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Messages - Proliant

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Old English Mastiff Discussions / Re: HOw many kinds of Mastiffs are there?
« on: November 20, 2005, 02:57:57 pm »
Here is a link with a pretty good list and info of mastiffs/bully types. It may be useful or at least interesting.

Matthew and Goliath

American Mastiff Discussions & Pictures / Re: Introducing Angus!
« on: November 20, 2005, 01:55:50 pm »
You are perfectly correct that the end temperment isn't set until 2-4 years old. Goliath turned 1 on 11/13/05 so we keep a good eye on everything he does and he gets LOTS of socialization (puppy park several times a week, daily walks in the neighborhood, lots of time with our kids and their friends etc ....) spending as much time as possible with other people/animals. But still I trust his instincts over my own as far as who are "good" people. I believe that dogs (especially any breed that is basically an old fashioned castle guard dog) has the correct sense of who to trust and who not to. The real test is that you will never know you are being protected by a protective dog (as opposed to agressive) until their services are NEEDED, like the breakin incident. You would never have guessed that Goliath had a viscious bone in his body until that moment (except maybe for the stuffed .... then unstuffed toys ..... LOL). The truth of the matter is that there is no such thing as a completly trustable dog (no matter what the breed is) because no matter how we feel about them they are still animals.

BTW - the name was my wife's choice ..... sadly it was one of the conditions of getting a puppy that she got to name him ..... I would have prefered "Fluffy" or "Tiny"

Matthew and Goliath

American Mastiff Discussions & Pictures / Re: Introducing Angus!
« on: November 20, 2005, 01:20:22 pm »
As far as the temperment goes, I would have to say that I haven't seen any type of agression from Goliath (or any of the other AM's I have met) however they can be protective. I have seen my normally super sweet baby (best friend of all the kids in the neighborhood and general love bunny) go to raging madman when we walked into my house being broken into ..... That was one regretting crook! But it is more a laid back OEM personallity then Anatolian from everything I have seen.

I love the personality ...... I got an AM because I had an OEM near me when I was a kid and I was hoping for that same temperment for my son to grow up with as well.

Matthew and Goliath

American Mastiff Discussions & Pictures / Re: Introducing Angus!
« on: November 20, 2005, 01:02:23 pm »
1/8 Anatolian and 7/8 OEM. The last outcrossing was about 7 generations ago (as I have been told by breeder).

It's nice to see another AM. What a beautiful boy. I predict that you will continue to be smitten for a very long time!

Please give him a big hug from us and a big lick from Goliath...... well maybe you can just tell him that Goliath says "hi"  LOL.....

Matthew and Goliath

Old English Mastiff Discussions / Re: Mastiff Advice
« on: November 08, 2005, 01:49:23 pm »
No matter what kind of dog or the circumstances of the adoption there will be problems. However the answer to all the problems is love and consistancy! These are the two most important things you can giove any dog and it will always come back to you in loyalty, love, and (hopefully) obediance.


PS - give a hug to your new baby for me

1) Mastiff
2) Great Dane
3) Newfoundland
4) Saint Bernhard
5) I dont know......

I may be a little biased towards mastiffs...... .. IMHO


AM's do indeed drool, however it is at the times that I expected it (when hot or after eating) and it is a lot less then I have experienced with OEM's (in my dogs case...). I love OEM's, having grown up with them in my neighborhood as a youngster. As far as I am concerned the Anatolian blood is a benefit, in terms of being slightly leaner and a "possible" health improvement. I think that being in the AKC is a good thing if you are looking to be in dog shows, however I have seen MANY "AKC papered" dogs that were ...... unsound ..... in the least. I would suggest that KBMASTIFFS is correct in that you should research heavily and carefully to determine if this is the dog for you. OEM's, AM's, and all other XL size dogs are not for beginners and have a high maintenance factor. I have been told that there have been behavorial issues with some AM's ... but there have also been behavioral issues with every other dog on the planet. I believe that how you train and treat you dog will have more of an impact on the personality then  anything else.

I did research AM's prior to getting Goliath and I have read MANY MANY things said in about them. Most have not been very nice or even well thought out (half the time it looks like a witch-hunt to me). As far as there being one true mastiff ..... I can only say that in my opinion - all dogs are essentially mutts. We have bred them from wolves for centuries for particular traits and it is up to you to pick the dog that has the traits you find must appealing. It is possible that every AM I have met (about a dozen now) have been an exception to the rule for the "breed" and are great dogs in spite of their lineage ... but I doubt it. My family and I would not give up our "BIG BABY" and maybe you will find the same happiness with whatever breed you chose.

BTW -  KBMastiffs ..... Give your gorgous puppies a big pat for me (gotta love brindles....)

Hi .... I have an American Mastiff names Goliath and we are totaly happy with him. He is now 9 months old and 140 lbs. We got him from FlyingWFarms but there are several good breeders. Here are a few to get you started.

Also we have a discussion board at Yahoo tht a number of breeders are active at you are welcome to join and ask all the questions you want. I have had great luck there.

Matthew, Dylan and Goliath

Hi, I have had a problem with this just within the past week. I have a 9 month old American Mastiff puppy (140 lbs) who was almost confiscated by the police (and certianly sent to die) in Miami. For background - I live in Fort Lauderdale - about 20 miles from Miami. I went to visit my friend who lives in Miami and took my puppy with me - like usual. He was sitting up looking out the window when a police officer pulled me over and started asking about my dog. This wouldn't normally bother me (I have had lots of people ask me about him) but I couldnt help notice that he had his hand on his gun the entire time. Then when I couldn't provide proof of breed he wanted to have him impounded until a positive ID could be made (who carries proof of breed...?). This is all regardless of the fact that he had his tags (Broward County) and there was nothing to reason that he might be a dangerous dog. Luckily... we spoke to the officers' sergent eventually - after telling him to get his sergent or arrest me - because I was NOT giving up my dog, and the sergent agreed that Goliath was definately NOT a pitbull.

The point is that it shows how fanatical all of this can get.........

How anyone could confuse my dog with a pitbull is beyond me. Even worse is the fact that they are killing pitbulls by the dozens and 99.9999% have never done anything wrong or shown any inclination toward agression. I am far more worried about bad owners then "bad dogs".

Goliath sleeps on the floor at the foot of my bed. The only problem with that is that he snores quite a bit. When he was young I would pick him up and move him to outside the door (he never even woke up) but that is not so easy anymore. Try that with a 120 lb 7 month old baby.


Old English Mastiff Discussions / Re: MY NEW BABY IS HOME!!!!
« on: July 06, 2005, 02:57:59 pm »
There is nothing like a puppy - - especially a mastiff puppy. CONGRATS!


Man, Leon is a good looker (gotta love those brindles...)


American Mastiff Discussions & Pictures / Re: Goliath Pix
« on: July 06, 2005, 02:04:47 pm »
Sorry I have been gone for a while (you know .... work and stuff). Goliath is now 7.5 months old and about 120 lbs. Here is a newer poicture.


Great Dane Pictures / Re: The "But I'm so cute" face.
« on: April 08, 2005, 11:39:36 am »
This is what I call "Puppy Dog Eyes" it is futile to resist!


Rare Breed Mastiff Discussions / Re: Anyone Own a Rare Breed Mastiff ?
« on: April 08, 2005, 11:32:58 am »
I love the very dark brindle coat!


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