressed by the manners he already has!  At six months and with a reliable, come, down and sit!  That's pretty impressive for a baby.  As for stealing sox - it is a game- if you don't want him to steal them put them away- he is a puppy and just having fun.  Stealing your food- it is also your responsibility to keep food out of his reach- stealing food is a natural behavior among canines-  Part of his training at such a young age is to 'puppy proof' your house and that includes things like sox shoes food left out etc.  Now for play biting that should not be tolerated and a spray bottle when he does it is a great deterrant - remember though to praise when he doesn't bite as well.  "Telling a dog off" means nothing to a canine- other than periodically for unknown reasons his owner goes off the deep end and rants and raves.  Good for him having a sense of humor about your verbal tirades! 

Offline lucyswoman

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Re: VERY naughty malamute!!
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2009, 09:46:47 pm »
The nipping thing is the thing I would worry about. Aren't Malamutes rather high energy outdoor dogs who need a lot of activity so they don't become to rambunctious? I'm not really sure what you mean by telling him off. Is there a good trainer in town? No matter how good our intentions are a trained looksee can really help.
As for the socs, I'd keep them out of reach and maybe he should be put in another room while you eat for now. Being able to cause you to become frustrated and make eating a meal unpleasant can't be good for your digestion and is giving him more power than he needs.
Good luck

Offline LuvmyMal

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Re: VERY naughty malamute!!
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2009, 09:09:02 am »
At 6 months old he is very smart with what he knows. Make learning a game and fun for him. Also with malamutes a 1 mile walk is nothing to them. Still watch for him to tire as his bones and muscles are still growing and ALWAYS walk on leash, what I do is incorporate learning into the walk. We walk, stop sit, paw, down, stay, wait. Just randomly chose a command at a stop sign or any place during the walk. Also, for the stealing socks, well that is a fun game for him try to give him a more "high" value treat as a trade. Another thing is NILIF (Nothing In Life Is Free) he wants to learn and wants to obey, you just need to teach him how. Make him sit for his food, before he goes out, before strangers pet him. I just put the leash on inside the house and make him realize I am ALPHA and still do at times with my 2.5 year old male malamaute. And as posted before, a tired puppy is a GOOD puppy.

Offline shy-faiz

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Re: VERY naughty malamute!!
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2009, 05:11:18 pm »
thank u for all ur help

                 he has improved alot, but i am having an issue with other dogs at the moment , he is a very big boy and being only 4ft9in and him being over 5 stone (35 kg) he decides to pull to play with the other dogs he sees on a walk any info on how 2 stop this? he has a half check chain collar...
thanks ,

owned by
gsd Reggie - dob 20/1/2011
alaskan malamute Zach - dob 26/12/2008
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<3 RIP JOOP <3 15.09.2003 - 13.06.2012 forever walking with us

Offline newf_owner

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Re: VERY naughty malamute!!
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2009, 07:38:02 pm »
when he pulls YOU DO NOT MOVE, you dont walk forward, your dog needs your permission to move, he cant make the decisions, i have just taught my newfie not to pull and now hes amazing,

you want the dog to stay at your side no matter what, so as long as hes not walking on a short leash then you stand inplace, you do not move eventually after a while he will turn around and come back to you, when he dose, resume your walk if he rushes ahead again, STOP, like i said he hes pulling no one is to move, it will take a few weeks but after a while he will be walking with a loose leash at your side,


Offline newf_owner

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Re: VERY naughty malamute!!
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2009, 07:40:38 pm »
almost forgot, do not pull him back, it turns in to a game for the dog, just stand, eventually he will learn that tension on the lead means he is supose to turn around and come back, as soon as he turns around start to walk again,

at first when i was teaching rota, it took me 15 minutes just to get to the end of the block to due to all the times i had to stop and just stand there untill he stoped pulling, but now we can go 2 blocks in 15 minutes!! he no longer pulls!!

Offline shy-faiz

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Re: VERY naughty malamute!!
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2009, 06:38:55 am »
 :) thank you .... i am going to start to day ... will let you know how we get on  :D
thanks ,

owned by
gsd Reggie - dob 20/1/2011
alaskan malamute Zach - dob 26/12/2008
4 cats
Foster dog Crystal - whippet x staff
2 budgies
2 hamsters
and many fish

<3 RIP JOOP <3 15.09.2003 - 13.06.2012 forever walking with us

Offline newf_owner

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Re: VERY naughty malamute!!
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2009, 04:43:18 pm »
im gonna make a quick video and show you what i mean, i know its a bit hard to read but if you see it it'l make sense, brb

Offline LuvmyMal

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Re: VERY naughty malamute!!
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2009, 09:48:08 am »
I actually pull Adak back and in the other direction. Our daily walks started taking forever just to leave my road (4 houses down) but now, I have walking him with a baby stroller, no special collars or leash. Sometimes he get a wild side and tries me. I simply stop, warn him, and make him sit. If he continues, we go the other direction. We walked last night, by dogs, cats (which is hard at times), and other people with his leash up on my shoulder with a lot of slack. It takes time, but is so worth it.

Offline newf_owner

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Re: VERY naughty malamute!!
« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2009, 07:39:48 pm »
yeah the no pull works great for my newfie, he is learning so fast and he is at the point now where he correts himself,

my aussie on the other hand.. he is mean, he doesnt like any one near me, and he hates kids, when there is a distraction we turn and go the other way, and im forced to pull him and hold him at my side but i can tell you there is a huge difference in how comfertably rota (newfie) is walking, nicely by my side and how cosby is, being forced and pulled