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Messages - Apreston

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Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Ladies and gentlemen! Introducing....
« on: October 22, 2008, 08:48:43 am »
Welcome!! What a cute and dirty boy you have there!
Cant wait to see more picts! Hope you will love it hear as much as we do. I am Adrienne and Titan is my baby!

Food Discussion & Information / Re: Tossing around an Idea?!?
« on: October 22, 2008, 08:42:49 am »
I have to say I hate your suggestions but they are exactly what I needed to hear!  LOL ;) Tough Love!

I will try this with him....leaving it for 15 min if its eaten great if not no food till morning.

He does get feed 3 times a day 1 1/2 cups AM 1 cup mid-day and 1 1/2 cups in the PM. So today thus far he missed his lunch so if he misses his dinner.... I have to have the attitude no biggie he'll eat tomorrow.

Julie; as far as exercise goes... he gets a 20 min off leash run through the bush at lunch (weather permitting) sometimes its a 20 min walk under the trees around the block! Then at least and hour walk at night and that's incorrporating a bit of off leash time with Bella his girlfriend. So I belive he is well kept. He is not chunky to say the least I can see (in the right light) all his ribs and feel them all as well.
Thanks guys! As always appreciated! I will keep you posted on his eating habits!

Food Discussion & Information / Re: Tossing around an Idea?!?
« on: October 22, 2008, 07:21:59 am »
Julie; Yup! He gets all excitied cuz somethings came out and he runs over to it puts it in his mouth and looks at me and then spits it out! Then continues to roll the ball around untill something more appealing spits out!

I am pretty sure I have tried everything.... I even went through the process of changing his food. Slow mixing with his current food. Soild Gold with Orijen. He loved the Orijen we had him completly switched and then he stopping eating that.... so we bought a bag of Solid gold and he starting eating that he's eating notheing!

Do you think it time for some tough love?!? Modified to add: Thats what I mean no food for a day....see if he eats the next day.....PS thats what Andrew wants to do....I guess I dont have the heart.

Food Discussion & Information / Tossing around an Idea?!?
« on: October 22, 2008, 07:07:18 am »
Titan has been nothing but a pain in my butt this last month! I still love him but; He won't eat. Period.
I have tried mixing up the kibble. Trying 2 differnt kinds. Wetting it and heating it up. Adding toppers like cheese or wet food. Inovva EVO has new wet food out...he loved it for 3 days now its old news; wont eat it. He runs to his treat ball and spins it around trying to get any bit of treat out that he can because he is hungry!

He just had his yearly visit to the vet. Blood work is normal stool is normal. Weight is good everything is fine. As far as his output firm and solid. So no signs of him being sick....just being completly impossible to feed!

I am tossing around the idea of making his own food and wanted to know if there is anyone else out there like me or is currently cooking for there dogs?

I am going to Chapters this weekend to get some books and read up on it. But wanted to know others opinions?!?
Thanks in advance
Adrienne and the "not so eating Titan"

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: NDR - Bryce is here
« on: October 21, 2008, 06:08:05 am »
What a wonderful present!!  He is VERY beautiful.... I mean handsome! I just love his hair! And how is Mommy adjusting?!?
Please post more pictures!!! Congratulation s!!
Big BPO Higs and Kisses  :)  :-*

Modified to add: Just more cute things I noticed looking at his pictures!! :)

awwwww Are you able to post the picts after??? Lets hope so!!!! Good luck; be a good boy Bryce!

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: When will boys learn?
« on: October 21, 2008, 01:13:24 am »
AWWWWW bumped out that he's hurt but.... they never learn!!!
It hard not to feel bad but at the same time a bit spiteful cuz they do these things to themselves!
Hope he feels better soon and hope you don't run yourself ragged keeping up with his "needs"!!  ;)  :D

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: My Poor Lanie
« on: October 21, 2008, 01:06:30 am »
You are soooo in her bad books! Glad to hear she is doing well and hope she recovers quickly!
Big hugs and kisses to the little yellow dog!!  :-*

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: My Poor Lanie
« on: October 20, 2008, 07:50:28 am »
Good Luck Lanie!! Keep us posted on her progress!!! Hope she is back up and at em' in no time! :)  :-*

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: My Poor Lanie
« on: October 20, 2008, 02:13:02 am »
Poor Baby! Give her lots of hugs and kisses hopeing she feels mucho better soon!!  ;)  :-*

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Ellie is getting a liver biopsy Tuesday
« on: September 15, 2008, 09:46:33 am »
Poor Ellie;
Wishing her all the best tomorrow!! Try not to's hard.... but at least you get to wait for her....its that quick!
Sending tons of healing and loving thoughts to the two of you!
Keep us posted....
Adrienne & Titan

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!!Hope you have a terrific day and an even better year!
Lots of love
Adrienne & Titan

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Scared the Momma!
« on: September 12, 2008, 08:20:46 am »
What wonderful pictures!!!
Looks like they had a blast!
I know exactly how you felt afraid they will never come back.
We got to the cottage and within 5mins Titan was in the water chasing the ducks half across the lake. The ducks just kept swimming and so did Titan.... neadless to say I was chasing him in the water fully clothed trying to carry him back! It was good exercise for the both of us!!

Glad to know Shopie girl got to the shore safely!

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Happy Birthday, patrick
« on: September 11, 2008, 01:51:20 am »
Adrienne & Titan

Titan has taught me....

To enjoy early mornings and late nights.

To love comming home from work regardless of what the kitchen looks like or how much laundry there is to do!

To enjoy walking and talking with the neighbours without "Mr. Social".... I would have never met the great people I walk with everynight.

No matter what mood I am in he is ALWAYS happy to see me... and that makes me feel really good about myself!

I have ALL the time in the world to sit on the floor with him and hold his bone while he chews away.... and we can stop only when he ready ;)

Last but not least....  Titan has taught me that I my life is not complete unless he is in it!

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