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Messages - aggghgmom

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Wolfhound Discussions & Pictures / Re: Amy's puppies
« on: January 10, 2009, 02:37:14 am »
Amy what a great job you did!!  Congratulation s!!  I'm glad Mommy and babies are doing well.  I am looking soooo forward to watching those babies over the next couple of months.

Oh and I'm not picky just send me a calm one please!!

Congrats again!

Randy and Harley

Smaller Sibling Discussion & Pictures / Re: Dexter is quite a ham
« on: January 05, 2009, 02:58:16 pm »
Dexter sounds quite bright and a bit naughty!!

What a great picture!!

Randy and Harley

Bull Terrier Discussions & Pictures / Re: Jigsaw Pregnancy Update
« on: January 03, 2009, 11:36:26 am »
The Mommy is glowing!!  We look forward to hearing about the x ray and of course living vicariously with all those PUPPIES!!!!

Australian Shepherd Discussions & Pictures / Re: New upcoming addition
« on: December 30, 2008, 02:27:34 am »
Oh Moni - congratulation s!!  and a big  ;D to your hubby!!
I would be so glad that I don't have to choose - the breeder picked Harley for us (my husband said because we are so far away; the breeder is in Texas and were in Rochester NY that way they gave us the dumbest one in the bunch!!  Even if its true I love him anyway)

We wish you years of fun filled, healthy fun with your new pup and the rest of your family (fur and skin!!)

Randy and Harley

Group Discussions & Photos / Re: By Request - Pics of the Triplets
« on: December 30, 2008, 02:22:53 am »
Oh my goodness what a gorgeous family!!  I am so jealous!!  What possessed you to get 3 pups so close in age if I may ask?  I just curious!!

Thanks for sharing you beautiful pups!!

Randy and Harley

Great Dane Pictures / Re: Is anything goofier than a Great Dane???
« on: December 24, 2008, 02:03:02 am »
Thank you all for the giggles and smiles this morning.  I think danes are so cool!!  One of my favorite danes on this board hsa always been Gweck, I LOVE the name and one of my favorite pictures is the one of him looking down with those ears out (I believe it was posted before).  I was so excited when Beans came to live with you - I knew he would have the best life and a way cool name!

Now Jack to me always looks so stately, that I laughed out loud when I saw his pictures, ESPECIALLY the one of his head in the ?coffee table? my daughter came flying over to the computer to see what I was laughing at!!

And Tenchi  I remember, my impression was that she was a very loving darling dog.  Seeing those pictures was so awesome.

For of you dane owners/lovers I can certainly see why - you just must smile from ear to ear.

Randy and Harley

Remembering those no longer with us. / Re: today we say goodbye...
« on: December 15, 2008, 11:10:08 am »

I'm so sorry that your oh so handsome boy Memphis had to make that journey.  He really was so dignified looking.  I didn't want to read this thread because I knew someone had to make an agonizing decision.  I'm so sorry.

Everyone, especially Memphis knows how special your pups are to you. 

I hope your are romping without pain and your playing with your BPO buds.

Randy and Harley

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: I'm so nervous!!!!!!
« on: December 15, 2008, 07:59:47 am »
I hope your day is going quickly and you get good news about Belle very soon.



Your cake looks delicious can I have a piece?  Happy birthday you big, handsome Pup!!

I had to giggle when you said such a big, handsome baby is afraid of the dark!!

Hope you had a great day.

Randy and Harley

I'm so sorry that you are having such a bad week.  I haven't been on as much as I had been work is CRAZY - so hopefully your daughter is on the road to a quick recovery as well as your precious pup.

My daughter was hospilized last summer and the doctors thought it was hepatitus, menengitus, mono, all kinds of things it is so scary - it turns out she had kawasaki's disease - I don't think that is what your daughter has - different symptoms and generally asian children.  But we rode the storm and she has made a full recovery.

I also totally get your problem with hubby - many people on this board know that my hubby is not a Harley fan, he threatened to get rid of him also.  Tell hubby that you hear him, however, there is way to much going on in your life right now to deal with this and he needs to put his feelings on hold and worry about you and your daughter.
I'm not going to say hubby and Harley are best friends but whenever hubby makes himself a sandwich or toast, harley always gets a piece of toast, buttered and cut up.  So I guess he is willing to put up with him.

I am so sorry about your friend and neighbor that is devestating to her family and friends. 


Keeping fingers and paws crossed for Bell!!  We will all be waiting to hear what the vet had to say.

Keeping you in our thoughts


Rebekah (DogHealer) again did a beautiful job!  She sees and captured the beautiful essence of Ellie.  So glad you like it; hopefully looking into the eyes of this picture will ease some of your pain.

So glad your happy with it!

Randy and Harley

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: If I were Santa Claus
« on: December 06, 2008, 01:08:12 am »
Oh oh - add mine to the mix

16 year old son - good for chores, if you ask like 900 times (you mean I'm supposed to bring in the recycling bins EVERY week???)  Don't ask him to walk the dog after all he didn't want the dog.  Don't talk while he is watching TV, or if his friends are anywhere within hearing range and be ready to fight over curfew, girls, school work, college etc.

10 year old girl who would LOVE to spend Christmas at your house.  She was adopted from South Korea, we are Jewish but she will tell me she can celebrate Christmas because she is pretty sure when she was in South Korea they celebrated Christmas (she was 5 weeks old - how would she remember?).  LOVES to shop as long as its for her - don't even look at socks for yourself or anyone else.  Has at least 50 purses and backpacks but wants more, more, more!!
Slightly ADD but I think I am also  ;D.

So send me child preference and I will ship ASAP (good thing hubby works for UPS!)

Harley wants to be an only child anyway!!


General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Sadie "drops it"!
« on: December 06, 2008, 12:52:58 am »
Good girl Sadie, giving Mommy your special present!!

I totally understand about washing the hand.  Our previous dog Stoli was running around the backyard with a stick, I said great I'll go play with her for a while I called her over, bent down to pick up the "stick" and realized it wasn't a was a full rabbit let...SO gross!!

Stoli looked very confused as I ran around the yard like a crazy person saying iwww, iwww, iwww.

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / And now THIS?
« on: December 02, 2008, 02:49:45 am »
So you may have read my post earlier this week about Harley squating and piddling in my family room in front of my husband and myself for no reason, we were home and sitting in the same room, he had been out about 1/2 hour before he was just being naughty!!

Well yesterday, he decided to take my sons play station game and chew it.  My son wasn't very happy - of course, as a good doggie Mom I blamed it on my son for leaving his game within Harleys reach (although Harley doesn't generally chew so it has never been an issue)

My baby is turning back into a puppy!!  Maybe because I was looking at puppies at PetSmart the other day (rescue puppies) he is trying to remind me how much work a puppy really is!!


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