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Messages - Newf Lover

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Remembering those no longer with us. / Re: Zeus never forgotten
« on: September 15, 2005, 12:07:56 pm »
Sorry to hear your loss but it sounds like happy days are coming soon.  No dog can ever be replaced but a new dog can come into your life and fill the void.  My wife and I were laying in bed this morning, listening to Drake snore, and we gushed about how much we adore our dog.  We never thought we could love an animal so much.  I don't even want to think about the day we have to say goodbye forever to him, but it will come.  I know we will find another dog and will love them too even though they will never replace Drake or even want to.  Keep smiling and love your new puppy every chance you get!!!    ;D ;D ;D

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: calling newfie people!
« on: September 14, 2005, 04:50:46 pm »
I would say she probably has some Newf in her.  If you check out some of the Newf Paw Prints, you'll see they looked quite a bit different when they were pups.  Drake was pretty small, but he's not a huge adult Newf either (ONLY 128 lbs.).  I see some similarities between he and Bebe.  Check out the first pic on his print:

and then put her picture side by side with it and compare.

Regardless, she looks like a really sweet dog and you can't go wrong with that.  How could someone abandon a cutie like her?   :(

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Newf/Pyr/Saint/Leon Traits
« on: September 14, 2005, 03:29:57 pm »
Not to be inclusive of other large breeds but these 4 breeds seem so similar in many ways, yet each seem have their own specific traits.  Each dog is different, but I do see common things in dogs of each breed.    From what I've seen from Drake and other Newfs, they are basically workhorses.  They live to work or play with their humans and to constantly be by their side.  Makes sense that Lewis and Clark brought Seamen along for the big trip.   And as sweet tempered they are, they can be very agressive if they need to be.  Drake and Yogi both stand at attention when strange adult humans or animals are nearby, but soften when we say it's OK.  And all Newfs seem to know to be gentle around small children and the elderly.  I'd like to hear about the specifics of the other 3 as I know little about them.  Does the Leon take on it's own traits regardless that it is made up of the other three?  Do Saints try to save you whether you need it or not?  Do Pyrs need to be bleached or they turn yellow.  Maybe these are all generalities and I'm wrong.  :-[ All comments and info would be great!

Neapolitan Mastiff Discussions & Pictures / Re: Melted Doggie
« on: September 14, 2005, 03:08:04 pm »
Wow!  And I thought Drake had a drooling problem....  Great dog though, love it!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Posting movies online
« on: September 14, 2005, 02:59:09 pm »
What is that site so many of you use to post your movies?  Is it easy to use?  Do you have to have any programs to use it?   Let me know... :)

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: BPO during work?
« on: September 14, 2005, 02:55:51 pm »
I'm on the computer so much at work it's the only time I'm really at BPO.  I hate getting online at home unless I have to send or post pictures or screw around with PhotoShop. We're supposed to limit online use to "work related" sites, but I gotta check email, BPO and Drudge!!!  C'MON!!!  So after I'm done its Tools/Internet Options/Delete Cookies/Delete Files/Clear History - Done.  They probably still know but as long as it isn't that highly dangerous pornography I'm looking at, it's OK.  :-X

Saint Bernard Pictures / Re: Our Good Bye Pics of Guinny
« on: September 13, 2005, 05:11:55 pm »
Poor Guinness!!!  I saw the pics you posted earlier of his eyes and I just feel so badly for him.  I hope he can still live a long and happy S.B. life back at his breeder.  It is too bad you weren't able to keep him but hopefully you can fill the void.  It must be really hard.... 

Congrats to Michael, Jaime and Bear.  Some well deserved exposure to some hard working folks.  Not so sure about some of the comments and wording in the write up, but that's journalists for you.  Great pic too, and Bear is 160 lbs. now?  Holy Cripes!  He's gotten huge since I saw him last.  I took Drake to the vet yesterday and he's only a meager 127 lbs.  HE'S JUST A LITTLE NEWF!!!! 

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: When your dogs get in a fight
« on: September 13, 2005, 10:14:32 am »
I'm the alpha dog here, When I wade into a fight yelling and stomping, the fight ends RIGHT THEN!

This works EVERY TIME!  Whether at home or at the dog park.  Gotta let them know who's boss.  I read someone say to let them fight or it leaves things unresolved, uh that's stupid.  So you let your dog get injured because you're afraid if you break up the fight they will plot and sceme an even worse fight?  Uh, DUH!  They're dogs, as smart as they are, they aren't THAT cognitive.  We are the Alpha and what we says goes or we lose control.

The donations have slowed now so I think its time to go ahead and send off our contributions - if you still want to donate, hurry up! The pets of the Hurricane Disaster need it and we don't want to hesitate. I will donate via PayPal to our choice later today September 11 at 5:00 pm PST. Most of our members have expressed their confidence in Noah's Wish and I don't think we'll need a vote, however, if there are any objections let us all know soon and we'll consider a vote.

Thank you all! I think we've done an outstanding job rallying support and contributions!

I just wanted to repeat in case anyone didn't get it the first time, Johnson & Johnson will match your donation and double it.  So, if you donate $100, they will make it $300.  It is a good way to get more money to whatever cause you want to help.  That might be a good way to send the BPO Katrina Donations.  So we could be donating almost $4000 dollars if we do this.  I know you said you were doing it yesterday, but if you haven't yet, please consider this.  Jaime, don't hesitate to call me or email me.

The only thing I can think of for you is to arm yourself with some form of "weapon" for your walks.  Perhaps a blow horn aimed at the offending dog to scare it off.  Or a squirt bottle with bitter apple or vinegar in it. 

Squirt bottles work really well, dogs hate getting stuff sprayed in their face.  Squirt guns or super soakers work really well and might be easier to carry.  I don't know about putting stuff in the water, if you somehow hurt the dog it might come back on you.  There's ultrsonic things you can buy too that supposedly stop aggressive dogs in their tracks and actually will repel them.  You can probably find a lot of of stuff online.

COOL!  I'll have to check that stuff out.  I'll probably start with bottles, but once I get my bar built in the basement, I'll graduate to kegs I'm sure.

Homebrew - whatever flavor I have on tap. Imperial Pale Ale at the moment.

Oh Man, you make your own beer?  I want to make my own beer so badly.  I have the fermentation buckets and everything, I'm just not sure how to start.  Any suggestions?  There's only one HomeBrew shop here in the Bay Area and it's in San Fran.  Not very convenient...

Been working in the yard and now a ice cold Amstel Light sounds good. ;D

Mmmmm!  Beeerrr!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Stinky Dogs
« on: September 09, 2005, 02:30:49 pm »
Over bathing your dog can be bad for their skin.  We try to brush Drake every day and only wash him every other week unless he's been swimming.  The sprays you can find in the Pet stores work great.  The brand we use is called "Eco-first"  or "Earthpet" or something like that.  We love the Mango Tango smell.  You just spray a light mist over their coat and head and rub it in until it's dry.  Then you brush them out, the spray will actually work as a conditioner.  I would suggest getting a Carder brush because that's how we get alot of the stinky clumps out of Drake's hair, but you have shorthaired dogs so that might not be necessary.  Good luck fixing this issue...

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