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Messages - Ali

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General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Ah.... finally?!
« on: May 02, 2008, 11:29:16 pm »
So what do you use to clean the air if your significant other can't stand the smell of...well, smells?

"New Car Scent"??

OMG - Raven is so cute! With that white ring on her face, she looks like she got her nose stuck in a powdered donut!!

 :'( :'( :'(

That's great news! How fun! Aztec is a great name! Keep us posted, and congrats on getting your own place, too. Time to start fresh and leave the painful stuff behind... ;D

Aw - so sudden. How awful for you guys! I'm so sorry...

Wow. So they said that the Sgt. HAD to be forceful with Ricoh because he was agressive and difficult to train...GEE, I WONDER WHY THE DOG IS AGGRESSIVE AND DIFFICULT?? If you know or love a police officer, read no further:

IMHO, and in my personal experience being formerly married to a cop and working in a county jail for years with the mentally ill, cops can be dangerous, aggressive and very difficult to live with. Many of them get such a rush and power trip from their stupid badge and their responisbility to enfoce the law that they feel they themselves are above the law. It is just sick and sad.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Isn't it AWESOME??
« on: April 30, 2008, 06:22:11 pm »
Dogs. They rock. They are cool. I love my cats, they rock too. But in a different way.

Tani is awesome. She is the absolute definition of a family dog. She is with us all the time. Always near by. She gets up to follow us out of a room. She Listens like a champ and is gentle and loving. She gets flustered when me and the kids are upstairs in bed, and hubby is still downstairs on the computer. How can she heard this stray up with the rest? And who is she supposed to be with if they are in different spots. So she sits at the bottom of the stairs. She can see into the office, and she can hear if there's any shenanigans upstairs. How cool is that?

Kai loves us, her new family. But what is really cool is that she loves ME best! She is at my feet constantly. She listens to me, she pottys outside when I say so, she comes when I call her. She is always with me. She loves everyone, but I am the center of her world, and I think that rocks. I love that she and I are buds, and that she hangs on my every word. It's not good that she jumps on people, but she's a puppy and we're working on it. My kids and hubby tell her "DOWN" when she jumps on them and she struggles with it. She tries to listen to them, but...well...w hen I tell her DOWN, she plops her butt right down and waits for her pats and ear skritches. Is it wrong that I love that she is "my" dog? ;)

Remembering those no longer with us. / Re: I had a VERY sad day today
« on: April 30, 2008, 06:11:52 pm » sorry. Peace, Luna.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: My kiwi died this morning
« on: April 28, 2008, 09:05:18 pm »
That is so sad.. :'(

Great news! Maybe I'm a big giant mean mommy, but when I have to pill my dogs or cats, I just open their mouths and stick the pill in with my finger, as far back as it can go comfortably. Usually over the "hump" they make with their tongue is far enough. Then, a cookie to wash it down so there's no time to spit. 13 pills a day is a ton - good luck and here's to a speedy recovery!

BLAH BLAH BLAH and "lame to the core"?


What is he, like 13?

Oh, I would love to be one of the flies around his "home" when animal control comes knocking! I hope they confiscate all his reptiles and find something to charge him with!!

I don't really doubt for a second that this guy would answer ads for puppies and kittens that were free or nearly free.

It chills me to the bone to have to realize that there are people out there like that. I know people have large reptiles. I know they have to be fed. I feel bad enough for the rats and rabbits. But ferrest, puppies (sorry - I meant "puppys") and kittens???? I am sick...

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: I have gone off the deep end
« on: April 27, 2008, 08:36:58 pm »
Girls goin' on a road trip! Woo Hoo! You guys can zoom up beside truckers and Grace can moon 'em!

I don't know how you do it. Well, the poor scared pyr mix pup had a great opportunity but was too traumatized to go any further, poor thing. And the other pup - well, that's just too sad for words.  :'( I'm sorry puppies. Rest in peace little lab mix. And hang in there little pyr mix. Your peace will be soon, and you can leave your terror and fear behind.  :'(

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