Author Topic: i hate people who judge breeds  (Read 16174 times)

Offline brandon

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Re: i hate people who judge breeds
« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2005, 12:42:01 am »
You can't trust dogs like that,, gotta watch out for 'em, they will steal your toast! :)
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Re: i hate people who judge breeds
« Reply #16 on: September 26, 2005, 12:43:06 am »
I was absolutely FURIOUS. The animal control guy finally ended up leaving, and APOLIGIZING to me. He tried to tell me that even if my dog is in MY yard with MY kids, he still has to be on a leash, he could write me a ticket, blah, blah, blah, blah....and I'm like...."Dude. I'm about to file assault charges on this guy. I think you need to leave now. Do you really want to give ME sh..t when this man harrassed a couple of KIDS grooming their dog? Not to mention....ABU SING MY DOG?" He was like, "Um, no ma'am. I'm sorry." And he left. I called the post office and reported the guy. He never delivered our mail after that. We had a new mailman.

I did see the guy (mailman) one other time, and I was like, "Oh, hi. You're the sorry, sad little man that finds it interesting to curse at children and abuse dogs. It must be so sad to be you. I feel terrible for you." He just looked at me like I was nuts. But, we both knew that I was right and that he's pathetic.

Offline Jen and Rick

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Re: i hate people who judge breeds
« Reply #17 on: September 26, 2005, 12:58:10 am »
Angelsmom-Cabeza says, "Aw, shucks. Thank ya, ma'am." hehehehe!

Coonie...wooh! Let me tell you my mail man story! hahahaha! One day, my daughter and her friend were in the front yard with Cabeza. They were brushing him. The mail man walks up and says, "You little a$$holes, put that dog away!" The kids, who at this time are like, 10, say, "What? He's nice, he won't hurt you." And the mail man starts YELLING AND CURSING (more) at these two ten year olds! So, Cabeza starts barking at him! The mailman HITS AND KICKS Cabeza and tells the kids that they are two SOB's and runs away.  The kids and Cabeza come in, and as they are telling us the story, ANIMAL CONTROL shows up about a BIG VICIOUS BLACK DOG. I'm like, 'HELLO?! THis mailman calls my TEN YEAR OLD DAUGHTER an a$$hole, and yells at her, and my dog barks and the DOG is vicious?" I think that the mailman needs to be investigated! I couldn't believe it!

Oh wow, I am just afraid of what I would do if someone came into my yard and abused children and my dog!!  I'm furious and my stomach hurts just thinking of it!

Once a woman kicked at Emma as we were walking on a sidewalk.  Emma was leashed, and she looked over at the woman (just curious, not mean).  I did a quick correct, but then as we were almost past, the woman kicked out at Miss Em.  Well, I turned around and gave her h*ll.  She threatened to call the police on my dog, and I whipped out my cel phone and said, let's do that right now, because you are NOT going to be kicking dogs who haven't done a thing to you.  She shut up, and we moved on, but good grief it was an ugly situation.



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Re: i hate people who judge breeds
« Reply #18 on: September 26, 2005, 01:02:14 am »
OMG - What is it with these people?!?!  This is just insanity.  If someone kicked my dog, they would see the Irish temper come out in all it's glory.  I don't have any kids, but if I saw someone treat my nieces that way....there is NO telling what I would've done. 

Some people should just be drawn and quartered.

Offline ZooCrew

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Re: i hate people who judge breeds
« Reply #19 on: September 26, 2005, 02:43:29 am »
I can't believe some people.  That mailman would have been fired if it happened to me or my family.

Too bad I never think of anything to say until after the fact, otherwise I would have had plenty of words with people over the years.  I have never had problems with anyone saying anything about MY dogs, but I have heard general comments about dog at our dog park.  It really upsets me that people judge a dog before even meeting it.

Offline Anky

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Re: i hate people who judge breeds
« Reply #20 on: September 26, 2005, 02:58:33 am »
These stories are horrible.  I don't have one of the "Bad Breeds' persay, but if I have the dogs out, everyone goes for Araby first.  I think it's hysterical because Araby is a psycho crazy banshee on lead.  She'll walk on her back legs for blocks, spin in circles, drag our 380 pound Polynesian friend down the road.  She's a nut job.  Sanity and Hobo will sit there SO well behaved with nothing but their butts wiggling (Especially when kids are involved) and people will walk around them to go to the spotted pogo stick.  It just floors me.  Don't get me wrong, Araby loves people and ADORES kids, and is really good with them, but if I had the choice between going up to one of two well behaved dogs or the one that looked like it was on crack, I'd take the good ones.  I asked one lady why she went to Araby as opposed to the boys and she said "She just looks more welcoming then the other two do.  They're kind of scary."  My poor boys :(
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Re: i hate people who judge breeds
« Reply #21 on: September 26, 2005, 07:38:37 am »
Some people are just dumb sometimes.  It's horrible to judge a dog (or their owner) by the breed of dog, but sadly it's done all too often.  I know Great Pyrenees are "supposed" to be all white...but if they aren't...who cares?  Once in a while, we get some snob asking "aren't they supposed to be all white?" or "Hmph...isn't she a bit big for a girl?"  Come on...give me a break! These people are so silly....When you think about it, it's almost like asking a person why their child doesn't have blonde hair and blue eyes competing in beauty pageants.  Much less asking why their kid is so tall for a girl. Doesn't this sound ridiculous to anyone else but me?  People who judge a dog by its breed, are the same people who will judge a person by their skin color.  It's the same thing.  Everyone is gs included.  Not everyone is "perfect", but it doesn't mean that they aren't loved.   I wouldn't change Roxy's gray patches and black face for anything!  So what if she's a little bigger than most females?  That means there is that much more of her for everyone to love!! 

One of my favorite quotes---

   "If you love it, then it's perfect" 

Think about it...its true!  We all love our dogs, no matter their shape, size or color.  I'm pretty sure that the majority of you wouldn't change a thing about their fur I right? 

Offline PrettySurvivor

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Re: i hate people who judge breeds
« Reply #22 on: September 26, 2005, 08:24:51 am »
I can't agree more.  It irks me when people speak out of ignorance against a breed.  Preferablly against pit bulls  (I'm so sick of hearing that age old debate).  I dont own one nor have I ever, but that doesnt mean I will speak out of foolishiness b/c of some dumb stereo type.   Not every dog is bad b/c of size shape or color.  I have the same problem with people who open their month & assume my pet is aggressive b/c they see a curled tail & think Oh-My an Akita ( and lions & tigers, & bears!).. If those type of people had half a brain they would  research or do their homework before speaking.  Whew I feel better! ;-)


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Re: i hate people who judge breeds
« Reply #23 on: September 26, 2005, 11:28:34 am »
its nothing but canine racism... people dont judge all whites for what the kkk did , so whats the difference.. there is none..  >:(


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Re: i hate people who judge breeds
« Reply #24 on: September 26, 2005, 11:39:14 am »
  I know Great Pyrenees are "supposed" to be all white...but if they aren't...who cares?  Once in a while, we get some snob asking "aren't they supposed to be all white?"    I wouldn't change Roxy's gray patches and black face for anything!
Around 65% of all Pyr pups are born with color but only 18% will keep that color into adulthood...Th ey are definitely not "supposed' to be all white...Anyone that thinks any different obviously has no real knowlege of the breed...My Pippin's father has the most gorgeous face mask & color on his body & he has been shown & won!!!...Samson has quite alot of color....The breed standard states no more than 1/3 of their body should have color...Your Roxy is just gorgeous & a very pretty Pyr!!!....I know breeders who try to get their bitches to "throw some color" by mating her with a stud with colored markings...It is desired...I actually prefer the adult Pyrs with color because it is more uncomman than finding an unmarked adult!

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Re: i hate people who judge breeds
« Reply #25 on: September 26, 2005, 01:37:37 pm »
I know whay you all mean. I use to have a pit bull who was the best dog. and when we were staying with my parents while we were buy our house some one poisoned him in their fenced back yard only 2 weeks before we closed on our house. we never did find out who did it, but I do know they fed it to him because our other dog was back there with him and nothing happen to him. It makes me so mad what people are capable of doing.


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Re: i hate people who judge breeds
« Reply #26 on: September 26, 2005, 08:24:32 pm »
Wow. This actually is hitting a bit closer to home today than yesterday.

Without boring everyone with the whole long story (I've told it before here)....

About a year ago, Mark (my BF) went to my apartment to look for me and accidentally let my American Bulldog/Pit out. Not a huge big deal or anything. So, Bo was peeing out in the yard and a lady and her boyfriend walked by. They were loud and goofy (he thinks they were drunk or something...I think they were crackheads....)anyway, Bo runs up to them. He was not quite a year old and kinda stupid. So,he runs up to her, and she SCREAMS like someone is bludgeoning her to death with an axe. Bo jumps up on her, cuz he was hyper and stupid (We were working on the jumping up thing) and anyway, she runs over to the neighbor's porch and grabs a broom, and starts beating him, and her boyfriend throws a cinder block at him. (It didn't hit him, but broke right next to him). Mark gets the dogs in, comes back to check on the lady, and she's gone. He calls me (I'm at my mom's) and I rush home. He told me that he was pretty sure that Bo didn't bite the lady, just scared the crap outta her. (You know how SCARY pitbulls look... ::) ) So, we kinda hung out for awhile seeing if she'd come back, and then we went to my mom's. Didn't think anything of it.

Next day, animal control shows up, they confiscate BOTH of our dogs (Bo AND Cabeza the sweet and good) and say that both dogs "mauled" this lady and they are going to be euthanized immediately.

Anyway...THREE WEEKS LATER....they euthanize Bo and give us Cabeza back. Totally stressful.

Well, we just got a summons. She's SUING us. For "unspecified" damage. WHAT?! Doesn't that mean, "FOR WHATEVER THE JURY WILL GIVE MY GOLD-DIGGIN" A$$"? My flipping dog is DEAD. She BAILED, so I couldn't even see if she was hurt or whatever, and its been a YEAR.

I HATE people that judge breeds like that. If I walked up to someone, and they hit me with a broom and threw cinder blocks at me, I might not be too nice, either.

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Re: i hate people who judge breeds
« Reply #27 on: September 26, 2005, 09:47:14 pm »
oh my gosh!  That is soo horrible!  I am so sorry...  I'm sure the judge will throw the case out.
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Re: i hate people who judge breeds
« Reply #28 on: September 26, 2005, 10:11:39 pm »
Its sad that some people are scared of our Big Paws just because of their breed.  I deal with that with Faust, but I  sometimes have the opposite problem. 

It usually happens either when we're out, or if people stop by the house. People will go running at Mojo, my aussie and just start trying to hug and cuddle him.  The usual comment is "Oh look at the Lassie dog!" and because Mojo is fluffy and has the white collar and blaze thing going on, they expect him to be this lovable stuffed dog.  Then they look over at Faust and are like "Yikes, a big bad German Shepherd!".   :P  Then you should see the looks on their faces when I tell them that Faust is the loveable mush, and Mojo is NOT a Lassie dog and out of any of the crew, he's the one that they should watch out for.   ::) 

It breaks my heart seeing aussies becoming so popular because of their looks and then people turn around and dump them because they're a protective, high energy herding dog and don't act like labs/goldens in funny colored fur.   :'( 

But then again, that's why I love them.....
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Re: i hate people who judge breeds
« Reply #29 on: September 26, 2005, 10:13:03 pm »
I hope so, Rachel. Unfortunately, we have to hire a lawyer, so we still have to pay for that even if the judge doesn't award her anything. We're meeting with the attorney in about an hour, so I'll let everyone know what he thinks.

Its not like I don't want to take responsibility for the actions of my dog, its just that I KNOW that the only reason that this is even going this far is cuz he was a big scary mean vicious Pitbull. And nobody even considers the fact that A) he's mostly American Bulldog, and B) he was A NICE DOG. But, people don't know anything about dog behavior. So, if I say, "Yeah, he jumped up on her." Its like I'm admitting he mauled her. It couldn't simply be that he wanted to jump up and lick her in the eye like he did with everyone. (Annoying, I know...but not mauling)