Author Topic: I have to vent....sorry  (Read 7769 times)

Offline lilysmom

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I have to vent....sorry
« on: October 17, 2005, 09:12:58 pm »
I have to vent about something that happened yesterday.  I was taking Lily and Raven for their evening walk and part of our walk takes us by a playground.  Normally the kids will ask if they can come over and pet my dogs.  But last night a huge group just came running at them.  OK, I'm 5'1 trying to hold on to 200lbs. of dog.  I can tell by looking at Lily that she's ok with it.  Raven on the other hand has all the hair on her back standing straight up and is beginning to low growl.  She likes kids, but she was scared out of her mind at them all running at her.  So I yell to the kids that they shouldn't run at strange dogs and they just keep coming.  So I'm trying to back the dogs up (yeah like that was happening) and I'm telling the kids to stop.  Finally they get there and Lily is ok.  She's wagging her tail and they're petting her.  Thank god Raven had her pinch collar on because I was able to keep her at my side while they all pet Lily.  Then they all start going over to Raven to pet her.  Now, she is growling because she's nervous and I told them I didn't trust her behavior so please don't pet her.  What do they do, they stick their hands out toward her.  By this time I was ready to start screaming.  What are parents teaching their kids these days.  I would never have approaced a strange dog running or without the permission of the owner.  FINALLY, a parent came over and told the kids to leave me alone.  Where was that parent when those kids were running at me?  Arrrrrrrrrrrrr r, I'm so frustrated.  I guess I'll have to change their walking route.

Sorry about that.  I had to get that out. :-[
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Re: I have to vent....sorry
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2005, 09:27:39 pm »
As a parent, let me be the first to apologize to you. The same thing has happened to me, and I was not nearly as nice, I screamed STOP. Then I proceeded to give a lecture to the kids, and never did let them pet my dogs. The result, a parent came up to me and said all snotty "If those dogs aren't safe, then they shouldn't be out on the street."
I told her "Walk on --tch, my dogs are fine, your *u*k*ng KIDS need to be on leashes." Like you, I don't mind if a couple of kids walk calmly up, but a screaming horde of children makes my dogs nervous, and nervous dogs are unpredictable.
Edited for spelling-lol
« Last Edit: October 17, 2005, 09:28:30 pm by GR8DAME »

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Re: I have to vent....sorry
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2005, 09:42:42 pm »
I have one problem with Angus, and that is jumping up on strangers. People always rush him, and he gets super excited, even when I yell "stop, do not pet him till he is sitting" they just run in. I'm going to wait someday when Angus is nice and dirty and let him jump up on all those fools after I warn them.

Offline lilysmom

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Re: I have to vent....sorry
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2005, 09:44:20 pm »
Believe me, I would have loved to use some more colorful language and tell those kids what I thought of them.  But unfortunately, I live on a military base and if those kids had complained to their parents, my husband would be the one to get in trouble, not me.  And he doesn't deserve that.  So I have to bite my tongue.  Oh well. 
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Re: I have to vent....sorry
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2005, 09:45:46 pm »
Most kids will ask if my dogs are nice and I have to say Rocco-the black one is, but Maia is shy.  Then I put Maia in a sit at my side and let Rocco sit a little in front of me and then tell the kids that they can approach him but he might lick their faces.  A few times Maia has slowly walked up to be petted also.  I just tell the kids to ignore her and let her come to them and it seems to work.  I really haven't had the kids run up on me yet but if I did I would cause quite a scene because Maia would more than likely freak out and someone could get hurt.

I have taught all the kids I babysit to ask politely if they can pet someones dog before even approaching.  I had to teach them this because after being around my dogs they had no fear and assume all dogs are like Maia and Rocco.  Which is good they have no fear but very bad because not all dogs are nice.

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Re: I have to vent....sorry
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2005, 10:27:55 pm »
You had the perfect opportunity to educate these kids and their parent. Next time, don't hold your tongue. You don't have to be as... um... forward as Stella was, but if their parents aren't teaching them proper dog ettiquette, someone has to.

Since you live on a military base and these kids are all military brats, then why don't you approach a C.O. or an educator at their school and ask to give a presentation on how to approach a strange dog and proper pet care. You can bring Lily with you since she seems great with crowds and kids and let the kids get used to taking turns approaching her calmly and letting them pet her one by one or in small groups.

This is your perfect opportunity to take those lemons and make some lemonade, girl!!
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between dog and man." -- Mark Twain

Offline Kermit

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Re: I have to vent....sorry
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2005, 10:30:36 pm »
Whew, Lilysmom, I am really sorry that happened to you. That is a tough situation. Thank goodness you were able to keep Raven back. A fool child could really get himself hurt around a scared dog! Honestly, I am afraid of large groups of children myself, so I can empathize with the dog!!!
So often when kids get bitten the dog is blamed, but I bet 9 times out of 10 it is the child's fault. I don't have any kids but if I do I really want to make sure they have respect for dogs' space.
What a pain that you should have to alter your walking route.  :(

But what a good doggie mom you are to be able to control two giant dogs around a herd of screaming kids! BRAVO!!! Well done!!! Give yourself a big pat on the back!!! :D

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Re: I have to vent....sorry
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2005, 10:31:08 pm »
Our FRG (family readiness group) has broached the subject on dogs and dogbites on our base.  We've sent out letters and had meetings on this subject.  We filed formal complaints with the housing office and so on.  I did tell the kids that they shouldn't run at a strange dog.  But the kids on this base are either deaf or don't care.  I would love to have a class on this.  Maybe I'll bring it up at our meeting tonight.  Thanks for the advice.  :)
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Offline lilysmom

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Re: I have to vent....sorry
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2005, 10:40:27 pm »
Whew, Lilysmom, I am really sorry that happened to you. That is a tough situation. Thank goodness you were able to keep Raven back. A fool child could really get himself hurt around a scared dog! Honestly, I am afraid of large groups of children myself, so I can empathize with the dog!!!
So often when kids get bitten the dog is blamed, but I bet 9 times out of 10 it is the child's fault. I don't have any kids but if I do I really want to make sure they have respect for dogs' space.
What a pain that you should have to alter your walking route. :(

But what a good doggie mom you are to be able to control two giant dogs around a herd of screaming kids! BRAVO!!! Well done!!! Give yourself a big pat on the back!!! :D

I have kids, and I teach them from really young that although our dogs are gentle with them, not all dogs are the same.  I teach them to ask permission, approach a dog with arm out palm up to let the dog sniff, and to not be jumpy or run at a strange dog. 

I would give myself a pat on the back, lol, but I think they dislocated my shoulder. :D
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Offline Scootergirl

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Re: I have to vent....sorry
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2005, 10:42:27 pm »
Yeah, flyers and pamphlets tend to get glanced (if you're lucky) and tossed in the garbage, but if you do an in-person presentation with the kids, your message is almost guaranteed to stick. Follow it up with the handouts they can take home and show their parents when they are asked what they learned in school today.

I have a great coloring book we use for our local humane society that talks about proper care of all kinds of pets. I would be happy to send you the .pdf version you can use for this presentation or to have on hand to pass out to the kids, or to pass along to a local rescue organization in your area. I had the local newspaper print it for free for us. I just added their logo to the cover. I can send it to you with space on the cover left blank for you to add your own organization's info. or sponsor name. Does your base have a printing facility of its own?

Just let me know.

"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between dog and man." -- Mark Twain

Offline lilysmom

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Re: I have to vent....sorry
« Reply #10 on: October 17, 2005, 10:44:40 pm »
We do have our own printing facility and that would be great.  If you could email me the .pdf I could get started right away.  As I said, we have a meeting tonight and I'd like to get this info out.  Thanks so much for your help.  My email.
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Re: I have to vent....sorry
« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2005, 10:51:53 pm »
I have this same problem with the kids on the farm.  ::)  I show them how to approach dogs and what is safe and what is dangerous, but sadly they still rush the dogs and hover and stick their faces right in the dogs faces and either stare into their eyes or blow at them.   >:(  My dogs don't seem to mind it(except for Zeo), but its rude and disrespectful and I don't appreciate them behaving like that with my dogs.  ESPECIALLY when I've repeatedly asked them not to.

They love the dogs and always want to come over to play with my kids, but I've had to either not let them come over or lock the dogs away when they do.  They just don't follow instructions well and I love my dogs to much to have to deal with the consequences of other people's children misbehaving.  :(
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Offline lilysmom

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Re: I have to vent....sorry
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2005, 11:02:21 pm »
It's a shame that so many dog bites are the result of kids antagonizing the animal.  And the dog suffers for it.  I have kids that repeatedly stand outside in my front yard and tease the dogs when they're ground tied.  They love to see the dog run and get jerked back by the lead which is 15' long.  I stopped putting them out there which is a punishment for them and started putting them in the backyard when I couldn't be out there with them.  Do you know those kids started coming to my back fence and teasing them through the fence?  And then when Lily jumps the 6' fence and Raven eats her way through the fence, they'll blame my dogs and I'll be the one in trouble.  Not those kids.  There are very few dogs that will withstand teasing.  And some really good dogs turn bad towards kids after awhile and then they wind up in a shelter because of it.  Parents definately need to educate their children on proper dog etiquett.  There should be a child obedience class just like the ones our dogs take. lol.  :D
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Re: I have to vent....sorry
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2005, 11:09:00 pm »
It makes me so angry when kids don't listen, and it is true our dogs pay the price if something happens and it is the kids fault. Thankfully I haven't had a bunch of kids run up to us when we are walking the dogs but that is because we walk the dogs with halti's and people think that it is a muzzle, so they assume that out dogs are mean. So I guess in a way it is a blessing. LOL

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Re: I have to vent....sorry
« Reply #14 on: October 17, 2005, 11:21:04 pm »
Actually I lectured the kids, it was the Mother that I was "forward" to. And I was just plain rude and ignorant to her. But if that is what it takes in order to protect my dogs from idiots and their gene pool, so be it. The next time she is with her empty headed friends and sees me I hope she passes the word that I am a nutcase and should be avoided. I am lucky enough to live in a normal neighborhood where my actions only reflect on me, and I can live with that.
