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Messages - Duramax

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Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Re: Free English Mastiff Puppy
« on: August 24, 2007, 12:30:51 am »
hmmmm, unless the asthma is absolutely horrible, it shouldnt be grounds for getting rid of their baby....Ashton and I both have alergies and asthma... and we're fine!  Nicole i definatly think you should pick him up!

well ive had both of mine by c-section so i realy dont know any different. i personaly dont think it hurt that bad, esp.the second time, but then again my pain tolerance is pretty high i've decided... seriously, seriously, find a different doc. i cant believe this is happening, it would honestly scare the h*ll out of me if i was being treated like that under those sercumstances. my Gyno, and family doc. are like friends with me, they are wonderfull people, and im so comfortable with them I feel i can tell them anything. you'll know if the next one is right. i hope you can solve this problem. what a horrible thing to have to go through. and while youre all prego! bop your husband on the head good and proper for me ok?
for heaven sakes if a man told me he knew what was better for my prego body than i did!?!? i'd laugh him off the face of the planet! :D

Mixed Breed Pictures / Re: Butter in Dog Park(Updated on Aug 24)
« on: August 23, 2007, 06:06:07 pm »
you know, butter's a realy pretty color! it's just not quite ordinary. i think she was named quite appropriatly :D

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Gucci and Smudge pictures
« on: August 23, 2007, 06:02:38 pm »
awwwww so cute! i love chihoohoo's  they are absolutely adorable, i think it's great that you can spend some time with them while you're staying there!....OMG they are so cute!

Bills & Other Legislative Acts / Re: Any Vick updates?
« on: August 23, 2007, 05:58:54 pm »
That is pretty sickening.  He said he was present when dogs were killed but he didn't kill any.>:(

ok, lets step back and look at this quote you've said here. What Vick was saying is equivalant to saying "I was present, and was watching for entertainment purposes, when the child was being killed but i didnt feel the need to interveene."

the dogs were killing eachother, yes that's right, that's why it's called a 'dog fight' Vick. but then again the dogs were only obeying the commands of their master to pleas them werent they.!?! Loyal to the end. it's too bad that the poor dogs didnt realise that they werent protecting and guarding what they thought was there's, they were just the main event of a sickening circus act.

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: He Bit Me!!! Really Long
« on: August 23, 2007, 05:48:09 pm »
I would like to add something to sc. trojan's post.  A dog that is crate trained will look to his crate as his private space.  His den.  In my house we call it Jack's room.  Our rule is, if someone is in their room, you are not to bother that person.  That goes for Jack too.  As I am writing this Jack is stretched out in his crate having a morning snooze.  The door to the crate is open and his sofa is empty.  In fact the house is empty, just me, no kids.  Sometimes, he just prefers to be in his quiet space. 

So I guess I am disagreeing with sc. trojans on not crating after a certain age.  However, I do agree with the principal.  Jack was a distructive adolescent.  He was crated when we were not home up until recently.  I could leave my house knowing that it was safe from his chewing and, more importantly, he was safe from ingesting something that could have hurt him.

oop! i didnt read scTrojan's post, I am in agreement with Jacksmom.

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: molly long legs
« on: August 23, 2007, 09:28:48 am »
hahaha just wait till they start accidentaly 'nut tapping' your hubby and his friends with their tail when they walk bye!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: New Photos of my DDB :)
« on: August 23, 2007, 09:26:17 am »
that is totaly prime smooching material right there! :-*

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Deaf Great Dane Puppy
« on: August 23, 2007, 09:21:48 am »
I think that if the pup has much time around the kids while growing up it will be fine, as stated earlier, danes are calm. they are also great with kids also. i think your home truely sounds perfect for this pup, i sincerely hope it works out for you, please let us know!

well dont read any more! it could possibly mean nothing at all. try to focus on something else, and I HATE WAITING so i know how terrible it is to have 2 more days to go. realy realy hoping for good news, keep updating. prayrs 2 u.

Discussions & Information on Grooming / Re: Nail Trimming Trick
« on: August 23, 2007, 09:10:41 am »
hahaha that's a good idea, I just clip Max's while he's sleeping, Chevy's i havent ever had to clip, and Boog is easily sidetracked with something delicious to chew on.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: selective hearing
« on: August 23, 2007, 09:08:54 am »
hahahaha yeah the selective hearing is a wonderfull development  ::)  luckily, only one of mine has the selective hearing ;D

I also wanted to add that if you use the nilf as a day to day way of life, which is easy and the best way to use it. it will become second nature to your pup to earn what he wants. EG: Boog now when he wants to come inside....or go outside for that matter, will back up about 6 feet from the back door plop his butt on the floor and wait patiently. it's adorable :-*

we do NILF with Max, Chevy, and Boog. I'll give you a summary of our day:

in the morning first thing all 3 need to go potty. so i go to the door and they all must sit  while i walk through the door and they hear my release command. then they know it's time to follow me outside to go potty.  and we do the same thing when we go inside, after their buisness is done, all three must sit and wait till i give them the ok to go inside, no matter if the door is wide open or not.

then they have breakfast, they are fed in pack status order, which means Max is first, then Chevy and little Boog is last, they must all sit and wait for their release command to go to their food bowls before they start to eat. this is also done at every meal.

All three of the boys know better than to go ahead of Jeff or I through an entry way. Max still tries it when he's excited, but must always go back out the way he came and wait for me to go through first before he may.

no one may pass a human on the stairs. a bounding dane on the stairs is not a good thing.

also they may not get onto the furniture unless they ask or wait untill after the humans are already seated. (considering we'll be sitting on the same place like the big couch)

of course they always earn treats and anything else fun, it's a very positive and consistant method of training, and it always keeps the house rules remembered. there's never a chance they will for get a command.

since ive never taken any of the boys to obedience training, ive been very strict about the NILF system. and I think it's a very great way to help bring a little bit of sanity to your house. :)

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