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Messages - GrumpyBunny

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Holiday Things / Re: Sandy Claws Pix
« on: December 17, 2007, 01:53:42 am »
I almost died laughing looking at Santa in those pictures!  I never knew one of Santa's qualities was "rage-filled"...

And now, a confession.  One year when I was volunteering for the Humane Society, I had to be Santa at PetSmart for photos.  They must have been pretty desperate.  It was great seeing all the animals, but some of them definitely would have rather chomped on Santa than sat on her lap.  I can only imagine these people getting home with their pictures and realizing Santa was a girl.

But at least when I was Santa I never looked like I wanted to shank someone.  ;D

Mixed Breed Pictures / No Snow
« on: December 16, 2007, 10:31:29 pm »
Yup, strangely enough, no snow in San Diego.  And I miss snow SO MUCH.

We all went up on the hill behind our house today to pretend there was snow, but throwing weed-balls at each other and building dirt-men with carrot noses just didn't feel the same.

Ranger and Gwen say "Happy Holidays" anyway, and send you some pictures from their day...  ;D

Welcome Shelley!  Your dog has the sweetest face...  :)

Have a WONDERFUL birthday!

Saint Bernard Pictures / Re: Pic's of Timber
« on: December 03, 2007, 07:27:08 am »
The pick with your son reminds me of a big stuffed dog I had as a child.  It was old and missing most of the stuffing, so it kind of looked like roadkill, but I would lay on top of it to watch TV.  The things that remind us of our childhood! 
I totally just remembered that when I was a kid I had a Saint Bernard sleeping bag.  It was really just a regular brown sleeping bag, but it had a round flat pillow attached to the top with a cartoon-y Saint Bernard's face on it.  It may have had paws too, I can't remember. 

His name was Bernardo.  God, I loved that sleeping bag...

Saint Bernard Pictures / Re: Pic's of Timber
« on: December 03, 2007, 07:23:48 am »
I don't know if I am more jealous of the gorgeous dogs or of the snow!  Timber is just magnificent.  Whenever I see a picture of someone's beautiful Saint I think about how much Ranger does NOT look like a Saint to me.  But if I look closer I can see it a bit in the rear end, heh heh. :D

Is it too much to ask for just ONE day of snow in San Diego?  Heck, I'll even shovel it!

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: We're back - the move is over!!
« on: December 02, 2007, 08:10:49 am »
Welcome back!  And welcome to Cali!

Holiday Things / Re: Santa's little helpers' name generator
« on: November 30, 2007, 08:37:35 pm »
Me - Happy Berry-Cracker
Ranger - Loveable Berry-Cheeks
Gwen - Lucky Brandy butter-Bum

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Thanksgiving with Bear
« on: November 29, 2007, 11:16:12 am »
Bear knows better to than to mess with kitties.  They look soft and fluffy, but they're sharp on the ends!

(BTW, totally off topic - Jamie, your hair is SO LONG!)

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Thinking about relocating.
« on: November 28, 2007, 02:11:19 am »
Well, I would say come to California, except that the cost of living here is so horrendous that I really couldn't recommend living here to anyone who isn't already here (and most of us aren't even making it all that well).  Plus, stuff burns here.   >:(

Lin, I wish I had known you when I lived in MI.  I hated the heat and humidity, and LOVED the snow and cold. 

Canada sounds good.  But so does Alabama.

I thought I would update this to reflect some brand new annoying behaviors we have just thought up to torture Mommy. 

Lately when Gwen goes outside, (mostly she pulls this one at like 3:00 in the morning), she will just stand there at the top of the porch.  Unless I actually see her go down off the porch into the yard, she will still be standing on the porch when I return from my own late night bathroom break.  Seeing both dogs standing on the porch, I will then naturally assume that they are both empty and ready to come inside.  It is only THEN that Gwen will remember that she was supposed to be out there for a reason and not just taking the night air and saunter down off the porch to do her incredibly slow, snail-paced business.  This will give Ranger plenty of time to run into the bedroom and plant himself in the middle of my warm bed as I stand and wait for Gwen to finish. 

I also discovered today that at the groomer, (I usually groom him at home myself), Ranger turns from a dog into a 100-lb sack of wet flour.  He didn't growl, he didn't bite - he just lay there completely bonelessly on the floor with all four legs and his tail pulled up underneath him like a turtle as the groomer and I struggled for 3 hours to maneuver his limp, completely uncooperative weight into various positions.  He also WHINED like a baby (which I have never heard him do) when he couldn't get out of the tub and come to me while Gwen was being dried.  They both look gorgeous, but Mommy needs a drinkie!

Someone please remind me again why I want another dog someday...   ;D

Fortunately I have been innoculated against puppy fever, and am able to look at these pictures in complete safety.  While these puppies are cute, they... 


Wait, what's that I feel?  The need to smell puppy breath?  The urge to coo over their perfect widdle pink paw pads and kiss theys tiny noses?

Yeah.  I got it.  I got puppy fever.  The doctor recommends lots of bed rest, cuddling one of those cutie-pies.

Food Discussion & Information / Re: Merrick foods
« on: November 01, 2007, 08:21:09 am »
My guys love the Merrick canned foods.  They get the Solid Gold dry food with a little bit of the Merrick (or other brand) canned food.  "Grammy's Chicken Pot Pie" is their favorite!

I have bought small bags of the dry before and use it just as a supplement to their Solid Gold on occasion, a handful or two thrown in as a treat.  The pieces are really small, but they like the dry too.

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Pictures / Re: Help BPO!! My Mommy is..
« on: October 30, 2007, 07:52:07 pm »
Swissy, do you call your Ranger by the nickname Roo???  I call MY Ranger by the name Ranger Roo or just Roo!!! :o

I don't know why this makes me so excited, but it obviously does.  It just goes with the name, I guess. 

I also think your photo caption - Does Mommy have a cocktail? - would be awesome on a t-shirt.  Heh heh.

Gwen is constantly in the way.  Not in an "I love you and so I will follow you everywhere you go and always be underfoot" kind of way.  Just in an annoying "Oh look, I just happen to be standing right where you needed to go" kind of way.  And when you tell her to move, she moves right over to wherever you were going to go next.  Also, when she is laying down and you try to step over her, she lays perfectly still until you are stepping right over the top of her and then springs to her feet underneath you causing you great personal damage.

Ranger has to be in the middle of EVERYTHING.  If you are putting together a lovely coffee table from Ikea, his nose will be between the hammer and the nail.  Or the screw and that riduculous L-shaped screwdriver thingy.  Whatever.  If you come over to my house, he will stick his head right in the middle of your purse and have a look around.  He has to sniff each and every library book that I check out as well as all of the mail.  He can not stand not to be involved.  He reminds me of the scene in Lilo and Stitch where Stitch comes into the house for the first time and is wreaking havoc and Lilo says "Look how curious the puppy is".  Hah, understatement .  He also uses the couch and my bed as a napkin.  Whenever I go to bed at night, the mattress is pushed about half a foot off the box spring from him running up and down wiping his face on it. 

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