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Messages - pndlake

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Newfoundland Discussions / Re: No Dogs Allowed
« on: June 18, 2005, 11:14:43 am »
Thanks Vicki, I will pass this on to my husband.  Never heard the Beaver one, wish I had a photo of it.  After that encounter, we like to spend part of our traveling time taking photos of strange signs.  Thanks agaiin, Peggy ;D

Carolyn, why do you want to live in Reno.   ???


Thanks Heather, as long as the wine is in there, come-on earthquake.

Looks like we are getting a break today, so off to bed.


Newfoundland Discussions / Re: No Dogs Allowed
« on: June 17, 2005, 03:02:31 pm »
Vickie, last Fall we were tooling around the countryside in Maine.  We found a beautiful lake and went down to the beach to take photos.  Since we live so far away, we did not have any of our dogs and this is more about Maine laws anyway.  There was a sign posted that said exactly this "Please do not feed the ducks or swimmers will get swimmer's itch". After laughing histerically,  we took a photo of it and still can't figure out what swimmers itch is and how it is connected to ducks.  Please help us.

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: No Dogs Allowed
« on: June 17, 2005, 10:43:23 am »
It is very sad to see this happen.  We get more and more rules and regulations that have to be abided by.  Did you get to vote on that "no dogs allowed" law? Of course not.  It is shoved down our throats.  I thought this was a free country.  WRONG

FLASH it is now Thursday night before midnight and getting ready for bed, one last check on the USGS site and BOOM another 6.9 quake off the coast of Ferndale.  This is wierd and more wierd - I have never seen so many, so close together, not aftershocks. And my dog is still not acting strange.  Better hit the hay and see what goes tomorrow. 

DOUBLE WOW.  Just got back and heard the news about a few hours ago.  I was in the air at the time (don't think we can feel it up there hee hee).  This is very interesting, what Nick told us has come true and may continue.  I have lived in earthquake country all my life and this is the closest I have seen that they predicted them.  Maybe they are on to something.  Has anybody in California had animals that have acted strangly?

Since we owned a video store, we named them all after movies for many years.  We had Murphy, the cat from Murphy's Law, CHUD the dog from Cannabilistic Humanoid Underground Dweller.  Then there was a terrible cat that we still have after over 14 years.  I think she hates anybody that steps on our property so we named her after the movie "Misery" which was actually the name of a pig.  Misery is so mean that at her age, she recently caught several gophers.  At night she acts like she is possessed.  And, of course there is Niki which is short for Nikita from the movies "LaFemme Nikita".  silly stories but fun.

Wow I am out of town right now.  I was so frustrated the other day because just when I finished posting, I decided to look at the earthquake site and BOOM we had just had a 7.0 out to sea west of Crescent City.  I figured this is SPOOKY and I tried to post immediately but I could not get a post in.  I tried and tried, it got so frustrating.  I wonder if that was the big one that was predicted or is it still coming this week.  I think we should all watch our animals.  My sister in Willits said she felt the shaker pretty good and it lasted a long time.  We did not feel it in Fresno, too far away.  Here is the site again, they just updated it and you can post if you felt it.

Hoping again that this will post.  If we in Calif. watch our animals for strange behavior then tape it and if an earthquake comes, we could be rich and famous for proving a theory.  We have a better change to see the Loch Ness monster but it is still a good idea,,,right. ???

Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: where did you get your mix
« on: June 14, 2005, 05:27:30 pm »
I wish I could say Niki was a rescue, but I can't.  We owned a video store and one of our customers came by with a litter of puppies she was selling for $50 even though they were mixed Rotweiller and Lab.  She owned both the parents, both purebred, but thought they would get better homes with people who put out a little for them.
I offered her $50 in movie rentals for this puppy who ran up to me wagging her tail and licking me profusely.  She wagged her tail like a Rot whose entire rear end shakes.  She came to work with me everyday and started helping customers, returned movies, made change and more.  The rest is history along with her television, news, magazine and other appearances.  She more than made back the $50 movie rentals.  Now she is retired, but looking for part time work.  She is 9 and still loves to work around the house.  Here she is bringing me the sheep's grain. 

Been having trouble posting photos lately, it should come up but takes a little longer than before. 

Come on, somebody post where they heard we will get big ones this week.  I want to get ready.     ;)

Hi, check U of Cal. earthquake website and you will see it was a 5.2 centered north of San Diego.  Strange that bunny in San Diego hardly felt it and Nicks - way North felt it strongly.  Just as strange as why dogs and other animals react before the quake hits and sometimes they do not.  Here's the website, it is very interesting:

Oh yes, I am curious, who said that we were going to have some BIG ones this week. hee hee  Peggy

Rottweiler Pictures / Re: Betti...the sloppy tongue!
« on: June 08, 2005, 05:44:15 pm »
Love this shots.  I get nothing done spending all day looking at photos.  Thanks.  Peggy

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: Cure for Jumping...
« on: June 07, 2005, 06:38:51 pm »
ditto and if we all felt the same or looked the same what a boring place it would be.   :D

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