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Messages - Kermit

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General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Unfair Dog Treatment
« on: July 20, 2005, 03:32:53 pm »
I'm just so relieved that when I read this post it wasn't about anyone's dog being neglected or beaten! I see enough of that in my neighbors' back yards! Whew!
Personally, I think EVERY dog deserves to be on the couch! (Remind me I said that when Nigel weighs more than I do!) Just tell your little OEM to keep the faith, and maybe someday his daddy will buy him his very own big cushy chair that is specially for him...

There is something new on the market called Comfort Zone, it is a plug-in that emits something like the pheromone of a mother dog. Supposedly it gives your dog a feeling of calm like when they were little babies with their mommy. It costs $40 for one month supply. I haven't tried it, but I keep recommending it to people so I can find out if it works! It sounds really good, and it seems easy, I would think it might be worth a shot, if you had the means. I know I would buy some if Nigel started having freakouts when I was gone, luckily so far he hasn't destryed anything at all... knock on wood...
Otherwise something I do know of that works and I use it on my dogs often is Bach Rescue Remedy, which you can buy in a natural food store. You just put some drops in the water bowl or in your dog's mouth.

Do you know how much time they have left? I am in Nashville and do some rescue but how do they handle extreme heat? I have a feeling not too well! Also do you know what part of Kentucky?

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: I need BPO help!!
« on: July 20, 2005, 11:15:13 am »
How could he resist that sweet girl? Heck, I've never been a great fan of Neopolitan Mastiffs either but I don't think I could turn down that dog! She would make a great companion for your Zero! He needs to at least meet her and give her a chance.

The thing is, if they ban pit bulls people will just start usung another breed of dog to abuse in dog fighting. Like Rottweilers or boxers.

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: swollen lymph node
« on: July 19, 2005, 10:32:35 pm »
Here's a link to that topic as I posted it!,1239.0.html

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: swollen lymph node
« on: July 19, 2005, 10:26:40 pm »
Wow, I posted the exact same topic about a month ago! My pup Nigel had a swollen lymph node on the back of his hind leg (the popliteal lymph node), which I finally figured out was because of a toenail injury he had. Nigel's lymph node was about the size of a grape. It went down completely on its own over the next 4 or 5 days after I noticed it. If your vet gave you antibiotics I would think you have nothing to worry about. Are you sure your dog is whining because of the lymph node? When Nigel's was swollen I don't think he really felt any pain, or at least he didn't act like it.
If you research "swollen popliteal lymph node" on google you will find some information, mostly pertaining to humans but it is still useful. Good luck and I hope you feel better and your dog feels better very soon!

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Love Stingy Newf
« on: July 19, 2005, 01:50:33 pm »
I'd have to say my dogs are on the side of over-affectionate. If it were up to Zoot, every moment would be filled with snuggling and face licking, and if you sit down on the couch you can expect a dog in your lap in less than 30 seconds. Nigel isn't quite as extreme, but if you hug him he will not only hug you back but basicly push you over and lick your face and neck until you can struggle your way out from under him. Both love to lay right next to me in the bed, even though it is the middle of summer and pretty freakin hot, they are still touching me all night long. Lucky for me I think I am as needy as they are for affection so we have a nice deal going on here!

If I am on the ball it takes two full days to start and finish, but I tend to stretch it out a little further and I finish in 4 or 5 days. I also like to have a look at it after a few days of not messing with it because that's when I can see things that need to be adjusted or cleaned up a bit. And some colorations (like brindle!!) take longer because they are complicated! Good Heavens!

Thanks for the compliments! I have a vision for my website once I get enough work done and scanned in, I want to have a small paws gallery and a BIG paws gallery!

That picture is AWESOME!
It reminds me of the other night when my boyfriend "lost" me. I was in his computer room with Nigel and my foster puppy, and I had the door closed so the pups would stay with me. I was just reading away on BPO. My boyfriend had been in the kitchen awhile and he came out and noticed I was gone. He thought I was out walking the pups. Well, after 30 minutes and I wasn't back he went out to look for me, calling my name into the darkness outside, and starting to get really worried. He came back in and I could hear him walking all around the house. He finally opened the door to the computer room and exclaimed, "oh my god! I thought you were gone! Thank god you're ok!!"
I couldn't help but laugh. I was sitting there on BPO the whole dang time!

I have finished the 2nd addition to the BPO Gallery of Portraits! Enter Tigre, the Fila Brasileiro! And for anyone who never saw the first, Lady the Rottweiler!
I have plenty of pictures to choose from for my next subject... hopefully won't take too long... and I'm not entirely sure this new project of mine is going to help me with my BPO addiction, but oh well, at least I am inspired!
And I just realized I hadn't signed Tigre's portrait yet before I scanned it. Oops. I was too excited I guess.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: A morning on BPO
« on: July 18, 2005, 01:43:22 pm »
I am also finding that BPO goes rather well with my morning coffee. And this morning brought tears in my coffee. Boy I wonder if Kaiser knows how many people have been crying for him today, that little guy.  :-[

I wish I could get a straight answer on this topic, too. I have read so many conflicting opinions. Zoot was only given a rabies vaccine every year up until I had to kennel him last year, and he was around other animals often and has always had great immunity. Who knows? I'll bet it's different in every dog.
I'm about to find out if the kennel cough vaccine works. Zoot and Nigel have both been vaccinated for it, and over the last few days I kept a temporary foster puppy who had a horrible case of kennel cough. Well, I don't have a quarantine unit in my house, (who does?), and so the pup ran with my dogs, ate with my dogs, kissed them, you name it. She has gone to the rescue group now so in 10 days if my dogs are not coughing, I can at least have faith in the KC vaccine. If my dogs come down with it though, I will be infuriated at the veterinary world. We shall see...
Here's that sweet coughing puppy sitting with Nigel...

Me, Zoot, and Nigel are having a moment of silence right now for Buffy, and praying for her as she makes the journey.
Much love,

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