Author Topic: I need to vent! (Uh Oh.....)  (Read 8327 times)

Offline Anky

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I need to vent! (Uh Oh.....)
« on: December 06, 2005, 03:50:19 pm »
In one of my Dane rooms there's a girl who just got a Dane puppy.  She made a big deal about going to visit the pup when she was young and doing dominance tests which the pup passed.  (I made a point to say that I put no stock in these tests in dealing with a pet personality.  Drive in hunting and herding dogs is diffferent.  I also stated that Araby passed these tests with flying colors and look where she is now!)  She wanted to bring the puppy home at a very young age (5 or 6 weeks) and we all convinced her to wait for the socialization with her littermates.  She agreed to wait till 8 weeks, but brought her home at 7 weeks. 

She is updating us all on her pups progress, one of those nit picking the details and missing the big picture.  She has chosen a VERY confident, type A puppy.  She growls when she's interrupted doing something she wants to do or made to do something she doesn't like.  The girl says it's different than her play growl.  In the pics she's posted the puppy is very full of herself and in your face.  She's going to be a definite handful.  (Find out later that she's been alpha rolling her.  A SEVEN WEEK OLD PUPPY!)

The other thing is that she free feeds.  All 3 dogs eat out of the same dish.  We all tried to tell her that's a bad idea.  With a Dane puppy monitoring food intake is VITAL.  You need to know how much they're eating, lots of times they need a different food than other dogs, if they're eating more or less ect.  Not to mention the fighting for food.  She informed us "Thanks for the advice on free feeding, but I do monitor and have never had any problems. My dogs are very healthy.  Neither of them have ever been sick, underweight, overweight...e ct.  And they have been free feeding since they were puppies.  "  She then goes on later to complain about her being a velcro dog. 

It just makes me so mad when people think because they have a dog they're ready for a dog like a Dane!  Danes are different and you have to research and do things differently and change your whole way and thought of doing things, your whole LIFE, in penance for living with one.  Just because things have worked for you in the past with whatever dog you had doesn't mean it's going to work with a dog as specialized as a Dane.  ARGHHHHHH!

OK I'm done.  ;D
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Re: I need to vent! (Uh Oh.....)
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2005, 03:54:46 pm »
Ugh! She does need to do more research... but come on who doesn't want a velcro dog!? ;D
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Re: I need to vent! (Uh Oh.....)
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2005, 04:17:58 pm »
This, no doubt, is why so many big dogs are in shelters.  People do not do the research needed to see if they are compatable with a large breed , or if they can make such a big committment to a dog. It makes me mad, too, so I'm right there with you!! >:(

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Re: I need to vent! (Uh Oh.....)
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2005, 04:21:40 pm »
3 dogs ? Same dish? That's just weird to me.. seems like it would be a fight or bloat just waiting to happen.
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Re: I need to vent! (Uh Oh.....)
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2005, 05:44:30 pm »
Its so fustrating to watch someones ignorance, especially when a poor animal is concerned. Its just like telling someone how to raise thier kids. Good luck. Be careful what you do because out of spite she may do the opposite of what you recommend.

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Re: I need to vent! (Uh Oh.....)
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2005, 05:50:32 pm »
sometimes you just cant help ignorance.  its sad that she is raising this pup this way.  we will see where it ends up months down the road.  she is heading for problems.  already started out bad by bringing it home so early.  I would be real concerned about the growling when the pup is interrupted.  To me that is the pup being higher on the totem pole than the owner.  Of course this girl probably knows everything  ::) (sarcasm  ;D)

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Re: I need to vent! (Uh Oh.....)
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2005, 06:03:14 pm »
it is just one of those things that no matter what you do, they arent going to listen.  In the end you will be the one to say 'I told ya so'  Everyone under the sun tries to tell me how to handle my dogs....the two people i listen too fully are their breeders.  I always listen to advice and see if it can pertain to my dogs...

she will never learn if she wont listen
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Re: I need to vent! (Uh Oh.....)
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2005, 07:03:15 pm »
Its so fustrating to watch someones ignorance, especially when a poor animal is concerned. Its just like telling someone how to raise thier kids.

You are SOOO right Carolyn-- my two passions in life are kids and animals.  It makes me so angry that not only does the system fail but so do many parents.  I really should not get started on the whole kid issue but here is a story I heard the other day....

Kid gets suspended for writing an essay about KILLING his teacher.  Then the parents are all up in arms because not only has be been suspended but now will be unable to play y what???

What is wrong with parents today?  Always blaming other kids as the bad influence.  Lying, cheating, and covering... FOR WHAT; afraid of what people might think of them?  Then we have a system of teachers, counselors, and judges unwilling to step to the plate and hold not only the child accountable but also the custodial parent.  These are the same kids that end up pulling a school shooting and then everyone wonders what happened.  In EVERY one of those cases the writing was on the wall and the system failed to do anything.  Sorry this really is one of those issues that gets me going.  I did therapeutic foster care for troubled teens and saw first hand what was important....a nd it wasn't the child. 

I've also watched the system fail my husband and his children.  The only thing the mother and the courts are concerned about is his child support.  Joint legal custody means nothing.  The fact that one of his children continues to spiral downhill at an alarming rate is a huge concern.  This is a child that needs intervention and with every new court hearing they slap him on the wrist and send him on his way.  Even the slap is BS; he’s been given community service three different times and has NEVER completed it. 

Sorry I'll get off my soapbox now.


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Re: I need to vent! (Uh Oh.....)
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2005, 07:29:09 pm »
Cindy....stay on the soap box!  It's important to get that message out!  I've raised four kids and trust me, if they got in was nothing like they got at home!  Kids try stuff....and it's up to the parents to deal with it.  There was (and I guess still is...) a great old baby book that we used when the kids were tiny by a baby nurse named Gladys West Hendricks.  Her whole theme was "it isn't what the child does, it's what YOU do about it".  Tough old bird!  but she was absolutely right.  Yeah, there are bad teachers, bad cops, bad parents....but the kid has got to learn to live within the rules....and yes:  their feelings will get hurt, and their self esteem will get damaged.  BUT SO WHAT???  As my sister loves to say, 'pull up your big girl panties and deal with it!' 


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Re: I need to vent! (Uh Oh.....)
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2005, 08:09:21 pm »
I feel for you listening to htis gorl.  I met Bella's brother's owner....He looks like h*ll.  Coat is dull and icky, he's frightened of everything, dull look to the eyes, really small considering who his parents and siblings are...That lady is the same way.  She knows everything and she thinks her vet is the Alpha and Omega.  poor thing will die early and miserable...  Very frustrating.

Just keep listening to her and asking questions.  You can ask your way into changing her attitude and her beliefs, I swear.  It's called stroking and it works.  Good luck...and we'll listen to you anytime... ;)

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Re: I need to vent! (Uh Oh.....)
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2005, 09:22:09 pm »
Kid gets suspended for writing an essay about KILLING his teacher.  Then the parents are all up in arms because not only has be been suspended but now will be unable to play y what???

What is wrong with parents today?  Always blaming other kids as the bad influence.  Lying, cheating, and covering... FOR WHAT; afraid of what people might think of them? 

Par for the course, Cindy.  Just par for the course.  Let me jump up on your soapbox with you for a minute, wouldja?

As a former high school teacher, I can tell you from experience that in 98.9 percent of the cases of ‘problem kid’—the real problem is piss poor parenting.  Teachers are absolutely hamstrung by the system to do anything to fix this.  I could tell you dozens of stories, but let me tell you about the first time I realized that rotten parents are what’s wrong with schools. 

I was a first year teacher in a very small town.  The ONLY thing that anyone in that school gave a hoot in he** about was the sports program—starting with the principal, who started out as a football/baseball coach. 

I was teaching 9th grade English, and one particular class consisted, because of the vagaries of scheduling  “7th period gym” so the boys could all practice together, of 32 boys and 4 girls.  All of them were on the freshman football team as the school year started.  It was a difficult class from the start—all that 14-15 year old testosterone in the same room with so few females.  Most of these boys also had the same math class together, and the male math teacher had even more trouble with them than I did, so it wasn’t just me.  It was the combination.  We got thru the first term by the skin of their teeth, because they all had to have weekly progress reports showing that they were at least passing every class in order to be eligible to play in that week’s game, per the coach’s edict.  All D’s was sufficient, but they had to be passing.  Then football season ended, and all he** broke loose. 

There was one particular kid who all the other boys considered the “best” guy.  The best athlete, the one the girls paid the most attention to (why, I never figured out, he was pizza faced and potty mouthed), and the one everyone was convinced was going to go to BYU and be a great Cougar quarterback for Lavell Edwards.  He played basketball and baseball as well, and the hero worship that kid got from his classmates was just disgusting to watch. 

So…end of the 2nd term rolls around, and this kid has a D+ in English.  Combined with all his other grades, it left him with a 1.9 gpa—and according to the state activities rules, players were ineligible if they had less than a 2.0.  Now, clearly, with a 1.9, it’s not like he was doing really WELL in any class.  Nonetheless his parents, with the principal right behind them, show up in MY classroom to complain about his grade.  “He should have gotten a C.”  Well, no, here’s the grade book, and see—he not only got bad grades on his tests, he didn’t turn in even half of the homework.  “Well, he did it.  You have to change his grade.”  OK, so now I’m getting annoyed.  “Well, if he did it, he should have turned it in.  I can’t grade anything he didn’t turn in, lady.”  “Well, he’ll bring it in on Monday, and you can grade it and change his grade.”  Yeah, right—like he’s going to get the weekend to scrounge up his girlfriend’s old homework to copy!  Give me a break.  “Not a chance.  The term was over 3 weeks ago.”  It’s clear that the only reason these people are in my face is that they think they can intimidate me—little do they know.  The should have gone after the math teacher.I pulled out the contract that I sent home for all parents to sign the first week, which they had returned to me with their signatures.  “Look, my hands are tied.  The rule in this class is that I don’t accept work that’s more than a week late unless it’s due to a doctor excused absence.  You know that; you signed this contract—see your signature?  Your kid wasn’t absent, and there’s no doctor’s note.  I’m not changing the rules that everyone else got their grades by for one kid.”  “But he won’t be able to play basketball.”  Gee golly whiz, what a cosmic shame that would be.  “Maybe next term he’ll remember to turn in his homework, so he’ll be eligible for baseball.”  They argued with me some more, but I was pissed by then, and I just said, “Look:  he knew the rules, you signed that you knew the rules, and I’m not making an exception.  Period, end of story, I’m leaving how.”

I deliberately stopped by the gym on the way out and announced to all the coaches and the entire team that I had finished my meeting with the parents of the kid and that his grade was not being changed, and that he was NOT eligible for basketball, and he shouldn’t be practicing with the team.  Not politic, but I wanted to make the point that I wasn’t budging very public.

Well, expecting people to abide by grade contracts is unreasonable, as you all know.  The parents appealed his grade to the school board.  When I refused to accept the papers or change the grade, they assigned another teacher at another school to grade the homework and the principal took it upon himself to change the grade.  This all took like, a month, all underground.  The grade change goes in just as basketball seasons starts.  The kid is playing.  I am LIVID. 

But soft!  In the meantime:  he doesn’t do a single assignment all of third term.  And he flunks most of the tests.  He’s got that look in his eye that says, “yeah, bitch, you can’t touch me.”  Which he has every reason to believe, of course, given the pooch screwing that was done on his behalf for basketball season.

So all that time, I’m doing weekly carbon copy progress reports on him,--one for my file, one for the coaches’ file, one for the office file, and one that gets mailed home—stating that he has not turned in homework and/or has failed tests and has unsatisfactory citizenship due to disruptive behavior, etc..  He’s a serious problem child.  And I’m seriously getting more and more pissed.  That whole class is turning into him.  The 4 girls in it are scared to death, huddling in a corner as far from my desk as possible.

Basketball season ends, as does third term.  And he has an F in English—along with about 15 boys who think they’re going to play the same game.  And even though most of them HAVE a 2.0 gpa, the rules also state that you can’t play with an F.  So none of them are even supposed to be on the baseball field for TRYOUTS. 

Another meeting, this time, right to the superintendent and the board.  I am so angry over this whole ordeal, I’ve gotten an ulcer—so I am loaded for bear, and have the nuclear option in my pocket as well.  I have all my carbon copies, copies of notes I have sent home to all these different parents stating, “You kid is flunking English.”  The first parents are screaming “You’re taking it out on him because we appealed the last grade and won. You won’t get away with it, we’ll have his work graded by the other teacher again,” other parents are screaming that I’m punishing their kid because he’s that kid’s friend—it’s a mess.  The principal is screaming at me along with the parents.  The superintendent is about to stroke out.  Finally…I just flat lost my evil Irish temper. 

It was really, really ugly.  I wasn’t totally out of control, but I was within inches of it.  I told the principal in exquisitely detailed and excessively profane language what I thought of him, I similarly told the superintendent what I thought of him as well, and I REALLY went to town on the primary problem kid’s parents.  I was so hardcore I made the father cry.  Other parents were practically hiding behind chairs, hoping I’d forgotten them.  I didn’t.

Finally, I hit the whole misbegotten bunch of them with the real bomb. “My high school principal is now head of the activities association.  He loves me.  He thinks I’m great.  I’ve already spoken with him about what’s been going on here and about this meeting.  And on his advice, I’m telling you right now, if I see any of those kids anywhere NEAR the baseball field between this moment and the end of school, I will call him back, and I will get this whole da**ed district disqualified from ALL activities, not just sports, ALL ACTIVITIES, for the next 5 years for falsifying student eligibility records.  And if I make that call, you people are going to have to move out of state if you want your kids to play another minute of HS sports, because he will make sure they never play in this state again, not in any school that the activities association has jurisdiction over.”  Principal goes white, superintendent goes purple, parents almost faint.  “You wouldn’t dare.” 

“Wanna bet?  I’ll tell you what.  Why don’t you call the activities association and ask him if he’s talked to me?  The office is open till 5.  Here’s the number. Shall I dial, or will you?” 

ALL THIS DRAMA SO A 14 YEAR OLD COULD WHACK A BALL WITH A STICK.  Oh, you know what happened to the little jerk?  Knocked up his 15 year old girlfriend when he was 16, was made to marry her, never left town.  I heard from a classmate of his years later that he ended up working for his FIL at the gas station.  See what piss poor parenting causes? 

This little episode was the beginning of the severe misanthropy that was 25% of why I quit teaching.

I don’t have kids, but I promise you if I ever do, they will be home schooled from the jump.  The education system’s problem isn’t about facilities or books, or the administrators, or the state budget, or the union, or the teachers—it’s all about piss poor parenting by people like these—the bug up their butt may be something other than sports, but it’s all the same attitude, whatever the bug is.  Bad parenting is what’s ruined our schools, and there’s no going back.  Period, end of story.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2005, 10:45:25 pm by Jacksmom »
Sheryl, Dogless and sad

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Re: I need to vent! (Uh Oh.....)
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2005, 11:01:27 pm »
I homeschool my kids and there is no way I'd put them back into the system here in Louisiana....y ou go NoDogNow!  I can't stand poor's rediculous the things kids get away with just for sports and other things...
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Re: I need to vent! (Uh Oh.....)
« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2005, 11:22:22 pm »
Sheryl - Thanks for sharing your story.  I guess it's just as bad for the teacher's when they do try to make a difference.  You can only be knocked down so many times before you give up.  I agree the problem is with the parents. 

My only child is now grown and married but when he was in 2nd grade I got a call from the school psychologist to come in for a chat.  When I got there I was taken to a room with three other people and lectured about child abuse.  Seems Karl had said something about getting a spanking and here they were ready to prosecute me.  Karl was spanked a total of three times in his life; always three swats with an open hand and never when I was pissed.....Any way after listening to these people tell me about the damage I was doing to my kid and how they could have him removed from my care I simply got up and told them that the day they took my ability to parent MY child away from ME that THEY could have him.  I walked out and never heard from them again.



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Re: I need to vent! (Uh Oh.....)
« Reply #13 on: December 06, 2005, 11:24:39 pm »
WOOOH! Well said, NoDogNow!

I whole-heartedly concur. My boyfriend is a high school teacher, and he is going through absolute he**. I could relay story after story of parents blowing off every parental duty they have to their children (conferences, getting their kids to school, etc.) only to call and harass him the moment their kid gets a failing grade. Or even worse, the ones that don't give a rat's patootie when their kids fail, but call and yell and threaten him when he kicks them out of class cuz they basically suck and are stealing all the other kid's education...

Its really sad.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2005, 09:30:07 pm by Jacksmom »

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Re: I need to vent! (Uh Oh.....)
« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2005, 11:34:56 pm »
...I don’t have kids, but I promise you if I ever do, they will be home schooled from the jump.  The education system’s problem isn’t about facilities or books, or the administrators, or the state budget, or the union, or the teachers—it’s all about piss poor parenting by people like these—the bug up their butt may be something other than sports, but it’s all the same attitude, whatever the bug is.  Bad parenting is what’s ruined our schools, and there’s no going back.  Period, end of story.

 ;D  ***STANDING OVATION*** APPLAUSE*** YAY!!!  NoDogNow-well done!!