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Messages - Ali

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I forwarded it to the shelter I used to foster for when I lived in St. Petersburg, FL, which is about 2-3 hours north of Bonita Springs. Horrible stuff...

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: New
« on: July 09, 2008, 07:37:43 pm »
Welcome to BPO - Lots of Dane people here. And we will all badger you mercilessly until you post pics of Dale! ;D

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: I went to the Doctor Update!!!
« on: July 09, 2008, 10:22:46 am »
Sorry about the BP - I hope you're ok! Kinda funny that you've been wishing and hoping to get going, and now you'll be tryin' to hold her in until hubby gets home! July is Cancer the Crab - I have two Cancer babies and they are both super sweet and super mellow!

YAY!!! OMG, soooo cute!!! I want to smoosh my face into her furry little self!!!! Oh, she is well worth the wait. So it's funny that he's a she. How about Mister Sister? ::)


The link says ADOPTED now! Yay for Reba! She's very pretty...

RE: mouthing - I just took a puppy class with Kai, my dobie/aussie mix. They said to put 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water in a spray bottle. Say NO and spray the pup's nose for any behavior that is totally a no-no, like nipping, jumping, garbage digging, barking, counter surfing. I gotta say, it worked like a CHAMP for Kai. They suggested setting up the poor pup to get the correction, like put something temping on the counter or in the trash can, then do the correction when they go for it. Kai responds great to the spray bottle. She smells a little like salad dressing after a while, though.  :P Good luck!

You could try teaching him a "leave it" command...By the way, I love the "park it" command! I never think of funny things like that to train mine with in time - it's always after I teach them something like "go to bed" for going in the crate that I think "gee, I should have made it funny, like 'go to jail' !" Ah well.

I think I can safely assume that we all detest the selling of puppies in pet stores, for a laundry list of reasons. My question is, what happens to the puppies that don't get purchased? The ones that, for whatever reason, become several months old in a pet store cage, and STILL don't get bought even when their prices are "clearanced" or whatever. I can't imagine that they ALL get bought at some point. So what happens? Do they go to rescues? Are they euthanized? Are they sent back to the BYB's? Just curious. I have an unbalanced "acquaintence" that is a serial dog owner. While she has gone through rescues before (obviously presented well enough to get through screening - scary thought), she most recently got a dane at a breeder, then purchased a "clearance" goldendoodle on a whim because she said that the dog would be PTS if it wasn't sold, and it was already 4 months old or so. Like I said, unbalanced. Won't even GO into her pet history. Wish I could do something but I can't. Just curious about her rationalizatio n for purchasing her doodle. She done that before, last year, with a spaniel who was "clearanced". She ended up giving the dog away to a family that was too broke to go adopt one (I know, I know...) So, what happens to the pups at the stores, really? Are there policies for that situation, or is it an individual store's discretion? Does anyone know? (Again, let me emphasize the word "acquaintence". The only child she has is being raised by his dad and myself - oops! Have I said too much??) :P

Old English Mastiff Discussions / Re: How to Water Your Mastiff
« on: July 08, 2008, 05:12:30 pm »
That is soooo cute!! What big lazy happy boy you have! His face is like "ahhhh, this is the life!" I think I'll come kidnap Roscoe after I snatch up Atticus and Phelan. (Hmmm...they are all brindle...a pattern?? :o)

So cute - congrats!!

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Not again!!
« on: July 04, 2008, 06:10:04 pm »
Kai had a recent episode of that nastiness. It lasted for like a week, even though I was treating her and feeding her rice and broth ,etc... I took her in, and her sample was clear for any of the usual suspects, but they put her on antibiotics and she "firmed" right up. No clue what it was, but it's gone now...Good luck!

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: I went to the hospital...
« on: July 04, 2008, 06:06:45 pm »
It's hard to wait, isn't it?? I was lucky, sort of (not to brag! ;)) - two of my kids were 10 days early. BUT, my last baby was 6 weeks early, which was terrifying (everything went perfectly and he was absolutely fine, though). With my first child, I was not that anxious because I was kind of scared. It was ok with me if that pregnancy went on forever!! I had a scheduled C-section, and I remember calling on a Monday to set up the appointment, thinking they'd schedule me in about 2 weeks. They said "How about Friday?" I was all stuttery and stupid, like "Friday? THIS Friday? Ummm, ok, sure, Friday." Turns out, I went into labor on that Wednesday evening and the c-section was the next day!! My daughter is STILL like that - "I'll let YOU know when I'm ready!!" and the stinker is about to turn 9!!

Ah, how FRUSTRATING! This may be a stupid question, but have you mentioned in your messages to the H.S. that the store was supposed to have called you when the other people were a no show, so technically, he really is "yours" - it's just a matter of paperwork... ;) Figures this would have to be over the weekend, just to torment you! Try, if you can, to enjoy your weekend - maybe spend some time thinking of a name for him! It's bound to work out... :)

That stinks. Can you just go to the humane society and get him? He looked really tiny for 17 weeks, though. I hope he's ok...

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