Author Topic: Hot Seat #7 - Let's ask "guy" type questions of Newf Lover (Ryan)  (Read 25950 times)

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I wanted to pass the torch to a "black dog" person, rather that a BWD person, and if it's a guy, it's just that much better! SO here it goes!

Superman or Spiderman?

Xbox or PS2?

Mustang, Charger, or Camero? What year?

What's the best "guy type" gift you ever bought an girlfriend? Did she like it?

Is professional wrestling real?

What was your first pet?
« Last Edit: December 04, 2005, 05:20:15 pm by jabear »


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Re: Hot Seat #7 - Let's ask "guy" type questions of newflvr
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2005, 04:43:23 pm »
oh...a second time around for Newflvr?  is that legal? 

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Re: Hot Seat #7 - Let's ask "guy" type questions of newflvr
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2005, 04:50:40 pm »
Having enjoyed my time so much LAST time on the 'hot seat' ....and having a black and white Newf, and a Brown Newf,  and NOT a black, I'm guessing you want the OTHER newflvr;  Newf Lover!!  He has Drake who is black and is, by all indications, male (guessing intact  ::))  SO,

I'm going to defer to Newf Lover....

I wanted to pass the torch to a "black dog" person, rather that a BWD person, and if it's a guy, it's just that much better! SO here it goes!

Superman or Spiderman?

Xbox or PS2?

Mustang, Charger, or Camero? What year?

What's the best "guy type" gift you ever bought an girlfriend? Did she like it?

Is professional wrestling real?

What was your first pet?

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Re: Hot Seat #7 - Let's ask "guy" type questions of newflvr
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2005, 05:03:50 pm »
OK. Guy questions....

Did you play sports in high school (chasing girls is not a sport, by the way)?

Do you smoke?

What is your favorite drink?

Do you wear suits or jeans to work?

What should I get my husband for Christmas that is under $100.00?
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Re: Hot Seat #7 - Let's ask "guy" type questions of newflvr
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2005, 05:08:16 pm »

Who's your favorite baseball/basketball/hockey/football team and athlete?  ;D


Grand Torismo {sp} or Grand Theft Auto?

Simpsons or Family Guy?
"The more boys I meet the more I like dogs"

"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion"

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Re: Hot Seat #7 - Let's ask "guy" type questions of newflvr
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2005, 05:19:45 pm »
If you had to choose would you rather:

1) Have a great kiss or cuddle all night long

2) Go see a movie or read a great book

3) Clean up doggy doo or doggy vomit

4) Clean slime off of the walls or clean the bathrooms

5) Money clip or wallet

6) Drink Coke or Pepsi

7) Eat chocolate or ice cream

8 ) Have 10 kids or 10 dogs

9) Live on the beach or in the snow

10) Have an annoying song stuck in your head all day long or sit by an annoying person on a plane

11) How did you know that your wife was "the one"?
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.


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Re: Hot Seat #7 - Let's ask "guy" type questions of Newf Lover (Ryan)
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2005, 05:28:30 pm »
How would you rate your first kiss?  Fabulous, good, bad or ugly?

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Re: Hot Seat #7 - Let's ask "guy" type questions of newflvr
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2005, 05:42:29 pm »
Having enjoyed my time so much LAST time on the 'hot seat' ....and having a black and white Newf, and a Brown Newf,  and NOT a black, I'm guessing you want the OTHER newflvr;  Newf Lover!!  He has Drake who is black and is, by all indications, male (guessing intact  ::))  SO,

I'm going to defer to Newf Lover....

I wanted to pass the torch to a "black dog" person, rather that a BWD person, and if it's a guy, it's just that much better! SO here it goes!

Glad you guys have an interest in my boring life.  This should be good.....

Superman or Spiderman?  Superman, he could do everything and he didn't live such a tortured life like Spiderman.

Xbox or PS2?  I own a PS2 so that would be my choice, although Xbox games are starting to really pass up PS2 games.  I'm already looking forward to the PS3 and Xbox 360 games.  They look INCREDIBLE!!  Now if only my wife would let me play video games without starting a fight.....

Mustang, Charger, or Camero? What year?   1968 Shelby Mustang GT350.  My dad actually has one of those, British Racing Green and the glovebox is signed by Caroll Shelby.   It was a total piece of crap and he completely restored it over a period of 5 years.   It is a really sweet car, something special.

What's the best "guy type" gift you ever bought an girlfriend? Did she like it?
Can't say I ever did that.  Before my wife, I never dated a girl any longer than a few months and the gifts I bought them were like flowers, jewelry and naughty underware.  Ahhh, sweet memories...... ...

Is professional wrestling real? No, it's a big joke and I can't believe grown adults watch that garbage.  No offense.  Some of the women wrestlers are pretty hot though.

What was your first pet?  A Welsh Terrier named Senator.  He lived 13 years and was a great dog, poor old guy he used to walk into the TV because he thought it was us talking.  So, his name and the first street I lived on makes my Porn Star name:  Senator El Cortez  No too bad, eh?  Boom boom, Chakalakalaka  Boom!
« Last Edit: December 04, 2005, 07:49:16 pm by Newf Lover »
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Re: Hot Seat #7 - Let's ask "guy" type questions of newflvr
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2005, 06:04:13 pm »
OK. Guy questions....

Did you play sports in high school (chasing girls is not a sport, by the way)?  Football (Free Safety & Wingback), Track & Field (220, 440 Relay, High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump)

Do you smoke?  I smoked cigarettes for about 7 years and that was the stupidest thing I ever did.  I wish I had never started.  I see some of my friends who still smoke and I think they are idiots, science has proven how bad they are.  These days,  it's just the occasional Cuban Cigar or Wacky Tobacky but I try to keep that to a minimum.  I exercise a lot and eat a really healthy diet and I don't want to screw up my efforts by getting stoned all the time.  Once we have kids, that will be eliminated entirely.

What is your favorite drink?  Alcoholic: Ketel One Gibson, up w/ extra onions.  Non-Alcoholic: Cranberry juice or maybe Mountain Dew.

Do you wear suits or jeans to work?  Jeans, thank god!  I love wearing suits but not every day.  Now I just need a better job.

What should I get my husband for Christmas that is under $100.00?  You could get several gifts.  A subscription to Playboy, it still is a gentleman's magazine that has great writing in it besides the gorgeous women who are photographed in a tasteful manner.  Flannel pants are nice, especially on cold winter nights.  Beer of the month club memberships are always appreciated.  Gift certificates for Professional Massages are great, every guy likes a good backrub. 
« Last Edit: December 04, 2005, 07:51:21 pm by Newf Lover »
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Re: Hot Seat #7 - Let's ask "guy" type questions of newflvr
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2005, 06:20:47 pm »

Who's your favorite baseball/basketball/hockey/football team and athlete?  I try to stay loyal to the local teams (Niners, Raiders, Giants, A's, Sharks, Warriors), but they ALL SUCK THIS YEAR!!!  I'm really respecting the Colts right now, not a fan but Payton Manning deserves a season like this.  I like the Vikings and Eagles as well.  I don't watch Basketball or Hockey, they're fun to watch live but I find them really dull on TV.  I'm a big Giants fan, I go to their games more than any other sport.  Barry Bonds is an arse hole, but he is a legend and he can take all the steroids he wants if it means home runs.  I'm a closet Yankees fan (don't tell anybody), they just have the best players in baseball and you gotta love watching them play.

Grand Torismo {sp} or Grand Theft Auto?  Grand Tourismo is cool but GTA - Vice City is one of the most amazing games I have ever played and really shows where video games are going.  You can "play the game" or you can just go wild in this virtual city.  Race Lambourginis, have sex with Hookers, shoot it out with the cops, deliver some pizza, put out some house fires, or just go on a killing spree.  All while listening to songs like "Broken Wings" by Mr. Mister.  It's just crazy, really good at wasting time or if you have ADD.

Simpsons or Family Guy?  Oooh, tough one.  What about Beavis & Butthead or South Park?  The Simpsons are good, but I think that show is on it's last leg.  Family Guy makes me laugh so hard I start crying.  It's different kind of humor with these shows.  A mix of High Brow humor and slapstick.  I guess I would say Family Guy, but there's no beating classic Simpsons.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2005, 07:47:39 pm by Newf Lover »
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Re: Hot Seat #7 - Let's ask "guy" type questions of newflvr
« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2005, 06:46:36 pm »
If you had to choose would you rather:
1) Have a great kiss or cuddle all night long Cuddle, kissing gets messy and boring after a while.  I think I O'D on making out in High School.

2) Go see a movie or read a great book  Unfair question!  Probably go see a movie, but a GOOD movie that sucks me in.  There's so much crap out there these days.  I love reading too though, but light reading.  I'm reading "Why Do Men Have Nipples" right now, good stuff.  I looking for a book on wine right now.

3) Clean up doggy doo or doggy vomit Uh gross...  Doggy Vomit.  That doggy-doo-squishing-between-you-fingers feeling is just the worst.

4) Clean slime off of the walls or clean the bathrooms  Clean slime off of the walls,  cleaning toilets is just so sick. 

5) Money clip or wallet   Bad Question at this moment, I think I lost my wallet yesterday.  I have felt sick all day about that, hopefully it will be found by tonight or I won't be sleeping very well.  But MONEY CLIP all the way.  Mine is one of those that you can put your credit/ATM cards in as well.  Very convenient and you can keep it in your front pocket where it won't get picked or screw your hip up.

6) Drink Coke or Pepsi  Coke I guess, doesn't really matter to me, I like Mt. Dew.

7) Eat chocolate or ice cream Ice Cream, I'm done after 1 bite of chocolate.

8 ) Have 10 kids or 10 dogs 10 dogs, no question.  Having 10 kids is just insane, 2 will be just fine.

9) Live on the beach or in the snow  Beach, all the way.  I love cold weather and snow, but living in the Snow is not very fun.  I prefer weekend trips to the snow and that's it.

10) Have an annoying song stuck in your head all day long or sit by an annoying person on a plane  Annoying song any day.  There are so many annoying people in this world and they don't realize how annoying they really are.  That is why I wear headphones on the Airplane so I don't have to make small talk to the annoying, sweaty fat guy next to me who keeps farting.

11) How did you know that your wife was "the one"?  I met Sarah when she was still in High School and I was the pervy yet cool older guy who would let her and her friends hang out in my apartment and use me for beer and cigarrettes.  She was always so nice and I just became such good friends with her, I could talk to her about ANYTHING and nothing would really offend her.  So she was like one of the guys to me, except she had boobs and was really hot.  She left for college and came back that summer.  When I saw her again, I realized how fun and cool she was and what an intelligent and special person she was.  I knew then that I wanted to be around her for the rest of my life.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2005, 06:47:38 pm by Newf Lover »
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Re: Hot Seat #7 - Let's ask "guy" type questions of Newf Lover (Ryan)
« Reply #11 on: December 04, 2005, 07:13:25 pm »

Innie or outie?  Innie, really big innie, looks like a lake when I'm laying down in shallow water or taking a bath.  My sister was an outie and both of her kids had herniated bellie buttons.  Her daughter, who's 5, just had hers fixed so shes really excited that she'll be able to wear her first bikini this Spring.

Any quirks you have?  I have a strange capacity for remembering random bits of info, I know a little bit about a lot of things.  Nobody likes playing Trivial Pursuit with me, I always win.  Sarah thinks I should try out for Jeopardy! but that means taking time off to go to So Cal and I don't really want to be on TV that badly.  Also, I like peas and sliced up hot dogs in my Mac' & Cheese and blended Top Ramen (something I picked up after I got my Wisdom Teeth pulled).  I know that sounds gross, but don't knock it until you try it.  It's really good, the blended Ramen noodles take on a whole new flavor and it's really good if you have hot dogs and veggies mixed in too.

How did you know a newf was for you?  Sarah and I just knew it.  We both are tall people, I'm a little over 6' and Sarah is 5'10", so we wanted a dog that we could hold onto without bending over.  We are known for our affection towards our animals, so we needed a Dog you could hug and squeeze and kiss, who was very mellow to temper our hyperness.  We just loved the look of them and their temperment so we were sold.  We wanted a big loveable dog and that's exactly what we got.

First impression when you saw Drake?  Oh my god!  That cute little thing is for us?  We were sitting outside our breeders house, waiting for her while she gave him a quick bath.  She came out and there he was, peeking out of a box she was holding.  He was SO SCARED!  Poor little guy, but he got to sit on our laps all the way home from So Cal, about 8 hours.  We were great pals by the time we arrived at our house.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2005, 08:03:27 pm by Newf Lover »
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Re: Hot Seat #7 - Let's ask "guy" type questions of Newf Lover (Ryan)
« Reply #12 on: December 04, 2005, 07:44:40 pm »
How would you rate your first kiss?  Fabulous, good, bad or ugly?

If you mean first kiss as in "back in Junior High First Kiss", that was a disaster.  There was the first initial peck and then the next day out came the drooling, teeth cracking together and tongues a-lashing, hands going up shirts, etc, etc.  That was probably a 3.  The first kiss I had with Sarah, was Ooookaaay.  I was nervous, this was one of my best friends I was trying to kiss on her parents front porch, and she was nervous too.  Our eyes closed, we leaned in and kissed, open mouthed but no tongues, for about 10 seconds.  It was good and not too intense, I would give it an 8. 
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Re: Hot Seat #7 - Let's ask "guy" type questions of Newf Lover (Ryan)
« Reply #13 on: December 04, 2005, 07:50:45 pm »

I'm a closet Yankees fan (don't tell anybody), they just have the best players in baseball and you gotta love watching them play.

"The more boys I meet the more I like dogs"

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Re: Hot Seat #7 - Let's ask "guy" type questions of Newf Lover (Ryan)
« Reply #14 on: December 04, 2005, 08:01:46 pm »
How did you meet your wife?   How did you know she was "it"?