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Messages - Newf Lover

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Newf Lover, I am having the same issue with Sugar Bear.  We had the first semi-firm poop today, ;D which was great since he has been having diarrhea and cow pies for months.  What have you found that works? 

Nothing works 100% for Drake, no matter what he eats he gets diarrhea.  Poor buddy!  I'm hearing all this good support of the Kirkland Dog Food, so maybe we'll try that. 

Speaking of Costco, WE LOVE THAT PLACE!!!  It has absolutlely everything and it's not cheap crappy stuff.  We have bought so much stuff there, our BBQ, Christmas gifts, camping tents, vacuum cleaner, books, DVDs and on and on and on.  The wine selection at our Costco here in Novato is one of the best in the whole Bay Area!  I've gotten passport photos there, all of our prescription meds and tons and tons of food.  The best is Saturdays when they have tons of free samples.  Don't need lunch after that, or I can buy a fat slice of pizza on my way out.  Oh yeah, the monster bags of gummi bears are pretty sweet too.  The only thing that is missing from ours is the gas station, but that's coming soon.  I have heard that Costco is planning to offer Health Insurance sometime soon as well!  What a great company, so convenient and they treat their employees really well too.  Novato would not be the same without that store.

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: The Newf Whisperer
« on: October 12, 2005, 10:40:15 pm »
Very impressive!!!! So Drake has one thing on Bear - I'm not worried!

Glad you're not worried.  ;D Got any Bear tricks on film?  He's such a smart boy, I'm sure he learns quickly.

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: The Newf Whisperer
« on: October 12, 2005, 06:32:21 am »
lol, what a good boy, he must be tons of fun to live with.

Honestly, I get excited to go home just so I can open the garage door and see his fuzzy head come running out.  Yes he is a ton of fun to live with, as all of your dogs are I'm sure.  Question:  When watching the video, does anybody else experience a 1 second lag on the audio?  I have DSL at home so it should be fast enough but it's about 1 second slow on the audio, which kind of messes up the whole point of it.  Oh well..... :-\

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: hello to all big paws
« on: October 12, 2005, 05:34:13 am »
Mamma Mia! Thatsa whole lotta big dogs! 

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZzzzzzz zzzzzzzzz!!! No offense folks, but this is old and boring.  I'd love to read some more posts about your doggies, Please! - ZZZZZZZZzzzzz. ......

We feed our cats the Kirkland food and they seem to love it.  I thought before that it was cheap and bad for them, but our breeder fed her Newfs the Kirkland dog food (Nutri Nuggets?) and said it was good for them.  Drake has such a sensitive stomach that I don't think he would like it too much.  He has diarrhea all the time and when he doesn't, he drops big loose cowpies.  So gross.....   Poor buddy, wish he didn't have such food issues. :(

I have to admit that I checked out the Web Cam the other night and it's pretty cool.  Those damn birds that hang around the watering hole are so freaking loud!  I had to turn down the volume after a while, it was a bit annoying.  10-11 PM California time seemed to be a good time to check it out, it was like 8 AM there and there were a lot of animals.  Very cool but I'm probably more addicted to BPO,    www.ultimatear    and other unmentionable websites.... ::)

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: The Newf Whisperer
« on: October 12, 2005, 04:50:26 am »
Thanks guys, I have some footage of him chasing around a balloon too that's pretty hilarious too.  He hates balloons!  But his whisper is our favorite.  When he know he's getting treats, he starts whispering unprompted.  The drool starts flying and he actually starts barking if we don't give him a treat fast enough.  FUZZ HEAD!  I think he was a little sleepy for todays filming,  he had been sleeping in the garage all morning and I had just woken him up.  Too much fun!  ;D 

Newfoundland Pictures / The Newf Whisperer
« on: October 12, 2005, 04:10:49 am »
I finally got around to video taping Drake doing his famous whisper.  Although it's not his best performance, it's a good example.  He didn't even drool too much!  Enjoy!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: help put this on?
« on: October 11, 2005, 05:43:07 am »
One suggestion, you might want to get a picture that's closer up to your doggies because the Avatar is pretty small and it might be hard to see them.  But if that is the picture you want to use, cool.  Once you are signed in, go to the UserTools section on the right and click on Profile.  Then click on Forum Profile Information on the left and that will take you where you can upload your picture from your computer.  Click on "I have my own pic" and then click on Browse to go through your files and get the picture.  Hope this helps!  ;D

This is perfect example of the differences betwenn dog "owners" and dog "breeders".  Since owning a purebred, I have noticed a huge amount of snobbyness that comes from many breeders.  It's the same kind of snobbyness you get from Wine Connesseurs (sp), Food Critics and Car Buffs.  It's just sort of a know-it-all attitude that really bugs after a while.  Now, I'm not saying all of you breeders are like that, but many of you are.  Why do you think the movie "Best of Show" was so funny?  Because it made fun of the fact that many dog breeders and showers are a bit wacky and live in their own worlds.  Once again, I KNOW YOU'RE NOT ALL LIKE THAT!!!  What  I do know is that at the Newfoundland Specialty in Monterey this year, it was a experience in human psychology.  And I safely say that kind of weirdness and snottyness is not isolated to the Newf world.

The thing about Red was, where were her stories of rolling around with her doggies or having fun with them?  Where were her fun pictures of experiences she had with them?  I don't recall seeing any, but I don't read every single post on this site.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but I never saw that nuturing side.  I just saw an orator telling us what to do.  If people asked questions, so be it.  What I like seeing on this site is the fun stuff, the happy stories and the FYIs.  The fun pictures and the goofy topics.  I guess I'm just a dog "owner" and I don't understand the fine nuances of being a breeder.  I'm done with this topic, it's getting boring.  All I know is that Michael works really hard on this site to keep it cutting edge, look at all the recent improvements.  It's not easy and takes knowledge and long hours, so HIS rules are to be followed.  You don't like it, take a hike.  Let's get along and move on.  Mmkay?  ;D

It's too bad that Red decided to leave, but I'm sure she'll be back.  To me, she came off a bit preachy at times, like every post was a sermon.  But she did have good ideas and advice most of the time.  Whatever, that was her way I guess.  I didn't see too much interaction or banter on her part, it was pretty much "This is what I do so listen up...".  I felt her intent was good, but it just came off the wrong way sometimes.  A perfect example of this is was during this thread:,4126.0.html

She was probably just trying to help but after about 7 posts it's just too much info.  That's why I put in the pics of Drake with the cheeseburgers, just to lighten things up.  The snottiest message I ever came across on this board was this one, (not Red) and they never even backed up their statements!  Just blurted out some snotty opinions and then retreated.  It was a thread I started about the stupid laws that ban dogs in public:

Does anyone else have to deal with this stupid issue?  What is the logic behind it?
I will respectfully give you my opinion as to why the "stupid issue" is "personal responsibility".
Respecting the laws of your community is your personal responsibility to the public.

Just because I am in the public, I do not want children running up to me or my dog.
I do not stare at others in public that may be different and have handicaps, either.
I was taught to respect a person's privacy in public spaces.
Just like my civic freedom is to be free from secondhand smoke in public places, it is my freedom to be free from strangers approaching me and my dog.
Children should be taught never to approach a strange dog in public.
When I am sitting in the outdoor cafe with my dog and family, I don't want everyone to interrupt my meal with, "Oh, what a big dog!" I don't go by their table and say,"My, what a big child!"
My dog is trained to lie beside me next to the table while I eat. Why would I want your child to disturb us?
Not all dog enthusiasts or owners want to be on public display, but would like to maintain the right to private space in the public.
-I do not invite other dogs to go nose- to- nose to my dog, either.
-I don't go to dog parks either.
But I, like you, am a large dog owner. My dog is part of *my* life, not necessarily part of any dog or person that I meet on the street. I work my dog and train my dog and take great joy and pleasure in including him in the state parks, restaurants, beaches and rivers where I live.
He is usually the best behaved dog in the campgrounds and in public places. He lies quietly while other peoples dogs are barking at everyone walking by....
How long will the restaurants allow dogs outside that are jumping on every patron who walks by, getting tangled up on the chairs and tables?

NO DOGS ALLOWED is becoming more frequent in all communities because of people who don't get it. Like smokers who insist that their SMOKE outside is not harming anyone.....
now we have laws, since education didn't work.
Interesting in England, where there is an accepted etiquette for dogs in public, they are allowed in many places. But in America, we are making laws banning dogs an an uprecedented rate.

For instance, the point of having your dog on a leash is to have it in control, not to let it still run up to another dog even though it is "on leash." I can't tell you how may times this happens in public places. Not everyone in America  picks up their dog poop in rest areas, parks and sidewalks. It is common etiquette in England.

In our fine democracy, for which young men and women are dying for, your freedom ends where mine begins. In other words, just because you see the world in one view doesn't mean that is how everyone sees it.
There would be fewer laws if more people took personal responsibility to respect the rights of others on the roads and in public places.
Simple Civics 101.
The relationship you build with your dog is what is important. Some of us think that relationship is more important than creating a circus in the public arena.
Looking for someplace to take your dog? Try PetSmart...tak e your dog where it is wanted.
Please do not force your yourself in public places where there is a clear policy, as it gives dog owners a poor image.
Every dog owner portrays an image in public. If we want to prevent more bans of dogs in public, a good idea is to act as an ambassador of good will and respect the rights of others.


General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: GOOD BYE BPO
« on: October 10, 2005, 05:32:58 am »
Everyone just needs to take a deep breath and relax. Doctor's orders.

I agree, CHILL PEOPLE!!!  So much unnecessary drama, "I'm leaving forever, goodbye CRUEL BPO!!!!"  I already posted my feelings about this on the "Sorry if I offended someone..." thread:,4360.msg54328.html#msg54328

so I won't be redundant.

I've run into this issue a few times and had to clarify myself, BIG TIME!!!  Look people, blogs and chat groups are a great thing that we all enjoy, but it is hard sometimes for people to understand your intent.  Feathers get ruffled, noses get bent out of shape and then Michael and Jaime have to hear about it.  This is how it always goes, I think a few of you out there don't know any other way to post but in a seemingly condescending manner.  You're probably not even aware of it.  But all of you are for the most part are very cool and fun! ;D  Look at it from Michael's point of view, this is a business for him and he has to run it likewise.  He has to deal with these issues and he wants to be able continue to offer a website where people can come to without reservations.  BPO could be blackballed very easily by one person posting online complaints within the Pet Related Web Community.  I have seen this happen.  Everybody needs to chill, this isn't personal.  Nobody should leave, and more people should join.  I come to this site on a daily basis and I'd rather write about doggie issues and funny off topic stuff, rather than about people who are acting like children, on BOTH sides of the argument.  Bottom line, this is Michael's show so please remember and respect that.  HUG YOUR DOGS AND THINK GOOD THOUGHTS!

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: Need help with a begger
« on: October 07, 2005, 07:12:28 am »
I was wondering if anyone has any tips for me? I like to have him around, and would rather not have to put him in a room or something by himself, because of his seperation anxiety due to his previous neglectful owners. I would love to have him hang out with me while I am eating, but was wondering how I can stop his constant begging. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Squirt Bottles or Squirt Guns work really well.  Maybe feed him at the same time you guys eat, but in another room.  Give him a chew toy or rawhide and have him lay on his dog bed nearby the dinner table.  Maybe one of those will work.  I don't think the growling or snapping like a dog will work, they will probably think you're nuts.  Plus, what about when you're in public?  Are you going to do that around other people?  They will be calling for the Ambulance and straight jacket....

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