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Messages - Kelly89084

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Discussions & Information on Grooming / Re: Dry flakey skin...
« on: April 28, 2006, 09:53:47 am »
Would olive oil work as well as the veggie or fish oil?

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Angus the rock star!!!
« on: April 27, 2006, 10:36:31 am »
you better watch out because Angus is at the top of my dognapping list!!!

 Make that two lists. ;)

Count me in the "5 or more" category... :D

When are you adding another one?   :D

Anything Non-Dog Related / Name change!
« on: April 27, 2006, 09:53:14 am »
I changed my sn from Kelly89084 to Holly's Mom.  Just letting you all know.

Now ask me how many I want. ;)

Food Discussion & Information / Re: Well Switching Again
« on: April 27, 2006, 02:10:27 am »
Donating tto a shelter is a great plan! We recentlt switched Bear from Solid Gold to Eagle Pack too and he is doing great. Nothing makes me happier than solid poop.  ;D Best of luck making your switch.

I soooooooooooo know what you mean about solid poop!  I haven't seen any in what seems like forever.  Every food I've tried has had a bad reaction (except raw which hubby doesn't like).  ???

We went to a holistic dog store today and the guy there said to be careful with candidae because some dogs can be allergic to the lamb.  He gave us several samples and told me to put them all out and let her choose (she chose natural balance).  He said he had a boxer that after a few years suddenly developed a problem with that stuff because of the lamb.  It's still a good food though.  I like his idea of letting the dog tell you what he/she wants to eat.  See if you can't get free samples of the foods your considering and make sure your dog likes it.  I found out Holly DOESN'T like the candidae so it's a good thing I didn't get her any.   :-\

Saint Bernard Pictures / Re: Best photo I ever took!
« on: April 25, 2006, 10:58:17 am »
aaaaaaaawwwwww wwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!  What a precious picture!  Keep them coming.  Love to watch the puppies grow!

ok, how about a BRT?  Dogs at maturity are between 27 inches and 30 inches. Bitches at maturity are to be between 26 and 29 inches with a weight around 80-143 lbs.  Would that quilify as a tiny p[aw?  I'm having such a hard time getting away from the big guys!

Anything Non-Dog Related / Save the grass!
« on: April 24, 2006, 11:38:58 am »
We're having our back yard landscaped and just had grass put in.  As many of you know, female dogs and grass don't mix.  Do any of you have suggestions as to how I can keep her from ruining my grass?  Getting rid of either of them is not an option so I really need to find a way for them to coexist peacefully.   ???

I've been in contact with a woman wanting to rehome her male Dobie......ok, i only just got in contact with her tonight but i've been reading her posts repeatedly so I feel like I know them.  ;D  Anyway, do you think I could convince hubby that it really is a small-med size dog?  Or maybe that we only have ONE dog and he's just seeing things/losing his marbles?  lol

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Any ideas?
« on: April 24, 2006, 08:23:05 am »
I did consider getting a "Dobie" in each size but I don't think hubby would go for it.  lol  He's already told me know about the mini's because he's afraid they'll yap like Chihuahuas.  He knew one before and it bugged the crap out of him so all of them are out now.   ::)  He has odd ideas about dog breeds.  lol  I wish I had room for a Borzoi or IW (which I haven't completely given up on) but I just don't see them fitting in this house and we'll be here for at least 1-2 more yrs. Afghan Hounds are pretty but all that hair scares me!  :o

"The only thing that I don't like about her is that she chases kitties. I can't handle that, cuz I've got three of them."

See, that's an issue I have here too.  My oldest son is a cat lover and I promised him he could get one in the future if he can prove he's responsible enough.  I don't want to get a dog that will kill his kitty.

I'll trade ya my pyr! LOL! She barks at everything!!

I'd love to! ;D  Don't think hubby would go for it though.  He doesn't liek noisy dogs or I'd probably already own one.  I love those teddy bears!  :-*

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Any ideas?
« on: April 24, 2006, 07:22:55 am »
My mini schnauzer is *needy* so beware . LOL  ;)

ack!  thanks for the heads up!

Holly just let someone unlock our gate and walk right in without saying a thing to me!  ??? She didn't even lift her head!  I have a defective Dobie!!!  Anyone want to trade for something more alert?   :P   ::)

(no, I'm not realy getting rid of her ;))

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