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Messages - Ali

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Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Umm...yea, thats NOT a kitten.
« on: May 22, 2008, 10:18:16 pm »
BWAHAHAHAHAHA! A kitten! OMG, that is hysterical!! I MUST know what her reaction was once you told her that she'd been sleeping with a raccoon! Tell, tell! Ah, that is one for the books. You should write one, you know. You've got stories a-plenty!

Rottweiler Pictures / Re: Somehow this means I'm helping
« on: May 22, 2008, 06:32:18 pm »
Well there ya go, girl! Go live in a cabin with no electricity, put a butter churn in your front yard, and rake in the BIG BUCKS!

Guardian Angels Gift Horse (BWAHAHAHA, I crack myself up!)
Guardian Angels Bonnie Parker (That's Bonnie of Bonnie and Clyde)

Rottweiler Pictures / Re: Somehow this means I'm helping
« on: May 22, 2008, 04:42:46 pm »
Lin, what do you do with all the quilts you make? (They are awesome, but you know that!)

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Update on Bodie
« on: May 22, 2008, 12:22:09 pm »
Oooh - I love the dark brindle! Poor, you're taking him?

How cute is that!

Oh man, you guys soooo need a bigger bed!!

OK, so we recently moved into this neighborhood. Down the street there is a house that has 3 (or maybe 4) big ol' mastiffs in the yard. The fence is a wood frame with chicken wire. The doggies bark their ever loving heads off when anyone walks by, and the top of the chicken wire fence is bent in from where their giant paws go when they are barking madly. Naturally, there are wild rumors flying through the neighborhood, which I am hearing from my daughter. One of the dogs got out and attacked a neighbor girl. No wait, well, it pinned her against a fence. Well, not pinned but was just barking right at her and she was backed up against a fence. Did you know that one of the dogs killed an old lady once?? So, despite the fact that if one of the dogs actually killed someone it would probably be GONE, I would like to call the owners. Can't go to the door, cuz the fence goes all around the front yard, and the dogs do actually go bat (poop) nuts when we walk by, and yes it is quite intimidating!! Please tell me how you would recieve this:

I plan to call and tell them that I was curious about their beautiful mastiffs (true). I love the brindle on the one, or are there two brindles? (True). We are new in the neighborhood (true) and have heard all kinds of wild rumors from the kids on the block (true). I was wondering about your dogs' temperment, because I have seen them bark, and wanted to know the truth about how they really are (true). I'd love to meet them, if they are social with stranger!(true!) I'd also like to help the neighborhood kids and their concerned parents learn the truth so that there are no more silly rumors (true).

They have a son (or grandson - not sure what the relationships are) that is in my daughter's grade, so there is a school directory with all the phone numbers.

Would you be offended or receptive if a neighbor contacted you like that?? Please let me know - I'd like to take care of this as soon as possible. I don't want my kids fearing to play outside, and I do want to know if the dogs are a valid concern. And if they are all bark and no bite, I really want to meet them!! ;D

Mixed Breed Pictures / Re: Guess the breed?? Yea right, good luck!
« on: May 20, 2008, 08:56:47 am »
I was recently told that the tests come back in a pie chart format, so you can go by the 2 or 3 biggest slices. I am terrible at guessing breeds, so I didn't bother to guess, but I was shocked that the first pup wasn't rott!! And the rott/crested is a hoot! I'd LOVE to get my dogs tested. I think I may...I'll certainly let you guys know if I do.

BWAHAHAHAHA!!!! Shame on you, Shawn. You're up to your eyeballs in rescue and you don't even know what kind of dog you have!!! ROFLMAO!!! What a dumb @ss that guy was!! Aw, I feel sorry for his poor aussies. Or, where they "rare calico goldren retrievers"???

Well, if she's "rye" or "pumpernickel", I'd consider it. But if she's "sourdough", forget it. (Get it? "Bread?") LOL!

That's a great name. It's the next best one after "Guardian Angel's Maya Ain't Goin' to Friggin Arizona!" ;D

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Rash - Help!!!
« on: May 16, 2008, 07:29:27 pm »
Did your vet venture a guess as to what it was? Did they take any skin scrapings to look at under a microscope? Did it start in smaller areas and spread, or did it just appear like it is? If the topical treatment isn't doing anything at all, I'd go back and request a more thorough exam. Maybe even a different vet, if you're not satisfied. Many BPOers have had experiences with vets that, while they liked the vet okay, wasn't the best vet. Right, Sierra's mom??  ;D

Kai started with this on Sunday night, and was up literally every 45 min to an hour wanting to go out. I thought she was playin' me to get out of her crate, but when I followed her out, sure enough, she had the squirts. Sooo, I did the drill - rice and chicken broth for a few days. She got better, and on Wednesday she had her noramal kibble breakfast and dinner. Thursday, she's back to squirts. My husband thinks she's eating cat poo out of the backyard (my kids have poop scooping detail, but, as you can imagine, they are less than thorough). Anyway, I think it is her food. I switch up the brands and flavors to see what she likes best. The wierd thing is that she's had this brand and flavor before - in fact, I got it again because she liked it. I don't have a lot of gastro-intestinal experience with dogs. Does she need to see a doctor? Could she have developed a reaction to this food just since the last time she had it?

OMG - there are FAWNS in your HOUSE!! That is such a trip!! They looks soooo cute! I want to pet one so bad...

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