Author Topic: Hot Seat #18 is........................Blair!!!!!  (Read 16135 times)


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Re: Hot Seat #18 is........................Blair!!!!!
« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2006, 02:26:43 pm »
Have you ever thought of fashioning a saddle of some sorts for the big dogs so Smudgie-Fudgie can ride along? LOL thats pretty funny...i can just picture it now, hehehehehe Smudge already has me wrapped around his little paws, so he has me to carry him around  :D


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Re: Hot Seat #18 is........................Blair!!!!!
« Reply #16 on: February 20, 2006, 02:34:15 pm »
What was your nickname growing up?  Did you like it? I have 2 older brothers and we use to play "wrestling" all the time. my oldest brother gave me nad my other brother "wrestling names, and i was so lucky to get Blair Bear  :-\.And that stuck with me for awhile. I liked it when I was al ittle girl but the older I got the more I didnt like it

Are you a nail biter? No...Ill admit I am pretty picky about my nails, I must have all my nails the same lenght LOL

What other nervous habits do you have? My worst hait is biting the skin on my lips...When i get nervous, worry, or mad I will bit the skin off my lips. I cant remember me not doing it, Ive done if for so long

Do you dream in color or black and white? Hmmmm I never really paid much attention to that....I can never remember my dreams when I wake up  :-\

What was your last De-Ja-Vu? Oh man...i honestly dont remember LOL I am a very forgetful person, if you havent notice yet lol I use to have an awesome memory then I got married and now I cant remember what happened to me yesterday lol


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Re: Hot Seat #18 is........................Blair!!!!!
« Reply #17 on: February 20, 2006, 02:37:50 pm »
LOL.  We're noticing that! :) 
Don't worry about being forgetful.  marriage does that to a person.  How many years is it now? 


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Re: Hot Seat #18 is........................Blair!!!!!
« Reply #18 on: February 20, 2006, 02:41:41 pm »
LOL.  We're noticing that! :) 
Don't worry about being forgetful.  marriage does that to a person.  How many years is it now? 

its going to be 6 yrs in May.....6 long years  :D


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Re: Hot Seat #18 is........................Blair!!!!!
« Reply #19 on: February 20, 2006, 02:45:15 pm »
LOL.  We're noticing that! :) 
Don't worry about being forgetful.  marriage does that to a person.  How many years is it now? 

its going to be 6 yrs in May.....6 long years  :D

May what?  Mine is May 2nd (will be 5 years)


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Re: Hot Seat #18 is........................Blair!!!!!
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2006, 02:45:53 pm »
LOL.  We're noticing that! :) 
Don't worry about being forgetful.  marriage does that to a person.  How many years is it now? 

its going to be 6 yrs in May.....6 long years  :D

May what?  Mine is May 2nd (will be 5 years)

So is mine LOL How crazy is that  :D


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Re: Hot Seat #18 is........................Blair!!!!!
« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2006, 02:49:22 pm »
LOL.  We're noticing that! :) 
Don't worry about being forgetful.  marriage does that to a person.  How many years is it now? 

its going to be 6 yrs in May.....6 long years  :D

May what?  Mine is May 2nd (will be 5 years)

So is mine LOL How crazy is that  :D

Very crazy.
Where did you get married and what was the ceremony like? 

Does he wear a wedding ring?

Did anything funny happen at the reception?

Did you have a Batchelorette party?


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Re: Hot Seat #18 is........................Blair!!!!!
« Reply #22 on: February 20, 2006, 03:02:59 pm »
Where did you get married and what was the ceremony like? Well Ben and I met at the end of Feb in 2000 and was married that May. So being such sort notice we got married at the Justice of the Peace...But I still cryed 

Does he wear a wedding ring? His ring doesnt fit him anymore...his gained some weight since we have been married lol But he still has his ring, unlike his wife who lost their ring  ::)

Did anything funny happen at the reception? We really didnt have one, just went back to my parent's house and had a few family friends come over. It was like 4 yrs of being married before I met any of his family members, since they all live up north. But we do want to have a big wedding some day to renew our vows.

Did you have a Batchelorette party? i had a little party...went to s strip club with some friends of mine...i still have a picture I took with a stripper...he was HOT LOL


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Re: Hot Seat #18 is........................Blair!!!!!
« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2006, 02:05:49 am »
Are you named after anybody/anything? no luaghing....yo u remember the facts of life? well yes I am named after
Blair from the facts of life lol....gotta love my parents

Do you make your bed in the morning? yes I do, not really in the mornings more like every afternoon lol

Do you fold your clothes out of the dryer straight away? yes.....I have to fold them right away....I cant stand having clothes just sitting in a basket. When Ben helps with the laundry he will just put the clothes in the basket and have them sit there......I hate that lol

The pros/cons of being a stay-at-home momma? I get to be home all day with my kids skin and fur and spend alone time with them and play with them all day and get to be on BPO more...the cons are I am home alone all day and I do get pretty lonely

What is your dream home?? An old victorian style house with a wrap around porch surrounded by trees  :)

Ever had any broken bones or major ouchies? I have broken my arms a few times LOL I was a very clumsy little girl. I broke my arm like 3 yrs in a row around the sametime each year lol

If you could be one age for the rest of your life, what would it be? 25...i dont wanna turn 26 lol

Would you like to have any other animals? I am very happy with what I have, I dont think I want anymore...and the only animal I like to own are dogs....eventh ough I wouldnt mind a Macaw one year, just not now

Are you jealous of Mr Grey's height? LOL I actually enjoy being short, but I am jealous of those legs...those never ending legs  :D 

How many brothers/sisters? I have 2 older is 7 yrs older and the other is 14 months older

Do you have a favourite family member? It would be my Uncle Aaron  :) He is just sooooo funny and I just love him to pieces

Do you get along with Ben's family? Being they all live in Vermont I dont see them too often but I love them like my own...I get along great with them, I dont know who wouldnt get along with them  :) When we went up there last summer, I didnt want to leave cause they made me feel like I have been part of the family forever.


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Re: Hot Seat #18 is........................Blair!!!!!
« Reply #24 on: February 21, 2006, 02:18:41 am »
What color is your toothbrush?

What is your favorite song?

Do you like to cook?

What's your favorite restaurant?

What is your least favorite household chore?


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Re: Hot Seat #18 is........................Blair!!!!!
« Reply #25 on: February 21, 2006, 02:32:30 pm »
What color is your toothbrush? It is Green.....I love the color Green and if they had green dogs I would so own one  ;)

What is your favorite song? I pretty much like most of the new country songs, but right now I love my Goodbye Old Friend by Tim McGraw

Do you like to cook? I hate cooking....I am so lucky Ben loves to cook. If it wasnt for that we would eat nothing buy box dinners lol, nice and simple.

What's your favorite restaurant? There is a place called Souper Salad down here and I love it. Give me a nice big ole salad any day and I am one happy camper lol

What is your least favorite household chore? Laundry....I hate going back and forth doing everything.... go to the washer...put clothes from washer to dryer....fold the clothes out the dryer...hang some up...then pick them all up and start all over fun


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Re: Hot Seat #18 is........................Blair!!!!!
« Reply #26 on: February 21, 2006, 03:00:57 pm »
Ooo, but do you like other tomato-y stuff?  Like spaghetti??? Not really LOL I will eat it if it has very little sauce on it

How tall are you? I am 5 foot 3....doesnt that just sound cute lol I love my height hehehehe


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Re: Hot Seat #18 is........................Blair!!!!!
« Reply #27 on: February 22, 2006, 04:13:12 pm »
If you could be any animal, what would it be and why?

Describe yourself in 5 words or less.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

What is your all time favorite movie?

What is one very weird food thing that you do?  (something that when you do it, everyone else goes wha???)


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Re: Hot Seat #18 is........................Blair!!!!!
« Reply #28 on: February 22, 2006, 04:42:46 pm »
If you could be any animal, what would it be and why? Never thought about this lol I guess I would be a Lion cause I would be king of the Jungle LOL

Describe yourself in 5 words or less. Loyal, funny, caring, [and finally what my husband tells me everyday] Moody lol

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a Vet LOL Even as a kid I loved my dogs and wanted big dogs. i was such a smart little girl, hehehe

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Hopefully out of Texas in Vermont, happy. i would love to go to school to be a web designer

What is your all time favorite movie? it would have to be Saw, i love that movie. I am the type of person that watches a movie once and thats all, but i can watch Saw over and over and still love that movie

What is one very weird food thing that you do?  (something that when you do it, everyone else goes wha???) LOL keep in mind I am a Cajun  ;D When i eat crawfish or shrimp i like to get those yummy juices out of the heads...yummy. ...I usually gross out people with that..or i love to eat crab eggs...mmmmm


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Re: Hot Seat #18 is........................Blair!!!!!
« Reply #29 on: February 22, 2006, 04:57:37 pm »
HAHAHAHA  You're sick and twisted!  I love it!  LOL

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite time of day?

Do you paint your toenails?

Do you wear makeup?