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Messages - fivestartaylor

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Great Dane Discussions / Re: Thinking about taking on another Dane
« on: July 27, 2007, 10:16:12 pm »
Dunno yet ... she's still pretty touch and go at times, but they think they can get her to pull through this.

Husband is giving me the cold shoulder ... kids are happy though. I am taking them tommorrow after my sons B-Day party.

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Thinking about taking on another Dane
« on: July 27, 2007, 03:56:23 pm »
Oh she's a sweety alright, she is a blue merle (what i planned on getting next) she is skin and bones... mostly bones but she is so sweet. I knelt beside her and she started licking my ear and i couldn't figure out why ( my kids and I were making cookies b-4 we left and apparently I had residue in my hair and around my ear) she is pretty pitiful right now, but i gave them $600 and told them to get her as good as they could and then I would come get her when she was stable enough- after all if I can get her home I can always take her to our reg vet if needed for anymore special care

Hubby is so gonna shoot me but he'll get over it!!!

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Thinking about taking on another Dane
« on: July 26, 2007, 10:27:23 pm »
Going to go after work tonight to have a look and sit with her for awhile.Pup needs lots o lovins, so I may be out late tonight smoochin with the poor thing.

Reebok cut him off too!!!! YAY - doing happy dance in my cubicle!!! LOL. Its only gonna get worse too.

Great Dane Discussions / Thinking about taking on another Dane
« on: July 26, 2007, 09:09:32 pm »
OK so I was reading about this Pitbull who was found wandering the streets after someone set it on fire here in Indy today and in the article they mentioned a female great dane that animal control had picked up , someone chained her to a tree and let her starve almost to death shes 3 years old and so emaciated she can barely walk but I called animal control and offered my time and money to get her back up and going ok again, they told me I could have first bid on adoption if I helped now... my only concern is for a dog that has been so mistreated i kinda feel iffy because of my little kids... what if she snaps and gets aggresive? She seems sweet as can be but I am just concerned. Watcha think??

P.S - the pitbull is gonna be fine after some major treatment... she has almost all of her backside burnt down to the muscle but they are working hard on her and she is happy and licks your face if you'll let her... she has a great chance at being someone's forever doggie

I call EVERY day just to complain and voice my frustrations at this point. What gets me is no one calls back - it's like I call and thats as far as it goes. I contacted the local news, nothing yet.

I actually hand wrote the mayor and the board of health so far no response.

* on a lighter note - hubby says I should go bust down a door and put some bleach and stuff in the house and call MAC again and tell them people are making meth in there. LOL. Indiana does not take meth labs lightly so I might get some response then*

I am also half tempted to find out who owns the houses and just offer to buy them and then bulldoze em to the ground and have the extra land for the kids and dogs. I guess I could try that and see where that gets me.

Let me talk to hubby at lunch time and go from there. Do you have kids or other dog's? Is she good around them?

I was wondering the same thing also in Indiana. I always have room for a few more, as long as I get hubby's approval. What do you think shipping would cost for her?

OK.... my ongoing dilema, we live in Indianapolis Indiana- in the city so there are alot of houses around.Current ly the houses on both sides of us are vacant  1has been for 4 months the other for 2 years and then there's another one directly across the street from us thats actually abandoned.  Heres dilema these houses are constantly in a state of disaster.. the one to the left of me people randomly dump their garbage in the back yard - we found a case of used syringes and bloody gauze and nasty rotting food and it's bad like you can smell it when you come out of the back door. I called Mayors Action Center they told me to deal with it - I said "no thanks I don't wanna die of aids " and i called board of health- they said the same thing  - i personally wrote the Mayor of this fine city - no response so i paid $80 to have someone come and remove the stuff so I would not have to deal with it, which I shouldn't have to I am a homeowner and pay my taxes and keep my house up and my yard and property look good and I am proud of it - I own my home scott free no more mortgage nothing at 24 !!! I have accomplished alot and feel like I have no one to turn to when i have a problem like this . But I am really worried about the safety of my kids and my doggies with all this going on...oh and 2 day ago we went away for a day came back and someone had dumped 3 13 gal. trash cans full of feces o some sort in the yard next to us. I apologize for being so long I just dunno what to do anymore... any suggestions?

I swear by baby food prunes - worked for my kids works for the dogs.Although usually it's the opposite I have to deal with seeing as how Scooby WILL NOT leave a trash can alone.AAHHH

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: One clay dane done...
« on: July 16, 2007, 03:26:35 am »
I totaly want one... in brindle please.. you just tell me where to send the money.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: One clay dane done...
« on: July 16, 2007, 02:14:19 am »
Are you selling them? If so how much?

My boy Scooby is much the same.People always try and rush over to him and their loud so he gets scared.He may be a big guy but hes not even 2yrs old yet. Some people think they know everything but no one knows better then the one who lives with them all the time.

WoW! What a topic.

Okay so my Lucy ( lab)will not eat unless we give her something to sit her rump on ( she refuses to eat like a normal dog standing up) so she sits (usually on pillows) while eating

Water with ice cubes

Scooby gets a small chicken 3 times a week boiled to the point of falling of bones and then the broth goes on dry food for rest of week

All trips are planned around what would be less traumatic for doggies ( like if my mom keeps them or they have to be boarded)

And last but not least we have installed a doggie door in our garage door ( and the dog door takes up most of the normal door)so that the dogs may come and go out of the air conditioning as they please. And we got automatic watering spicket outside( motion sensored ) so they can get fresh water whenever they want it while in the heat - I highly recommend this for anyone whos pooches stay outside in the heat, it has been wonderful and the dogs love it.

I dunno if it's with all labs.. but my girl Lucy, she has to be maintained all the time constant grooming and tending to... I hope they are prepared for what it takes to truly take care of that pup, I know I wasn't! It took alot of time and money to get her to the point she is now.She is a great dog protects "her" family and is sweet as can be and minds every word you say....but it took years to get her to this point.

It is truly sad when people get an animal just to get it - and know nothing about what it takes to take care of it. >:(

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