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Messages - Edwpang

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Specific Website Information / What is the time standard here?
« on: July 30, 2007, 09:43:23 pm »
Latest post showed as 22:34PM, July 30. My current time is 2:42PM(GMT-5,EST),July 31. GMT+13 time zone is already 7:42AM, August 1, and GMT-12 is 6:42AM, July 31. Why the forum time is lagging behind so much?

More 6 months.


19-21 weeks.

18 weeks.

Some more

Mixed Breed Pictures / Butter II: Pictures From 12weeks to 6 month
« on: July 30, 2007, 06:55:40 pm »
Centralize past pictures into one post and add some new.

Specific Website Information / Re: slooow!!! loading pages
« on: July 25, 2007, 09:03:05 pm »
Other reasons for this may be issues with your internet service provider or you have too many programs openned at the same time. The latter also causes overall system unresponsivene ss.

Specific Website Information / Re: slooow!!! loading pages
« on: July 25, 2007, 08:38:22 pm »
I don't have this problem. Do pages from other websites load slow too?

I just read an article "THE PROBLEM WITH HEAD HALTERS" by Suzanne Clothier.
Several comments from her:
"Head halters, like ALL training equipment, need to be used carefully. "
"NO training equipment can substitute for a strong, mutually respectful relationship."
"On a physical basis, the halter is probably the one piece of training equipment that appalls me most - the potential for injuring the dog is simply too high."
"NOTHING in the dog's physical construction or his nervous system prepares him for the force of an unexpected, externally directed, sideways and upward movement of the head while his body is still moving forward (sometimes at considerable speed!)."
"In some situations, head halters might be a suitable choice, but should be viewed as a temporary phase, not a life long solution."
For the whole article(long):

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: New Harry Potter Book!!
« on: July 20, 2007, 10:53:31 pm »
Another way to read the book, borrow from the library. My local libraries have ordered 30 of them. When I placed on hold yesterday, it wasn't available, but this morning, I checked again, only 4 is available, but it's listed as "browsing"... But my position in the holds queue is 123 :(.

I just think about this idea. It'll be very helpful to let other people know about you and your baby.
For example: your intro post and/or other posts with a lot of pictures.

Groans, Gripes, Brags & Boasts / Re: this is gonna be a long night
« on: July 17, 2007, 05:21:25 am »
That's not the worst. In China, my home country, you cannot image the intensity of firework in cities during the first several days of Chinese New Year. It’s like a whole army firing at once for several hours during night :o. The firework is allowed during the first 15 days of Chinese New Year. There were quite some cases of dogs frightened or even harmed by firework and bought to vet for treatments. In one case, a lady was going out with her dog for walk and a firework was set off near them, her dog was burned and when she tried to comfort the dog, she was bitten…

On 2 seperate occasions(both in the early morning @ ~ 7AM), I was approached by a Lab(around 80lbs), and unknown breed around the same size, when walking my puppy. I am concerned both because I have a puppy with me, and the attitudes these guys were showing. When I told them politely they should keep their dog on leash, they just ignored me.  Granted, their dogs are quite nice, they did not show interest in me or my puppy, but what if they met with someone who were afraid of dogs. This is quite likely, since in GTA(Greater Toronto Area), a lot of people are coming from cultures that does not view dogs as lovely pets. They may have bad experiences with dogs, and may act in panic, causing the dog to respond differently. A lot of people I met even avoided my puppy on leash long before I approach them...
What do you think?

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: I saw baby swans(long)
« on: June 15, 2007, 01:13:03 pm »
Pictures a couple of weeks ago and today. The one taken Today was not so good... Hopefully, within a few days, the swans will be let out.

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