Author Topic: sad  (Read 7615 times)

Offline moonlight

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« on: July 12, 2006, 02:16:11 am »
sorry for the lack of 'radio contact'... anyway, my parents took my dog to the vet and the vet said he needs to be operated for prostate problems, but it's risky, cos of his age... my parents said 'go ahead', and he did... only that my dog didn't go ahead from that moment on: he passed away minutes later, under anesthetic, leaving us all in shock... a part of our life died with him, a beautiful part... the consolation is that, should he have lived even a year longer with that problem. operated or not, he would have suffered incredible pain and we would have gone through h*ll watching him...

now he's buried in our garden, where he loved to play and run, and we try to cope with the loss... my entire family cries every time they see a toy, a picture, every time breakfast hour comes and he's not around... how do you get over the death of your best friend, a member of your family ? what helps ? what to do, what to think of ?

i thought of starting a diary and record my memories of him, in order not to ever forget him... who's to tell i'll always remember everything about this extraordinary experience and about the wonderful things he gave me (pure love, understanding, patience, happy moments, fun, friendship and security), no ? and that's something i should never allow time to make me forget, it wouldn't be fair... yes, i would like to get over the pain i'm going through every time i think of his physical disappearance, i would love to start thinking of him only as a little angel waiting for me to join him one day, but i can't risk 'time healing my wounds' also meaning forgetting my feelings for him or forgetting this part of my life...

i don't know how many of you feel about their dogs the way i do, i know it seems exaggerated to normal people (those without pets), so i'm not sure i'll be understood... but, in case there's at least one other person dealing with the same loss and trying to find answers, maybe talking about it helps... or not... but it's worth a try...

going even further with my meditations, i had a thought, and i must say that it's comforting... if you're religious, it's not hard to believe it: think about what God wants from people, He wants us to love him, not to do things mecanically or out of fear, no ? but how can you love someone or something you can never see or touch ? therefore, we have objects that are God's creations, things that we can love, things that give us a tiny idea of how great and good and beautiful God is... well, one of those things is my dog, everybody's dogs or cats or whatever... after they pass away, we continue to love them (at least i hope i always will), so we end up loving something that we can no longer touch or see, maybe learning to love God... it could be a lesson for us, something to help us be like God wants us to be... we are given all the means, all we have to do is use them and fulfill our purpose on earth... and maybe, once we learn what we are supposed to do and comply, we are rewarded with the gift of being reunited with those we love, in a Paradise that, as i imagine it, resembles that in 'what dreams may come', with robin williams (boring to see, but brilliant idea for a script: the entire family, dog included, meet again after death, they live together in a house, in the middle of nature, just like on earth, only without all the bad things exist on earth, without death and so on)...

anyway, silly as it may seem to some, this idea helps me, the thought of my dog being happy now, playing in a field and waiting for me makes me have a purpose in life: no matter what i do, i should never blow my chances to see him again, i should always focus on deserving this gift... maybe one day, as sad as this may sound, he will be joined by other of my beloved family members, so my desire to join them will become even greater, but i hope it will happen one day, so i keep going... and keep him in my life as always, not even talking about him in the past, cos he's very much alive in my heart... and he's alive for ever too, in a place where death doesn't exist anymore... just far away from this place... still far away from my reach... i wish i could hold him again, this is why i cry a lot, but one day i will get over this physical aspect and start thinking of him in other terms: he's a little angel who was called home... who am i to object to that ?
« Last Edit: July 12, 2006, 10:00:45 am by moonlight »

Offline BarkleysMum

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Re: sad
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2006, 04:38:14 am »
Oh Moonlight...I'm so very sorry for this sudden loss of your best friend and family member.  You ask how you cope.  It is hard, no doubt about it.  I pray that, once you move through the very real grief you feel for this loss, you will also move to a place of happy memory of your friend.  We had to put our big guy, Barkley, to sleep on May 19th.  I still have waves of tears, although they are also becoming more frequently mixed with memories of his goofiness, his loving ways and his awesome spirit.

I'm so sorry.
Newly owned by Anna Banana, kind of owned by Sheba
and always remembering Barkley - crossed the Bridge on May 19, 2006.

Offline Good Hope

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Re: sad
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2006, 05:33:57 am »
So sorry! Your best friend will always be alive and with you in your heart and memories. Writing things done and making a scrapbook will help you feel close to him.


Offline DixieSugarBear

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Re: sad
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2006, 06:28:26 am »
 :'( I am so very sorry for your loss. Your BPO family understands as we are not "normal people" we know the pain, the joy, and the total loss you feel.  My Rosie went to rainbow bridge two years ago, she was 9 1/2 at the time. I found that making a scrapbook really helped me get by one hour at a time during those first months.  I still visit her grave everyday, cry somedays, laugh somedays and miss her everyday. Remember we are her and really want to read every story you have to tell about your baby.

Lisa, owned by the following:
Sugar Bear - Great Pyrenees 4.5 yr.
Dixie Darlin - Great Pyrenees 4 yr.
Penny Lane - Great Pyrenees 2.5 yr.
Beauman - Great Pyrenees 14 months
Izzy - Great Pyrenees 14 month
Rosie - Great Pyrenees (at the bridge)


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Re: sad
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2006, 07:49:01 am »
First let me say I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my Dad to a terminal illness and about a month later, my 6 year old dog to an accident. It comforted me to think that they were together, that my Dad was lonely and Ram left me to be his fishin' buddy.
Hang on to what comforts you, ride out the sorrow and let the grief happen. It will never be OK, but it will be less severe, and you may someday find room in your heart for another friend to share your life with. Not to replace the ones that have gone before, but to add new things to your life.

Offline moonlight

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Re: sad
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2006, 07:58:33 am »
thank you all so much, it's comforting to know this love for pets is real and strong enough to survive their passing away... the rainbow bridge story helped a great deal, too... it's amazing...

Offline Scootergirl

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Re: sad
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2006, 08:09:33 am »
We ALL know exactly how you feel. I lost my beautiful Oasis unexpectedly in January and my heart still hurts whenever I think about him or see a picture of him. I started a scrapbook on him and I also went to one of those do-it-yourself dog tag machines like they have at Wal-Mart, PetSmart and Petco and made one with his name on it and put it on a silver chain that I wear around my neck so he is always next to my heart.

It's OK to think about him, cry about him, and continue to love him just as much as you did when he was here. And, I think we all agree, that he is definitely running around in a big open field with all the other BPO dogs that have passed waiting patiently for you to join him.
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between dog and man." -- Mark Twain

Offline newflvr

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Re: sad
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2006, 08:12:59 am »
I agree with everbody else (esp. that we're not 'normal').  When my first Newf, Otis, died, just over two years ago, I thought that life wasn't going to be worth living.  He was the guy who always had 'shotgun' in the car, always next to me, always watching out for me.  Losing him caused physical pain.  I still cry, sometimes, because I felt a bit like I lost the best part of myself.  I have two more Newfs and they have brought such joy to our whole family and although they aren't Otis, they are angels in their own right.

Whatever thoughts help ease you over the pain of losing your best pal are all good.  I think that sort of love stays with you for the rest of your life...and we've just lost the physical aspect.  He is waiting..... ;)

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: sad
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2006, 09:32:32 am »
I am sincerely sorry for the loss of your friend...We too have recently suffered the loss of one of our furry friends...I know how you feel...There is a dog shaped piece of my heart missing where Rosie used to live...Everyda y I wake up & then continue to notice throughout the day that there are 2 dogs here & there should be 3...Or I miss her sweet gentle presence...I didn't even want to mop the kitchen floor or vacumm the dogs room because some of those muddy pawprints were hers & some of the hair on the floor was hers :'(...The day after she went to Rainbow Bridge I sobbed because we had too many dog dishes...2 dogs & 3 dishes...this was a dilemma for me....I am saying that we, who truely love our furry friends, grieve long & deep...I am sorry you too feel this pain but wasn't the time they graced our lives well wortht the pain we feel when they leave?...I wouldn't have changed it for the world or all the pain in the world!
I will send prayers up that you find comfort in the happy memories of your special boy...In between tears take time to celebrate his life!...Their love is only on lend until God calls them home.

Offline zanie

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Re: sad
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2006, 09:43:54 am »
I'm so sorry for your loss.  People just don't expect that a pet's death, especially a sudden one, will have such a profound effect on them. :'(

My Airedale/Lab mix Beau had cancer and his death was not sudden but when it was time to let him go, it was excruciating, even though I knew he was suffering and couldn't let it go on.  This was over a year ago and my son still gets teary-eyed when he sees a picture of Beau.

Time will help heal but you will never forget them.
"I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive." - Gilda Radner

Seattle, WA

Offline moonlight

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Re: sad
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2006, 09:44:11 am »
i have another question for those who lost one of their dogs, which means at least another one remained around... i also have a 6 year-old collie and he's worrying me: he stopped eating (the thing happened on monday at noon, so the collie has been like this for 2 days now), he doesn't even drink or pee, he searches around the house all the time or sits in my baby's favourite spots (behind the armchair, for example), just laying around... taken to the garden, where my poochoo is buried, he refused to get back in the car and get home... is it just grieving or is he in danger or suicide (we know some dogs die after their owners die, could it be true also about dogs when they lose their canine companion ?)

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: sad
« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2006, 09:53:28 am »
My Samson is still grieveing over his loss of Rosie...For the first week he lay on the floor & didn't show too much interest in anything...The n when he did decide to get up off of the floor he had regressed back to some of the naughty puppy behaivor he used to show...Now he is more on an aven keel but I can tell he misses her...Give your other dog lots of extra attention...He probably feels unsure right now of what has happened.

If he isn't going potty at all though I think a vet check might be warrented just to make sure he hasn't fallen ill...You might want to add somethign really tasty to his food like hamburger to peek his interest in eating.

Offline moonlight

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Re: sad
« Reply #12 on: July 12, 2006, 09:56:50 am »
i know i insist on this maybe too much for those who don't believe in God (if you can be a dog lover and not believe, especially when faced with a loss), but i just wanted to share some things that might help people believe more, maybe finding new sources for hope: i am married in another country than that where my parents live (and my baby lived with them - long story, excruciating goodbyes, long sleepless nights till i chose to leave him etc etc, i don't feel like talking about it)... the last time i saw him was in october last year, then now in june, when i finally was able to go home... a week after my return, he passed away... what if i hadn't gone exactly in this period ? i had no idea he was sick, my mom hid it from me, not to upset me, so my going there now was purely coincidental.. . or was it ? or maybe it was my last opportunity to see him before he... anyway, i said my goodbye, i cried more this time than any other time that i had to come to my new home (in the last 3 years, since i met my husband, i've been visiting my dog every 3 months or so), as if suspecting something was to follow soon... i had also brought here with me his meddalion, the one with his name and my name, and i've been wearing it in my purse, together with his pictures (which, by the way, i always had with me, ever since 3 years ago)... plus, a week ago, i made a photo-collage and hanged it in my room... a day before he passed away, i saw that i can make my credit card with any picture i want, so i ordered one... a day before, can you believe it ?

premonitions, divine signs, who can tell... but it sure helps thinking that i was blessed with the opportunity to hold him for the last time and get things that will remind me of him...

Offline BarkleysMum

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Re: sad
« Reply #13 on: July 12, 2006, 10:00:41 am »
i have another question for those who lost one of their dogs, which means at least another one remained around... i also have a 6 year-old collie and he's worrying me: he stopped eating (the thing happened on monday at noon, so the collie has been like this for 2 days now), he doesn't even drink or pee, he searches around the house all the time or sits in my baby's favourite spots (behind the armchair, for example), just laying around... taken to the garden, where my poochoo is buried, he refused to get back in the car and get home... is it just grieving or is he in danger or suicide (we know some dogs die after their owners die, could it be true also about dogs when they lose their canine companion ?)

Our Sheba also went through a real grieving process, doing many of the things you've described in this post here.  She ate very little for the first while, and moped around the house.  She slept on Barkley's blanket and sniffed at his leash and collar a lot.  She has had to re-establish her routine now that he's gone.  One of the things that I've noticed is that she no longer empties her bowl ... we were worried about it at first and then realized that she's eating until she's full and stopping because she doesn't have to worry about Barkley devouring it on her. 

I agree that you should get him checked if he's not voiding or having BMs - that could be the sign of something else. 

Like us, though, our animals grieve the loss of their buddies.  My two were inseparable - to the point of lying there with their paws entwined.  Although this might sound silly, I believe that they understand us and so I spoke to her and told her what had happened.

Give him lots and lots of cuddles and loving.
Newly owned by Anna Banana, kind of owned by Sheba
and always remembering Barkley - crossed the Bridge on May 19, 2006.

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: sad
« Reply #14 on: July 12, 2006, 10:04:14 am »
i know i insist on this maybe too much for those who don't believe in God (if you can be a dog lover and not believe, especially when faced with a loss), but i just wanted to share some things that might help people believe more, maybe finding new sources for hope: i am married in another country than that where my parents live (and my baby lived with them - long story, excruciating goodbyes, long sleepless nights till i chose to leave him etc etc, i don't feel like talking about it)... the last time i saw him was in october last year, then now in june, when i finally was able to go home... a week after my return, he passed away... what if i hadn't gone exactly in this period ? i had no idea he was sick, my mom hid it from me, not to upset me, so my going there now was purely coincidental.. . or was it ? or maybe it was my last opportunity to see him before he... anyway, i said my goodbye, i cried more this time than any other time that i had to come to my new home (in the last 3 years, since i met my husband, i've been visiting my dog every 3 months or so), as if suspecting something was to follow soon... i had also brought here with me his meddalion, the one with his name and my name, and i've been wearing it in my purse, together with his pictures (which, by the way, i always had with me, ever since 3 years ago)... plus, a week ago, i made a photo-collage and hanged it in my room... a day before he passed away, i saw that i can make my credit card with any picture i want, so i ordered one... a day before, can you believe it ?

premonitions, divine signs, who can tell... but it sure helps thinking that i was blessed with the opportunity to hold him for the last time and get things that will remind me of him...
I believe that everything that happpens happens for a reason...That there is very little left to chance...Of coarse your baby waited to see you before he passed on...I am sute that he & my Rosie romp happily at His feet today...God bless you & yours today & always. :)