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Messages - Kermit

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Wolfhound Discussions & Pictures / Re: Adopted Wolfhound in TX
« on: December 18, 2006, 06:58:31 am »
Welcome to BPO luckybetts! I wanted that wolfhound real bad! ;) But I am glad to hear he went to a great home where he is loved!!! :D

I can't wait to rescue a wolfhound when the right one comes along. They are such amazing dogs. :)

So what are you calling him? And please post some pics of him!! YAY! According to the weight chart I have for IW's, your boy might have another 50 or 60 lbs to gain and another 6 inches of height!! It says growth continues until about age 3.

Have fun!!!! :D

I think I'm out of the Gentle Giants bad?

This should clear some things up for you...

Sadly, it's been confirmed that he is at Gentle Giants in Norco, CA.   :-\

 :'( Maybe somehow he will get adopted fast and get the heck out of there. I sure hope he's neutered already...

The wolfhound in TX didn't have a disability, he was supposedly very healthy.

I hope this wolfhound in question ends up ok. :-[

There are PLENTY more Danes out there in need of homes!!! What are you looking for? I know of a few more right now... there's a black female who immediately comes to mind, she is in a shelter here in GA. And there are loads being given up in the petfinder classifieds!!!! Check there!!! YOU WILL FIND ONE!!!!!!! For some reason (I noticed this last year too) a lot of people give up dogs around this time of year. :-[ SO last year we got Leeloo!!! :D

Good luck Gardenwitch!!!!

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: The Secret!
« on: December 13, 2006, 03:11:44 am »
That's awesome that you have seen it too, Rachel! I just watched it again! :D I love it, I think I am driving Will crazy since I watch it over and over again!!! :D :D :D It always puts me in such a great frame of mind. 8)

Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Re: WOLFHOUND in shelter in TX
« on: December 13, 2006, 03:09:57 am »
Well that is great news for the big guy!! I'm sure the new owner-to-be is thrilled to have another wolfhound. ;D

Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Re: WOLFHOUND in shelter in TX
« on: December 13, 2006, 12:05:21 am »
who / what is garrett??

Garrett is a Great Dane who bigdogs5501 rescued from a shelter (along with a female Dane). A member here named MSF was supposed to adopt him. Garrett is a beautiful brindle boy!!

Anything Non-Dog Related / The Secret!
« on: December 12, 2006, 11:49:35 pm »
Hey everybody, this is totally off topic, but a great friend of mine sent me the link to this amazing movie called "The Secret". It has really changed my life. I have tried to tell everyone I know to watch it and sign up for the daily emails. It just makes me feel so good. Anyone who is feeling down or stuck in their lives, this movie and the emails will surely get you to feeling better. It is a little on the "new age" side, so if that turns you off, you'll probably find this stuff really cheesy!! :D But I LOVE IT!!! You can watch the movie online. That's what Will and I did, and then I bought a copy and now I watch it at least once a week. It's just awesome. Maybe someone else here would love it as much as I do. ;D

And I don't work for this company or anything like that, I get absolutely nothing from recommending it to people, I just found it to be really amazing and I am so glad that it came into my life.

Here is the movie:

Here are the daily emails you can sign up for:

If anyone ends up looking into it and wants to chat about it sometime that would be awesome. ;D

(edited to link to the right websites ;))

Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Re: WOLFHOUND in shelter in TX
« on: December 12, 2006, 11:40:14 pm »
I will log on this afternoon and give all of the details that I can get. I would love to have him- but it is not even possible. Garrett is now trying to pick fights with Jake, which gets every one stirred and we had a disagreement this morning and now Jake may need stiches.. UGH (the bassett bit one of the Pyrs and Jake got into the middle and got the worst of it)I havent heard any more from MSF, so if there is anyone out there that is interested in Garrett, please let me know. He is wonderful, he gets along great with everyone, but is now picking at Jake when I am in the room. And it is only when I am in the room. So it is a jealousy issue.

Oh man! I hope Jake is ok. One thing I have learned about dog fights and wounds is that they don't always need stitches when it looks like they do. Last brawl we had over here, we were sure our little terrier was gonna need stitches behind his ear but Will's dad (family veterinarian!) assured us it would heal up fine. And it did! But the pooch did need antibiotics. Hopefully Jake won't need to be stitched up, 'cause putting a Dane under anesthesia is a pretty big ordeal!! :-[

And I hate to hear that MSF has left you in the dust with Garrett!!! ??? That is no good!!! After everything you have done for him!!

Thanks for getting info on the wolfhound, you are always such a help!!!! :-* :-* :-*

Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Re: WOLFHOUND in shelter in TX
« on: December 12, 2006, 11:16:14 pm »
I will call the shelter this morning- see if I can get any more info. Any one interested in taking him??

 :o Consider me to be waiting on the "more info", especially regarding his temperamant around other dogs...

Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Re: WOLFHOUND in shelter in TX
« on: December 12, 2006, 10:30:38 pm »
OMG he's gorgeous!!!  Neutering may help his aggression, but for some reason I'm thinking if he wasn't aggressive with other dogs you'd be posting "I Adopted a Wolfhound!".  ;) LOL 

Hehehehe ;) yeah the post would be called "Driving to Texas today, anyone along the way want to meet for coffee?"  :D ;D :D ;D

Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / WOLFHOUND in shelter in TX
« on: December 12, 2006, 10:25:31 pm »
I am drooling over this gorgeous boy!!! :o Only 2 years old and SOOO handsome, he does not belong in a shelter!!! Unfortunately it says he is aggressive with other dogs, but apparently he hasn't been neutered yet, so... I wonder if that would help!?

Dang why don't I live in TX??

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: our 10 week leo is not well
« on: December 11, 2006, 10:37:00 pm »
Sorry I cannot ease your mind here. Get your puppy to a vet ASAP. Puppies can become dehydrated very quickly and bloody diarhhea is about one of the worst symptoms I can think of for a pup to have. :-[

edited: sorry I just posted that really quick because I have had parvo pups in my care before and that is not anything to mess around with. :'( If it were my pup, I would have a parvo test done. I hope your baby is feeling better soon. :-*

Aw that sux! I'm sorry you are having such problems with Sophie! :-[ I went through heck with Connor trying to find a food that agreed with him. When he is on a food he can't tolerate, he loses his hair and gets acne all over his body, as well as having diarrhea and being stinky (and gassy!).

I FINALLY found a food designed for senstitive dogs, and it is the best thing EVER!!!!!!!! CALIFORNIA NATURAL CHICKEN AND RICE!!!!! I swear by it. Connor grew back all of his hair!!!!! IT'S A MIRACLE!!!!!!! And now he doesn't have a single zit. ;) His poops are perfect. He has zero doggie odor. I should be the new spokewoman for this dog food!!! :D :D :D
You can go to Natura's website which I think is just, and that's what they recommend if you have a sensitive dog. There are only minimal ingredients in this formula and I guess all I can really say is it has made a huge difference in Connor. I used to not be able to bring him out in public because it looked like I didn't take care of him! And now he's beautiful!!! YAY!!!

Hope that helps. ;)

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