Author Topic: HOT SEAT #8 - Mastiffmommy!!! Time to fess up, Marit!  (Read 19460 times)

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Re: HOT SEAT #8 - Mastiffmommy!!! Time to fess up, Marit!
« Reply #15 on: December 12, 2005, 10:50:43 am »

wow, you all are really nailing a girl to the wall here lol

You said that you "are passionate about animal rights."  Which rights do you think animals have?

Since I am passionate about it, I could write a book here, but Ill spare you  ;D, somewhat short.... basically I think all animals have the right to a good life. Meaning, the animals we raise for food, should be kept in a respectful way, when they are being transported, that should be done in enough room, not too long and we should never have to see animals dead because they were so exhausted they could not stand and got stepped on by everyone else in the transport. When slaughtered it should be done quickly and painless, and with as little stress as possible. An example, veal is not okay in my book, what gives us the right to torture a baby cow, take it from its mom, basically straight away, be on a diat so the blood count is so low that they are too weak to stand up, and kept in small small areas, just so we can get a white cow meat?

The animals we keep as pets, their rights I think is to, since they did not ask for being born, bought or kept by someone, they should be given the care and love they deserve, noone held a gun to someones head and told them to get a dog or a cat, so the ones who choose to become animal owners, should have to take responsiblity.

Wild animals should be allowed to live in a habitat that is not all togeter mangled by humans, taken over by us and then when we take over THEIR grounds, we decide they have to go because they are in OUR way.

I believe clinical tests on animals should only be done when no other methods are available and only for things that truly benefit medicine and the cure of deseases. And when done they should have enought room and respect to live at the least a semi good life

Something I've wondered: Lots of people say they try to be tolerant and think it is a good thing.  Do you think that intolerance ought to be tolerated?  Or is that an exception?

haha, guess I have to contredict myself here. Yes I do believe people should be tolerant, as to color, race, religion and a number of things of course. But on the other hand should we tolerate sex offenders? no. So I guess my answer has to go back to the fact that I believe in relativism, and will say that depending on what intolerance it is, maybe it should or shouldnt be tolerated, hahaha my defence for that confused answer is that I after all do believe in relativism.  ;D

Which of the ancient philosophers do you think came closest to the truth?  Epicurius?  Aristotle?  Plato?  Another?  Or do you know nothing about them?  (And why do I tend to think you would pick Epicurius?  ;D)

You are totally rigtht hehe, I pick Epicurius, mind you there is the epicurian paradox, which I dont totally agree with, but yes compared to Aristotle and Plato (who would be the one Id choose the least) Id definately pick Epicurius

What is your opinion of women's rights and feminism?

I personally dont like the word feminism  ;) I think it is pretty simple though, same work same pay, same rights, women are not in any way, shape or form under the man (get your minds out of the gutter pleeeazzze  ::)) Then again, there are certain things men in general are better at, and women are better at other things and I think there is nothing wrong with accepting that.

Now for the final question...Do you like semi-sweet chocolate or milk?  :D

Thank you Sofia hahaha a simple one, milk chocolate, and european please lol

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Re: HOT SEAT #8 - Mastiffmommy!!! Time to fess up, Marit!
« Reply #16 on: December 12, 2005, 11:21:54 am »
If you had to choose would you rather:

1) Have a great kiss or cuddle all night long

2) Go see a movie or read a great book

3) Clean up doggy doo or doggy vomit

4) Clean slime off of the walls or clean the bathrooms

5) Pizza or hamburgers

6) Drink Coke or Pepsi

7) Eat chocolate or ice cream

8 ) Have 10 kids or 10 dogs

9) Live on the beach or in the snow

10) Have an annoying song stuck in your head all day long or sit by an annoying person on a plane

11) How did you know that your hubby was "the one"?
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.

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Re: HOT SEAT #8 - Mastiffmommy!!! Time to fess up, Marit!
« Reply #17 on: December 12, 2005, 11:26:00 am »
First, some questions about Sweden... What part of Sweden are you from?  Have you ever been to Falun (my husband's family is from there)?  We may have an exchange student from Lapland next year--do you know anything about that area?

I have moved a lot since I was a child, but for the last several years I lived near Gothenburg, about 45 min north east if it. No I have never been to Falun, it is in the very north of Sweden, it is very pretty there though, mind you lots of mosquetoes lol. How fun that you might have an exchange student. I know a little about Lappland, it is the area in Sweden where the very small native population live. Something that is rather special about that area is that, lots of people who have "farms" have deer farms rather than pigs or cows. They are being bred and kept for meat, milk and the skin once they are slaughtered for food. It is a big area compared to how few people live there, of course you have cities, but you also have families that have an hour or more to the closest store. So it is quite a special place

How long have you been here?  How often do you go back? 

I have been here as a premanent resident for, well it was 5 years in october. I have not been back for hmmm almost two years now, since I am the only child and my mother passed away a few years ago, it is easier for my dad to come here, than us going there with all the kids

If someone were going to visit Sweden for just one week, what would you recommend as the "must see" or "must do" things for a first visit?

That is a hard question, but since it is impossible to get a feel for the entire sweden in one week, I would have to say, a few days in stockholm, our capital and its surrounding, see the castle, the "old town" with its narrow cobblestone streets, well just a very nice place (in the summer lol) then a few days in and around Gothenburg and the west coast there, with all the little islands, very very pretty

What, besides your family and friends, do you miss most about living in Sweden?

I miss many things, but something that is almost on a daily basis something that in one way or another come up, is that Sweden is much  more organized, things are more efficiant run, for example, when you want a passport here, it takes weeks, when you apply for one there, you have it in your hand three or at the very very most four days later. The technology is ahead there, or at least the use of it

What do you like most about living in the US?  What do you like least?

Also a lot of different things, but one thing is that since it is much larger here, much more of a mix of cultures, I think people in general tend to be a bit more open minded. Also in Sweden it is more hmmm pressure to look right I guess you can say, very fashion minded, both when it comes to people and their homes. But I am sure the fact that I live in NC, the south lol has something to do with how I think it is more relaxed here  ;D

The least, well two things the health system here really suck, sorry guys  ;) And since animal rescue is what I have done for so long, I see a huge difference in how far it has come in sweden compared to here, and that is very saddening

Now the hard questions... Do you fold or crinkle your toilet paper?

Yup, that is a hard one hehe, I am a crinkler lol

Do you leave the water running while you brush your teeth?

yes leave the water on

Coke or Pepsi?

I must have damaged taste buds, because I just cant taste the difference lol, but I like the kind with lemon or lime

Paper or plastic?

I now know what I am going to introduce in NC hehe, paper bags with handles. I use plastic because it is kinda hard to carry 20 bags without handles, yes the buggy from the store, but they have to get into the house too, and why go twice when you can break your back and do it only once  ;D

Brad Pitt or George Clooney? 

George Clooney


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Re: HOT SEAT #8 - Mastiffmommy!!! Time to fess up, Marit!
« Reply #18 on: December 12, 2005, 11:31:22 am »
What's your middle name?


Are you a tough chick? or a softy?

depends on what. I am a real softy when it comes to my animals, well I guess when you cry so hard you make funny noices watching the notebook I guess that qualifies you as a softy lol. I can be tough though, I know I can I know I can  :P 

Ever gotten into a fist fight?

:-[ yes once, I was very young and well not totally sober and well not proud of that at all, so if anyone under the age of 21 read this (yes including you Nicki haha) never ever get that stupid k?
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Re: HOT SEAT #8 - Mastiffmommy!!! Time to fess up, Marit!
« Reply #19 on: December 12, 2005, 11:43:58 am »
What is your favorite meal to eat out?

I tend to eat all kinds of pasta when eating out, or fish

What is your favorite meal to cook at home?

Hmmm I like to cook, salmon though is one of my favorites

What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
Surviving it, (obviously), would you do it again?

haha I have done a lot of crazy things, maybe not REAL crazy though. When I was about 6 or so, I got an urge to see if parachuting worked with a grocery bag, I went up on the garage roof and happy go lucky I jumped off, with running start and all  :o That was when I learnt that some shrubs are very "thorny", and nooooo haha I would not do that again. As a little older probably 17 or so, I got really really mad at my parents, we were at our summer house on an island, as the rebell I was, I was not going to stay there, so in lack or any cars on this island, I took our sailing boat and was going to the main land. The sailing boat was a 36 foot boat, not at all intended to be sailed by a single person, especially not a 17 year old lol. Lets say, it was not my smarts that made live thought that. My dad took a motor boat and came after me, and than goodnes for that, it was rather windy and I would probably have been out there still had it not been for him  ::)

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Re: HOT SEAT #8 - Mastiffmommy!!! Time to fess up, Marit!
« Reply #20 on: December 12, 2005, 11:56:23 am »
If you had to choose would you rather:

1) Have a great kiss or cuddle all night long

Cuddle all night long, the kiss only lasts for so long, and very few are all that great anyways lol, and with cuddle you can always try and get a good foot rub in lol

2) Go see a movie or read a great book

I like comfort lol so Id rather see that movie at home, with my feet up and relaxed in the couch, so if it is actually going out to the movies I would choose the great book

3) Clean up doggy doo or doggy vomit

Poop, no doubt

4) Clean slime off of the walls or clean the bathrooms

slime off the walls  ;D

5) Pizza or hamburgers

pizza with spinach

6) Drink Coke or Pepsi

Had it before  :D, there is I am sure something wrong with my taste buds because I dont taske the difference

7) Eat chocolate or ice cream

Darn I want both  ::) But chocolate ice cream is good too, so that would be it

8 ) Have 10 kids or 10 dogs

That question to a mom of one teenage girl, one preteen boy and a stubborn 5 year old, the easiest question of them all 10 DOGS  ;D

9) Live on the beach or in the snow

on the beach

10) Have an annoying song stuck in your head all day long or sit by an annoying person on a plane

hahahaha easy I would rather have 5 annoying songs stuck in my head. Lets just say that the flight from London to Charlotte is about 8 hours, THOSE HOURS CAN BE VERY VERY LONG IF YOU SIT BY AN ANNOYING PERSON WHO JUST WONT SHUT UP  >:( Then add the fact that you travel with small children and you get off the plane as a total wreck hehe

11) How did you know that your hubby was "the one"?

I think thats the thing, you JUST know it, you cant really put your finger on why, it is just a feeling, and you know when you have it  :D
what the lion is to a cat, the mastiff is to a dog


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Re: HOT SEAT #8 - Mastiffmommy!!! Time to fess up, Marit!
« Reply #21 on: December 12, 2005, 02:19:46 pm »
along the TP line:  do you have the roll flap side out of behind on the roller thingy?

What are you undeniably additced to?

Favorite Radio station (format) ?

do you prefer a cell phone with or without a camera/MP3 player/text messages?

having driven through NC in heavy traffic...what erks you most about driving there? 

What do you do at red lights when people won't move?

Do you go on yellow or stop?

Do people go on red and stop on green there too? 

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Re: HOT SEAT #8 - Mastiffmommy!!! Time to fess up, Marit!
« Reply #22 on: December 12, 2005, 04:18:49 pm »
along the TP line:  do you have the roll flap side out of behind on the roller thingy?

It HAS to be on the outside, Chris still hasnt learnt just HOW important that is, if it is the wrong way i have to take it out and put it back "right" again  :P

What are you undeniably additced to?

coffee, lotsa lotsa coffee

Favorite Radio station (format) ?

mixed easy going music, where they DO tell who it was, I hate when I listen to a station and I hear something I really like and noone tells you what they were playing

do you prefer a cell phone with or without a camera/MP3 player/text messages?

I like the camera, I actually use that lol, I hardly ever text message so I could easily live without that

having driven through NC in heavy traffic...what erks you most about driving there?

people not using their turn signal and the ones who makes you having to slam the breaks to not run into them when they change lanes  

What do you do at red lights when people won't move?

If it is a place where the intervalls are quite long, I am patient, but if it is one of them lights where it is green approx 3 sec's I go a bit crazy I guess hehe, I do the honk horn, not the looong almost nice kind of honk, I do the beep beep beep beeeeeeep  ::)

Do you go on yellow or stop?

I totally go

Do people go on red and stop on green there too? 

ahahaha by there do you mean Sweden or NC, but it really doesnt matter because same both places yes. haaaaa you thought you had me there didnt you, no lins we do not go on red and stop on green hahaha
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Re: HOT SEAT #8 - Mastiffmommy!!! Time to fess up, Marit!
« Reply #23 on: December 12, 2005, 04:22:14 pm »
i can't pull one over on you at all! :)
People here stop at green lights.  I hate it.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2005, 04:23:17 pm by lins_saving_grace »

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Re: HOT SEAT #8 - Mastiffmommy!!! Time to fess up, Marit!
« Reply #24 on: December 12, 2005, 04:26:59 pm »
lol yeah that is kinda bad lol. I guess I have seen it here once or twice, but I guess Ive been thinking ohhhh well old lady in hat haha, and I think I in another post said, it is good to be tolerant and here I am with a statement like that  ;D

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Re: HOT SEAT #8 - Mastiffmommy!!! Time to fess up, Marit!
« Reply #25 on: December 12, 2005, 04:31:59 pm »
lol yeah that is kinda bad lol. I guess I have seen it here once or twice, but I guess Ive been thinking ohhhh well old lady in hat haha, and I think I in another post said, it is good to be tolerant and here I am with a statement like that  ;D

:)  Tolerance is a hard quaility to maintain.

So...on with the show.

what is the neatest bridge you have ever crossed (where and when)?

do you like the water?  ever been on a cruise?

what would you like your fortune cookie to say if you could pick your fortune?

can you touch your nose with your tongue?

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Re: HOT SEAT #8 - Mastiffmommy!!! Time to fess up, Marit!
« Reply #26 on: December 12, 2005, 06:28:34 pm »

What do you do at red lights when people won't move?

If it is a place where the intervalls are quite long, I am patient, but if it is one of them lights where it is green approx 3 sec's I go a bit crazy I guess hehe, I do the honk horn, not the looong almost nice kind of honk, I do the beep beep beep beeeeeeep  ::)

It's funny how in some parts of the world, especially in NYC, honking is just part of driving, no big deal.  But in other parts, like here in Cali, people only honk if they are P.O'd and everybody gets all worked up and the middle fingers start flying.  Good times....  ;D

Here's a few more:

Most attractive physical feature on a man:  Tight buns, six-pack, Big Chest, Muscley Arms, or Rugged Jawline?

Most attractive physical feature on a woman:  Ample breasts, curvy hips, big booty, shapely legs, flat stomach or nice cheekbones? 

Skiing or Snowboarding?

Favorite Salad Dressing?

Do you think husbands deserve 1 chore free day to do what they want?

Is there Intelligent Life elsewhere in the Universe?  Why or why not?
« Last Edit: December 12, 2005, 07:01:49 pm by Newf Lover »
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Re: HOT SEAT #8 - Mastiffmommy!!! Time to fess up, Marit!
« Reply #27 on: December 12, 2005, 07:15:28 pm »
lol yeah that is kinda bad lol. I guess I have seen it here once or twice, but I guess Ive been thinking ohhhh well old lady in hat haha, and I think I in another post said, it is good to be tolerant and here I am with a statement like that  ;D

:)  Tolerance is a hard quaility to maintain.

So...on with the show.

what is the neatest bridge you have ever crossed (where and when)?

There are no neat bridges, well not to cross over anyway, I have a giant fear of hights, if the bridge is really really small and low I can keep my eyes open, but the bigger ones I have to remeber to breathe deep to not panic, I have to close my eyes and try not to think about how hight up we are. I HAD to drive over a bridge in Tampa, Fl not very big, I guess but big enough. If you'd poked me I would have fell over still stiff in the same position I sat when driving lol. Not having to cross over, of course Golden Gate is a grand picture

do you like the water?  ever been on a cruise?

I love the water, the ocean, not quite so fond of lakes but they are good too. Done bunches of sailing and not much beats when the sails are up, and you only hear the sound from the boat cutting the water. I have not been on a cruise, I have been going by cruise ships to both denmark, germany, finland and england from sweden though, but that is more like a transportation there, but yet more of a part of the vacation than if you fly, it takes about 24 hours to england

what would you like your fortune cookie to say if you could pick your fortune?

The ones near and dear to you will have good health

can you touch your nose with your tongue?

totally glad you cant see me now hehe, I can not touch the tip (is that even possible lol) but if I try real hard I can touch the spot between the nostrils hahahaha, Mattias is looking funny at me
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Re: HOT SEAT #8 - Mastiffmommy!!! Time to fess up, Marit!
« Reply #28 on: December 12, 2005, 07:28:34 pm »
Quote from: mastiffmommy link=topic=6142.msg79066#msg79066

what is the neatest bridge you have ever crossed (where and when)?

There are no neat bridges, well not to cross over anyway, I have a giant fear of hights, if the bridge is really really small and low I can keep my eyes open, but the bigger ones I have to remeber to breathe deep to not panic, I have to close my eyes and try not to think about how hight up we are. I HAD to drive over a bridge in Tampa, Fl not very big, I guess but big enough. If you'd poked me I would have fell over still stiff in the same position I sat when driving lol. Not having to cross over, of course Golden Gate is a grand picture.[/color]

You want to see a tall bridge?  Check this one out in Millau France!  The tallest suspension bridge in the world!  Not for the height sensitive!
« Last Edit: December 12, 2005, 07:29:27 pm by Newf Lover »
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Re: HOT SEAT #8 - Mastiffmommy!!! Time to fess up, Marit!
« Reply #29 on: December 12, 2005, 07:39:05 pm »

What do you do at red lights when people won't move?

If it is a place where the intervalls are quite long, I am patient, but if it is one of them lights where it is green approx 3 sec's I go a bit crazy I guess hehe, I do the honk horn, not the looong almost nice kind of honk, I do the beep beep beep beeeeeeep  ::)

It's funny how in some parts of the world, especially in NYC, honking is just part of driving, no big deal.  But in other parts, like here in Cali, people only honk if they are P.O'd and everybody gets all worked up and the middle fingers start flying.  Good times....  ;D

Here's a few more:

Most attractive physical feature on a man:  Tight buns, six-pack, Big Chest, Muscley Arms, or Rugged Jawline?

I'll take them all thank you  ;D If I cant have it all hmmm I like muscley arms, but a rugged jawline is as masculine if not more, so either of the two  :P

Most attractive physical feature on a woman:  Ample breasts, curvy hips, big booty, shapely legs, flat stomach or nice cheekbones?

Im not really into women  :P But curvy hips and flat stomach dang I dont know haha why do you have to ask me that, okay I go for flat stomach, I still remember what it was like before the kids when I had one  ::) 

Skiing or Snowboarding?

If the skiing is cross country thats my pick, if the skiing is downhill, Id have to pick snowboard, I would be flat on my belly hanging on as if my life depended on it (which it probably did) both downhill alternatives include being high up  :o

Favorite Salad Dressing?


Do you think husbands deserve 1 chore free day to do what they want?

I am now laughing out loud. I am an at home mom remember, my husband dont have any chores, well he mowes the lawn but other than that no. But yes I do, Chris has  his pool night once a week. But so does wives, says one who is in desperate need of a looooong vacation hehe

Is there Intelligent Life elsewhere in the Universe?  Why or why not?

Yes, you hear arguments that the living conditions here on earth, that makes it possible for us to exist, can not be found anywhere else. But that statement means we assume that all intelligent form of life need what we need, and I just dont see how you can base something we dont know anything about on our own needs. For all I know whatever it is, might not need oxygen or water, they may rely on other things. I just dont belive of all the planets, moons and solar systems there are, that the earth should be the one and only place
what the lion is to a cat, the mastiff is to a dog