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Messages - DogGuideDan

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General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Road Trip!
« on: May 16, 2007, 01:24:22 pm »
We're off (in 4.5 hours to be exact! Why am I awake?!) to Chicago!  On Friday Lucian has big plans to have a drink date with Gweck!  Though it'll be brief, I'm sure it'll be memorable!  (yes, camera's will be involved!).  Earlier in the day we'll be hitting dog beach and the minimonster will get his first taste of the water!  Wish us luck on the 12+ hour drive....lots of bathrooom breaks!

Julie- Gimmie a call tomorrow sometime- We're planning on coming into the city on Friday morning and spending the whole day doing stuff- the Alley (I need a new belt) 4 legs, Dog Beach, CORN CARTS!

Duncan is a very big boy!  He's 5 months old and is FULL of energy!  So much so that he is even tiring the minimonster out!  Reef is just staying out of the way of the little guys (she's a very smart girl!). 

This weekend one of my clients is coming to stay overnight!  Duncan is a 5mo pup who's owner calls him a "Saint x Golden mix" however, I really think he is a Newf mix!  I'll get photos and you guys can make the call!  He'll be arriving tomorrow afternoon.

FAQs about puppies / Re: Lucian's 8.5 week weigh in!
« on: May 10, 2007, 09:27:32 pm »
Well we're back having seen the vet for boosters yesterday. Drumroll please?  The minimonster weighed in at 34 lbs at 12.5 weeks!  He is not in any way a round puppy - he has great muscle mass already (pretty typical of raw fed dogs), but is just going to be a BIG boy!

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: First Timer
« on: May 09, 2007, 10:16:46 pm »
Adorable little kiddo you have there!  (or will have soon!)  You'll find a ton of advice on anything you need here!  I wish all these pups lived closer so they could have playdates!  (I'm Lucian's Dad- a 12 week old Dogue De Bordeaux)

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Housbreaking tips
« on: May 08, 2007, 05:06:29 am »
My philosophy about housebreaking is that prevention is the best possible thing you can do.  With Lucian (who is 12 weeks old and now pretty good on the no-accident front) we get up, take him out right away (he is not crated at night, but is in our bedroom).  He is then fed and then back outside right after and one more time about 30 minutes after that.  He's crated while we're gone and has never had an accident.  Then once we are home for the afternoon he is taken out whenever: he plays for a good deal of time, has a long drink, chews on a toy (chewing stimulates the digestive tract), wakes up from a nap, or has another meal.  His water is taken up at 6:30 or 7 (as long as we don't forget) and accidents are pretty much ignored (unless I catch him and can easily run the peeing monster outside).  In my opinion, if he has an accident, it's because we're not watching him close enough.  Tons of positive reinforcement when he does go in the right spot.  It's to the point where he runs to the door to go out and won't go INSIDE if he has to do something!  It's the constant reinforcement.

This is only my experience, but it's worked well with all the dogs who have been in my life and is the advice I give to my clients.

Rare Breed Mastiff Pictures / Re: Lucian at 12 weeks!
« on: May 07, 2007, 09:41:03 pm »
Ahhhhh, they are all so cute!  Is Reef still being a patient big sister and what does the kitty think of Lucian?

Reef is forever patient.  I catch her looking around for a rear escape route during moments of puppy madness.  Occasionally she'll leap over the back of the couch to make a quick get away from his face gnawing.  However, she does love a rousing game of "bitey face" herself, and as much as she wants to keep it a secret- I saw her playing with him the other day!

Newton is the cat in the photo- he's the youngest of our 3.  Having been raised around dogs, he's a bit confused as to what he is.  He grooms the dogs constantly and eats ANYTHING in sight.  I actually caught him sticking his paw INTO THE GARBAGE DISPOSAL last night (the switch is under a cabinet with doors- don't worry!) to fish out an old tomato and eat it.  He's so bizarre.  You'll catch him and Lucian romping around together playing chase games.  This is the same cat who also ate a greenie - a dog greenie. (see photos below!)

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Storm 15 weeks old
« on: May 07, 2007, 11:08:24 am »
So fluffy!  Very very cute!  How much does she weigh?

Rare Breed Mastiff Pictures / Lucian at 12 weeks!
« on: May 07, 2007, 10:28:03 am »
The minimonster turned 12 weeks old on Saturday!  He has a vet appointment on TH and I have no idea how much he weighs, so it's a good thing we're going!

Nice job Mojo!  Looking good!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Pupperware parties
« on: May 05, 2007, 11:22:40 am »
Here is one:
and I know that I have heard of others, but I can't remember the link!

Rare Breed Mastiff Pictures / Lucian's First Feature Film
« on: May 05, 2007, 07:26:59 am »
Yes...we're dorks over here!

Collars, crates, & other cool things / Re: Cooling Beds/Mats
« on: May 01, 2007, 03:08:08 am »
Thanks everyone for your input thus far.  We are really looking for something that can go in the car as we have a few long road trips coming up.  I don't want something that is going to burst in the backseat though....

Collars, crates, & other cool things / Cooling Beds/Mats
« on: April 30, 2007, 03:16:03 pm »
Hey everyone,
We're looking into purchasing a cooling bed/mat for Lucian in the next week or so.  There are a bunch i've seen for sale on the net and I'm not sure which are the best.  Does anyone have experience with these things?


Rare Breed Mastiff Pictures / Re: My "lab" and "Puggle"
« on: April 30, 2007, 03:39:04 am »
Oh, Dan ... I hate to tell you this, but I think your Puggle is about to get VERY big! ;)  :D

Really?!  I was told he was a "teacup" puggle!!  Boy, am I miffed!

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