Author Topic: Hot Seat #18 is........................Blair!!!!!  (Read 16170 times)


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Hot Seat #18 is........................Blair!!!!!
« on: February 19, 2006, 12:37:15 am »
Hey Blair come on down. You are the winner of the infamous chat coin toss(Michelle you dodged a bullet here and never knew it)and so the hot hot seat is all yours. I hope it doesn't get too.....warm!

Just to get you warmed up, here are a couple of easy ones:

Do you like to drink beer, or wine? And what brand/type are your favorites?

Of your present dogs, who is your favorite?

Excluding dane, rottie and chi, what other breed would you choose for your next paw?

Are we having fun yet????LOL

Dale ;)


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Re: Hot Seat #18 is........................Blair!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2006, 02:36:57 am »
Who me...couldnt be LOL Ok Ill be good and answers the few questions I get  :D

Just to get you warmed up, here are a couple of easy ones:

Do you like to drink beer, or wine? And what brand/type are your favorites? I will drink beer with my husband, so pretty much what he drinks lol but I usually drink screw drivers or tequila shots

Of your present dogs, who is your favorite? So not a fair questionI honestly couldnt pick....I love each of them and each one is my favorite in a different way...Zeus is my favorite Rottweiler, Mr. Grey is my favorite Great Dane and Smudge is my favrite Chihuahua lol And I cant forget my sweet Diesel   :)

Excluding dane, rottie and chi, what other breed would you choose for your next paw? Afghan Hound...I have wanted an Afghan since I was like 18. I have a long list of breeds I want to own in the future but I have to get my Afghan Hound LOL

Are we having fun yet????LOL I am having a blast, I will never forget this DALE ;D


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Re: Hot Seat #18 is........................Blair!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2006, 08:59:35 am »
Most people either like them big or they like them small.  What draws you to the polar opposites of dogdom?  Why a Dane and why a Chi? I love having a Dane cause they have a one of a kind personality. Grey is so goofy but also a very loving boy. Theres just something about a 100+lb dog trying to climb in your lap to cuddle with you, or having this big dog walk behind you, while you are sitting, and plopping his big ole head on your shoulder. And then there are chihuahuas. I love the holding them and cuddling them.I also love that I can carry them around  :D But for me, Diesel and Smudge, have both been very sweet loving little guys. They have been nothing like I thought Chis were. I dunno theres just something about thosel ittle guys that my heart is drawn too.

Do you really, deep down inside, but won't admit it, love when you hear us complaining about the cold? Knowing you can wear a tshirt and shorts in February? After this weekend YES!!!! I couldnt even go check my mail this weekend without having to put on some nice warm clothes [brrrrrrrrr for South Texas] So yeagh I guess its nice having 70 degrees while everyone is freezing, hehehehhe. But I do and always will hate the summers down here :-\


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Re: Hot Seat #18 is........................Blair!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2006, 09:19:16 am »
Holly have I mentioned before I how much I liked you???? LOL Did you see the ED after like  ;)  :D

Just a few to get you started....

Do you fold or crinkle your toilet paper? Why I fold and pretty darn proud of it lol

Do you leave the water running while you brush your teeth? My mommy taught me well I turn off the water  ;D

Paper or plastic? I like paper, I like the sound it makes heheheheh

George Clooney or Brad Pitt? EWWWWWWWWWWWW I dont like either one

Is your belly button an innie or an outie? It is an Inner

Can you say the Greek alphabet three times before a match burns down? I cant even say the greek alphbat, let alone that fast

What is your favorite word? Oh man I dont know LOL I like calling Ben a Jacka$$ but it has to be said in the right kind of voice to get the true effect [joking around of course ;)] But my real life friend tells me I say Woohoo a lot [Can you believe it I have a real life friend  :o]

What is your favorite toy? ohhhhhhh good one Holly...Ill be a good girl cause I dont want Jaime kicking me off the group  ;) so I am going to say i love playing around with my PSP [paint shop pro]
« Last Edit: February 19, 2006, 09:21:41 am by Blair »

Offline Softhug

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Re: Hot Seat #18 is........................Blair!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2006, 02:29:40 pm »
I just love this thread!!  Ok here are my questions...

What one thing has made you a better person today?

What is your most treasured keepsake?

What fun activity (not workout related) do you do that helps keep you centered?

Favorite Smells?

What is Your Favorite Dessert?

What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?

If you were a crayon what color would you be?

Last thing you ate?

What class in High School was totally useless?

If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you?

Ok, that is good for now...but if I see you are idle, "I'll be bock" <in my best Arnold voice>
Jacquie-Undercover Princess
Tsu Ling-Chow Chow-RIP 5/08
Boudreaux-American Mastiff
Griffey-Pi55y, fat, yellow cat
Comrade-red/white Siberian Husky
"Lots of people talk to animals," said Pooh.
"Not that many listen though."
"That's the problem."


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Re: Hot Seat #18 is........................Blair!!!!!
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2006, 02:43:47 pm »
Woohooo more questions LOL

What one thing has made you a better person today? It would be Ben  :) He has changed me so much since we met and all in good ways. I know this may be hard to believe but I was a real snob and a real B*tch before I met Ben

What is your most treasured keepsake? Is a tee shirt my Aunt painted me when I was like 9 or 10. She was my favorite Aunt  :) On my 13th birthday she passed way from a brain tumor. And still till this day i have that shirt picked up so it wont get messed up.

What fun activity (not workout related) do you do that helps keep you centered? I write poems. Ive been writing poems since I was a teenager. I want to some day get my poems published  :)

Favorite Smells? I live french Vanille and I have this colgne my Ex used[ shhh dont tell Ben]and I smell it all the time, man it smells sooooooooo good. I also love apple scented candles.

What is Your Favorite Dessert? German Chocolate Cake....I love my chocolate

What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Eyes...I love eyes or if I see a guy with his shirt off..I will drool over some nice obliques  :P

If you were a crayon what color would you be? Why I would be Hunter Green

Last thing you ate? I just got done eating lunch and it was a yummy grilled cheese sandwich with turkey and a glass of milk...yummy

What class in High School was totally useless? French....real ly whats the point....I am never going there so why did I have to lern it. Not saying I learned anything casue I couldnt tell you anything I learned in that class but I did pass lol

If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you? Hmmmm depends on what mood the other me was in LOL If the other me was in a good mood then yes I would.


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Re: Hot Seat #18 is........................Blair!!!!!
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2006, 02:52:15 pm »
You don't look very busy on the hot seat!

What was your first word?  (i love this question)

Did you take your husband's name when you got married?

What was your favorite class in school? 

When you put something somewhere safe, can you find it again?

What part of cleaning do you HATE the most?

Do you have those cold sensitive teeth that make you just shreek when you eat ice cream? 

How many fillings do you have?

Do you have to have laughing gas when you go to the dentist?  Isn't that the coolest stuff?


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Re: Hot Seat #18 is........................Blair!!!!!
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2006, 03:10:59 pm »
What was your first word?  (i love this question) Ummm I cant make something up for you if you want LOL...lets say it was Momma  ;D

Did you take your husband's name when you got married? Yeah I did  :-\ I went from La Nasa [an awesome last name too] to the name Gover....keep in mind my whole name is Blair Ashley Gover....yes it spells BAG

What was your favorite class in school?  I was a Science geek...I loved Science  ;D 

When you put something somewhere safe, can you find it again? LMAO.....I cant find anything...i am still looking for $20 that i picked up somewhere safe in November

What part of cleaning do you HATE the most? Laundry....I hate laundry  >:( Laundry is evil...evil I tell you

Do you have those cold sensitive teeth that make you just shreek when you eat ice cream?  No ice cream is my friend ;D

How many fillings do you have? I have none..... ;D look at those pearly white teeth lol

Do you have to have laughing gas when you go to the dentist?  Isn't that the coolest stuff?  I dont have to I want to...It makes me happy and a happy me is a good thing

Offline Magnus

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Re: Hot Seat #18 is........................Blair!!!!!
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2006, 07:21:59 pm »
ok this is my first time so I hope I am asking the right tyoe of questions.

Favorite Food?

Favorite Breed?

Best trait??

Worst trait?

Best feature?

Worst feature?

Pet Peeve?

Whot do you do for a living?

How did you make that great video of Diesel?
« Last Edit: February 19, 2006, 07:22:40 pm by Magnus »
StanLee- American Mastiff
Julie- Rottie
Steve- Pug/Jack Russel
Neeko- My old rottie friend waiting at the bridge


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Re: Hot Seat #18 is........................Blair!!!!!
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2006, 07:28:27 pm »
Favorite Food? Hmmmmm a nice meduim rare steak always does the trick for me lol

Favorite Breed? Hmmm thats a tough one, I have so many. But i would say Afghan Hound, even though I dont own one

Best trait?? My best trait...oh man I dont know....I am a good listener and always loyal to my friends

Wost trait? LOL I would say my attitude...I can have a mean attitude if I want to  :-[

Best feature? My eyes....I love my eyes....i am so bad I will cover my face and just stare at my eyes...LOL

Worse feature? lmao.....every thing but my eyes

Pet Peeve? People being late....I hate being late nad I hate when some one tells me a certain time and they show up 30 mins or longer late....I always have to be early for everything I do

Whot do you do for a living? I am a at home Mommy, but I used to be a Dog groomer

How did you make that great video of Diesel? I have MSN movie maker and some one from this group emailed me the song I used. And many tears later I had a wonderful tribute to a wonderful little dog  :)


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Re: Hot Seat #18 is........................Blair!!!!!
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2006, 07:30:12 pm »
Did you take your husband's name when you got married? Yeah I did  :-\ I went from La Nasa [an awesome last name too] to the name Gover....keep in mind my whole name is Blair Ashley Gover....yes it spells BAG

Oh, Blair!  Do what I do and use your maiden name as your middle name.  Then, instead of BAG, you'd be BLNG, or BLING!!!!  ;D

Holly and her smartness strikes again LOL everyone can just call me BLING from now one lol  ;D

Offline Softhug

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Re: Hot Seat #18 is........................Blair!!!!!
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2006, 01:43:20 pm »
You have been idle for far too long young grasshopper!

Foods you Dislike??

What did you have for breakfast this morning?

What is your favorite sandwich?

What is your favorite type of clothing?

Your favorite sport to watch?

Do you like your handwriting?

Do looks matter?

Favorite toy as a child?

Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?

There you go, don't want you to feel lonely!  ;D
Jacquie-Undercover Princess
Tsu Ling-Chow Chow-RIP 5/08
Boudreaux-American Mastiff
Griffey-Pi55y, fat, yellow cat
Comrade-red/white Siberian Husky
"Lots of people talk to animals," said Pooh.
"Not that many listen though."
"That's the problem."


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Re: Hot Seat #18 is........................Blair!!!!!
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2006, 01:52:00 pm »
LOL you caught me  :D

Foods you Dislike?? Ketchup...i hate ketchup...its ewwwwwwww and I hate tomato sauce

What did you have for breakfast this morning? Biscuit and gravy, with sausage and bacon...yummy

What is your favorite sandwich? Grilled chicken breast sandwich with cheese

What is your favorite type of clothing? I love my hoodies  ;D i have this one green Hoodie that is soooo old. First my oldest brother had it for awhile, then my second oldest brother had it....and some how I got it and I love that thing  ;D

Your favorite sport to watch? Football.....I get so sad when football is over...I only watch Hockey when my husband is playing but I just watch him...other then that I hate hockey lol

Do you like your handwriting? Yes I do  ;D

Do looks matter? not 100% but yeah they do matter.....I married my husband and he isnt all about the looks LOL just teasin hehehehe But it is funny cause he is not the type of guy that I dated, he is pretty much the opposite of what I thought I liked

Favorite toy as a child? i had this lmeduim size stuff cat that I loved...and well i still have my stuff kitty cat  ;D

Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? nope...Im lazy, I just slip them on and off. I tie them when I first get them and thats it, unless my mean husband unties them to be mean to little ole me  :(

There you go, don't want you to feel lonely!  Why thank you so very much...I was getting an unloved feeling today LOL

« Last Edit: February 20, 2006, 01:52:34 pm by Blair »

Offline Softhug

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Re: Hot Seat #18 is........................Blair!!!!!
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2006, 01:59:40 pm »
another one...

Have you ever thought of fashioning a saddle of some sorts for the big dogs so Smudgie-Fudgie can ride along?
Jacquie-Undercover Princess
Tsu Ling-Chow Chow-RIP 5/08
Boudreaux-American Mastiff
Griffey-Pi55y, fat, yellow cat
Comrade-red/white Siberian Husky
"Lots of people talk to animals," said Pooh.
"Not that many listen though."
"That's the problem."


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Re: Hot Seat #18 is........................Blair!!!!!
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2006, 02:02:53 pm »
What was your nickname growing up?  Did you like it?

Are you a nail biter?

What other nervous habits do you have?

Do you dream in color or black and white?

What was your last De-Ja-Vu?

"Smudgie-Fudgue"  ahahahahahahah a .... that's cute.