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Messages - London_Pyr_Lover

Pages: 1 ... 78 79 [80] 81 82 ... 85
Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: UTI? This is driving me crazy!
« on: August 31, 2007, 08:31:11 pm »
she needed to have someone hold her head while she sewed up her eye, i readily volunteered! i think thats why i want to be a vet, or atleast a vet tech. im just trying to find the right school!

I think you would make a great vet!  When you do go through with it maybe you'll consider moving to Canada so I can take Naja to see you instead of this mindless country vet we go to (am making next appt somewhere else).

And hey, you know I think maybe the glove thing, although really, really, really gross, would be worth trying.  You could save yourself alot of money at the vet, and then you'd have a better idea of what you want him/her to do/look for.  You can get through this!  I have faith!
 :-* :-*  Hugs for Yukon and for you.

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: new here
« on: August 31, 2007, 08:08:32 pm »
Double welcome!  Glad to see another Pyr Lover here! (Although I do love ALLbig and little paws!) I have a special affinity for the gentle white giants.   :D
I'm Alex, my girl is Naja (She's in my Avatar), and I've got a little boy named Moo (Cairn Terrier).

I hope to see more of you and can't wait to see pics when you find your special pup.   ;D

Awww.  :'(  I'm really sorry. 
Big hug for you! 

Huh.  That's kinda scarey.  I asked my doc for a perscription for this.  She wrote it out no questions asked.  I haven't filled it yet b/c it's still very expensive here in Canada.  Think I'll be ripping up that perscription and going back to my doc for a more in depth discussion on the drug and it's side-affects.

Ugh!!! :P
I know exactly how you feel with the allergies.  I'm at work right now, and OMG!  My eyes are so puffy and itchy I can barely keep them open, I sniffle every 5-15 seconds, and I can't eat popcorn anymore b/c my throat is so raw and itchy from coughing.  I too will sign a petition for fall to hurry up and get here.  Poor Naja hates to go outside b/c of the heat too.  It was nice here for a few days.  But now it's back to being sucky.  Funny how when I lived in BC my allergies didn't bother me once.  And I lived out in the boonies surrounded by trees, and plants of all types.  Wahhhh!!  I wanna go home!

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: UTI? This is driving me crazy!
« on: August 30, 2007, 09:28:52 pm »
Ohhh.   :(
I'm sorry for poor Yukon. :'(  Don't know quite what to do.  The fact that he's still peeing makes me think that he's probably got a UTI or Bladder infection, the strong smelling odour, and dark colour lead me to lean towards bladder infection.  Is it cloudy?  Oh!  Poor Yukon! 

I hope the vet is abloe to figure out what is wrong and I Hope things get better soon!

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: um.. mom, he has a WIFE and two G/Fs?!
« on: August 30, 2007, 05:56:12 pm »
Good for you guys!   :D
Doesn't it feel good when you can take your revenge and do what you know is the right thing to do at the same time?   ;)

Games & Jokes / Re: 3 word story
« on: August 30, 2007, 05:52:19 pm »
Once upon a time, I saw three really big eyes that were glowing in the dark at night. I didn't know what the heck to think about it.  Slowly I took out my bright pink flashlight and hesitantly peered out into the eerie dark forest. Should I go and cautiously investigate and perhaps face my demise, or sit here, scared? I decide to call my mom. She isn't home and I start to panic, when out of the
darkness I saw a sudden movement."What should I do?" I wondered.  Then I remembered I have super-man undies on that make me invisible to others. So I immediately crept upbehind a very large raspberry bush and spotted the intruder!! "Breathe" I said to myself. Suddenly, I felt a
big, gnarled, claw grab my shoulder. I froze, my feet felt like bricks and all I could do was laugh at what had grabbed me. The coat tree! I let out a sigh of relief and was feeling a bit silly until I poured myself a good stiff drink. But, those eyes...  I know I saw them glowing, it had to have been realbog hag eyes! The only way my super-man undies remained dry, was that the hag had put a little bit of bog juice stuff over her boobs. With her hair
in her eyes, she was moving in beat to the rythm of the devil's drums. Thinking fast, I called a guy with huge brains and a metal ring in his underpants.  He was not the usual superhero on duty.  But he would not hesitate to do his job. He arrived carrying the Dyson Hag-O-Matic. Expertly, he suckedher eyes out - all three! But, she got away. She didn't get past the giant Dane of Glory, however she did hypnotize him with her Hagg-o Ray

zapem instantly machine.  However amazingly enough

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: Introduction
« on: August 30, 2007, 05:49:30 pm »
Hi there!  Welcome to BPO.  I'm Alex, my Puppers are Naja who is a 4 month old Great Pyrenees, and Moo a 5 month old Cairn Terrier.  You're gonna love it here.  Everyone is so friendly and helpful.  Can't wait to see more pics of your boy Duke, He's a handsome one!

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: um.. mom, he has a WIFE and two G/Fs?!
« on: August 30, 2007, 05:32:18 pm »
Wow.  That's a sticky situation right there.  You know, some people really suck at being human beings.  But Karma will step in at some point.  Fear not, this man will get his just deserts.  His wife will get his house, his kids won't talk to him anymore, and neither will anybody else hopefully.  
Hey keep your head up, things are about to get really interesting, and now you can just chuckle to yourself and say "you had this coming a**hole".  There's nothing wrong with opening up your home to someone your mom is dating, especially since he seemed like such a nice guy.  He probably never really meant to hurt anyone.  He was just too greedy and stupid to realize that someone ALWAYS ends up getting hurt in these situations.  So just rest assured that your mom is no longer with this creep, and that he's gonna get what's coming to him.
Oh yeah, I also wanted to add that I'm sure your mom will find herself someone worthy of her.  Sometimes you run into a few pricks before you get to a rose! ;)

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Crones Disease
« on: August 30, 2007, 03:09:15 pm »
However I do know several people with Crohns and they can also live very productive reasonably healthy lives too.  One has been in remission for more than 10 years  another is a doctor who is now in his fifties- never lost any significant time and he was diagnosed at 19.

That is one of the most helpful and positive things someone could say to us right now.  I'm very worried about her not being able to cope.  So knowing about someone who was diagnosed at around the same age that Tammy is that was able to lead a succesful life really brightens my outlook.  Thank you.

I'm so sorry that you and your family are going through this terrible disease.  But happy that you get to have these wonderfull meaningful moments with your dad.  My grandmother just passed away and she was suffering from Alzheimers and dimentia.  Luckily for her and us she passed away before she was too far gone into her own mind, she had a traumatic childhood so reliving her past would have been horrible for her.  She could still remember our names when she recognised us, but would more often then not see my sister and I as little girls.  I remember one day I was cooking dinner for them I think I was mashing potatoes on the stove, and she got terribly upset at my mother for letting me near the stove.  She was convinced that I was going to hurt myself!  She was sweet and I miss her.  I'm happy that you get to spend time with your dad still, I know you will cherish every moment whether good or bad.
You're in my thoughts.  :-*  Big hug!

Games & Jokes / Re: 3 word story
« on: August 30, 2007, 02:21:24 pm »
Once upon a time, I saw three really big eyes that were glowing in the dark at night. I didn't know what the heck to think about it.  Slowly I took out my bright pink flashlight and hesitantly peered out into the eerie dark forest. Should I go and cautiously investigate and perhaps face my demise, or sit here, scared? I decide to call my mom. She isn't home and I start to panic, when out of the
darkness I saw a sudden movement."What should I do?" I wondered.  Then I remembered I have super-man undies on that make me invisible to others. So I immediately crept upbehind a very large raspberry bush and spotted the intruder!! "Breathe" I said to myself. Suddenly, I felt a
big, gnarled, claw grab my shoulder. I froze, my feet felt like bricks and all I could do was laugh at what had grabbed me. The coat tree! I let out a sigh of relief and was feeling a bit silly until I poured myself a good stiff drink. But, those eyes...  I know I saw them glowing, it had to have been realbog hag eyes! The only way my super-man undies remained dry, was that the hag had put a little bit of bog juice stuff over her boobs. With her hair
in her eyes, she was moving in beat to the rythm of the devil's drums. Thinking fast, I called a guy with huge brains and a metal ring in his underpants.  He was not the usual superhero on duty.  But he would not hesitate to do his job. He arrived carrying the Dyson Hag-O-Matic. Expertly, he suckedher eyes out - all three! But, she got away. She didn't get past the giant Dane of Glory, however she did hypnotize him with her Hagg-o Ray

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Faux Newfie
« on: August 30, 2007, 02:16:54 pm »
Wow!  That's alot of hair!   :D  You should make a sweater out of it!  And give it to a doggie that needs a sweater in the winter!  :D ;)

Anything Non-Dog Related / Crones Disease
« on: August 30, 2007, 02:14:34 pm »
Does anybody know anything about Crones Disease?  My baby sister who is only 20 years old was just diagnosed with that as well as Interstitial Cistitus (sp?).  I don't know much about either disease, so I just thought I'd ask you guys while I do other research.  I'm sacred and worried for her.  She's gone through so much in her short life, I hope that she is able to get treatment, but from what the docs say, her choices are limited.  If only a small part of her bowels are in Necropsis then she may be treatable with Steroids, but if she has too much damage, my poor baby sister might have to spend the rest of her life with a colostomy bag.  I don't know what to do to help her.

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